Other King Duties

Summary: Victoria gets very ill and has to stay in bed for a while. During her sickness she can’t care for their newborn son Antonio. Liam reassures her to take care of him and has to take him into meetings. How will the nobles react?

Liam wakes up early in the morning even though he could have slept late. As he wakes up he notices that his wife Victoria isn’t in the bed. He sits up and looks around.

“Vicky?” He gets up and goes over to the bathroom. “My love, are you in there?”

“Yes.” Then he can hear her vomiting.

“Shall I make you a tea?”

“No.” Victoria comes out and looks at her husband. “But cancelling my appointments for the day and take care of Antonio.”

“Of course.” He takes her hand and brings her carefully back into the bed. “I bring you a bucket so you don’t have to get up every time.” He strokes over her head.

“Oh my love. Your head is blazing hot.” He takes a thermometer out of the night table. “Open your mouth.”

After the thermometer signalises that it is finished he takes it out. “You have 39°C fever. I don’t want to leave you alone with that fever.” He strokes over her head.

“You need to; maybe Hana can come over and care for me?“

“I call her right away.«”Liam goes over to the window and calls Hana.

“Hey Liam! How can I help you?” The happy voice of Hana comes through the phone.

“Could you come over and take care of Victoria? She has high fever and I don’t want to leave her alone.”

“Of course, I am there in ten minutes.” They both end the call.

Liam goes in the bathroom and make a bucket of Victoria ready and stands it next to her bed. He sits on her bed side and strokes her head.

“Do you need anything?”

Victoria shakes her head. “Just sleep.” Liam kisses her forehead.

As he goes over to her bedside their son starts to cry. Liam puts on his clothes, for him it doesn’t make sense to go back to bed. His wife is ill, Hana comes over any minute and Antonio is awake.

“Milk is in the fridge.” Victoria murmurs.

“Thank you, sleep now, my love.“ Liam leaves the room but let the door open a little bit in case Victoria needs his help.

He goes over to their son. “Good morning, my prince. Someone is hungry huh?”

He holds Antonio in his arms and goes over to the fridge. While he holds him he warms up the milk. Afterwards he checks if the bottle is too hot and let it cool down a little bit. Before he is able to feed him, Hana knocks on the door. Liam goes over and opens the door.

“Hey.” He whispers. “Come in.”

“How is she?” Hana asks worriedly.

“She is sleeping, now. I just want you to keep an eye on her. Feel yourself like home. I have a meeting later, I take Antonio with me, and so you have time to take care for Victoria.“

“Where is Drake, can’t he take care of Antonio?” Hana asks.

“Drake is currently outside the palace and has guarding duties. He can’t leave it.“ Hana nods and smiles and goes over to the living room while Liam goes back into the kitchen and feeds Antonio. Liam sits down next to Hana with him on his arm.

“If something changes call me immediately, yeah?”

Hana smiles. “Liam. You are the first person I would call, but Victoria will be fine.”

Liam nods. “Sorry, I just hate it when she is sick.”

“I know, she told me how you were every time she had morning nausea.” Hana chuckles.

“Oh no. Why.. Why would she do that?“ Liam chuckles too.

Antonio touches the chin of Liam. “Hello my boy.” Liam looks down kisses the hand of Antonio who let out a giggle.

“He is the cutest baby I have ever seen.” Hana admits.

“Yes he is. I am so happy to be the father of this sunshine.“ Liam affirms and strokes the head of him and smiles. “I should bath him and change the diaper and put on some cute clothes.”

Hana nods. “If you need help I am here.”

Liam smiles. “Thank you but I can do that.”

“Oh.. I didn’t mean it like that.” Hana blushes.

“Lady Hana, I know I am just joking.” Liam chuckles and Hana joins him.

After he prepared Antonio for the meeting Liam has to attend, he says goodbye to Victoria and Hana. At the meeting all the nobles are standing around the table and looking expectantly at Liam who comes in with a baby on his arm.

“Excuse me gentlemen, but my wife got ill over night and I need to take care of our son. I hope you don’t mind me keeping an eye on my son during the meeting.“ Liam stands at the end of the table.

“Of course not, Your Majesty. We delighted to see your son, the Crown Prince of Cordonia.” A noble man responds.

“Thank you, Your Grace. You all may sit down.“

“May I ask how Queen Victoria is?”

“Yes, she just got an infection, like everyone does sometimes. She doesn’t want Antonio to get sick too, so I decided to take him with me.”

“And the Queen is alone?” A nobleman asks horrified.

“Of course not! I called Lady Hana to take care of my wife. And as soon as I am back, Lady Hana take care of her other duties.” The noblemen nod. “Shall we begin?” Liam says. He gets nodding as a response.

During the meeting Antonio makes noises sometimes and that lighten up the moods within all the seriousness. Liam is happy that no one said that it’s bad to have a child within the meeting where they discuss such important topics. And he will be happier to be back soon to his wife. He is delighted to have such supportive followers at the meeting. Liam had to leave one time during the meeting to change the diaper, the nobles took it with understanding and thought it’s great to see their King with his other duties – duties that are called ‘being a father’.

And Victoria? She is the happiest woman in Cordonia. She has a husband who takes his duties as a father as serious as being a king. She is happy about the fact she can relate on Liam whenever she is too ill to care for their son Antonio!

At the end she looks forward to the future with him and perhaps one day a second child, a little princess. But whatever comes, Liam and Victoria will make it work.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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