Our Better Angels

Our Better Angels

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not Mine.

Author’s Note- I have had this story in my head since chapter 2, believe it or not but I couldn’t quite figure out how to put it together, but it finally clicked. I don’t know what possessed me to pair these two, but I just feel like it works. I really like The Royal Masquerade and I hope to write more for it. I use male Hunter in this, not that it really matters. 

Rating- PG-13

Pairing- Renza x Annalissa

Summary- If Renza were a better person, a lot of things would be different.


If Renza was a better person, she would feel guilty for what she was doing. It was a thought that occurred to her the first time she added the poison to Livia’s glass of honey mead. 

But… if she was a better person then none of this would be happening. There would be no honey mead to poison, because Livia would be a bit player. Except that wasn’t true, even if only Renza knew it. 

Livia was as much a part of all this as Renza and while it was true she had not knowingly committed any action worthy of poison, she was still a threat and threats had to be eliminated. It was the rule Renza had to live by.

Besides, if she was going to regret anything, it wouldn’t be poisoning Livia, it would be the sleeping potion she had slipped Annalissa. It had cost a fortune, that potion. It should have been poison. But she didn’t have time for cantarella and a fast acting poison would draw too much suspicion.

Though… there had been other motives. As easy as it had been to pour the poison into Livia’s goblet, it would not have been as easy to do so to the other Everhart sister. Though there had certainly been opportunity…

“Where did you steal the wine from this time?” Annalissa asked with a giggle, her fingers brushing Renza’s as she reached for the goblet.

“I didn’t steal it,” Renza said indignantly, “I am a guest, after all, I just helped myself. After all, isn’t it the host’s job to please his guests?” 

Annalissa laughed, a melodious sound. “Of course, and who would turn down a member of the fearsome House Fierro?” There was a wistfulness to her voice, even as she lifted the cup to her lips.

“Soon House Everhart will be just as lofty,” Renza promised, her hand covering Annalissa’s free hand, “after all, the Queen has agreed to consider your petition, has she not?”

Renza was still amazed by the news, after all it had been a century since a new noble house had been introduced and many had considered the ranks impenetrable. But Annalissa was good at accomplishing the impossible. 

“Yes,” Annalissa said, a secretive smile crossing her beautiful face, “she and I have come to an agreement that suits us both.”

If Renza had known then what that “agreement” was, perhaps she would have found the motivation to slip the poison into Annalissa’s wine that night. After all, betrayal was a powerful motivation.

Would Annalissa have considered her actions betrayal? Perhaps not. For even with her, Renza had kept her true motivations secret. Trust did not come easily. But then, Annalissa had been just as secretive.

And in the end, they’d had the same goal, to secure the crown. 

But Renza hadn’t known. Not then. Not until the night of the ball. And even them she hadn’t really known. If she had maybe there would have been less hesitation. 

“Who is your mystery companion?” Renza asked, trying to contain the jealousy in her voice. Besides it wasn’t jealousy. She didn’t get jealous. To be jealous, one had to be attached and attachment was dangerous.

Annalissa laughed, “were you jealous?” Before Renza could deny the accusation, Annalissa continued, “no reason to be, that is my sister.”

“The scribe?” Renza asked in surprise. She had expected someone bookish and unassuming, not the masked beauty who had accompanied Annalissa into the ball.

“The one and only,” Annalissa confirmed, “I broke her out of the library for the night. And tonight is only the beginning, from now on she will be at my side.” 

“I suspect some at the library may object to that,” Renza pointed out, though she had long since learned that the opinions of others seldom stopped Annalissa. She would not have made it as far as she had if that was the case.

Annalissa shrugged, “it doesn’t matter what they think, If the Queen is on my side.”

“What makes you think the queen will intervene?” Renza asked with amusement. Kendra seemed fond of Annalissa yes, but she was not the type to give favours without cause or to indulge whims. 

“We have an agreement,” Annalissa told her, a secretive smile on her lips, “believe me, the queen wants Livia at court as much as I do.” 

It was an odd statement and Renza was about to press for answers when Annalissa squeezed her hand, “I will catch up with you later, it is time for me to see the queen.”

She rushed off before Renza could stop her and then the meaning of her words sunk in. Annalissa was meeting the Queen now and would do so in private. 

In the throne room. 

Renza knew the hour of truth approached and if Annalissa met with the queen now… She did not want to think it. And yet, she stayed where she was, making no move to rush after Annalissa and stop her.

Perhaps it was the smugness in Annalissa’s voice as she spoke of the queen, the secret hidden there. Or perhaps it was selfishness. Unwillingness to risk her plan or to expose herself. Because if she stopped Annalissa, the other woman could wonder why or even connect it with what was about to happen.

Whatever the reason, Renza stayed where she was, even if her heart felt heavier than it had in the years since her father married her off to a stranger.


Would it have felt so heavy if she had known then what she knew now? Renza mused, carefully measuring the poison and mixing it with the honey mead. 

If she had known the truth of Annalissa’s agreement with the queen, why Queen Kendra would welcome Livia Everhart into her court, would it have made the regret a little less? Renza doubted it, because that regret still lingered. Even as she set out to remove the obstacle that Livia had become.

An obstacle that only she knew about. And she would keep it that way.

The poison would guarantee it.

And then everything else would fall into place. The way it was supposed to the night of the masquerade. 

Almost everything.

“Did you have fun with Lord Hector?” Renza asked, trying to keep her voice neutral.

Annalissa laughed. “Does anyone have fun with Hector? He is so serious. But handsome enough.”

“I guess that is a good enough quality in a husband as any,” Renza snarked.

Annalissa reached for her then, “darling, I am not looking for a husband, it is just harmless flirting. It means nothing, you of all people should know that. But, I can’t exactly say who has really caught my eye, can I?”

Renza was silent, but she let Annalissa draw her into her arms. Of course they couldn’t go public. Her father would do everything in his considerable power to put a stop to it and there was also the matter of her husband.

“So I flirt with the Hectors of the world, who have no idea what to do with me and I spend my nights with you, my only love,” Annalissa assured her, “and it is not forever. Soon the Queen will hear my petition and grant House Everhart noble status and your father will retire.”

“And name Hunter head of house,” Renza said bitterly.

“But Hunter is much fairer than your father,” Annalissa consoled, “he will not prevent you from following your heart. Assuming I am what your heart desires.”

Renza wanted to give Annalissa that assurance, but the words froze in her throat. Instead she lifted her lips to the other woman’s, letting her actions speak where words failed her.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

She was so close to achieving everything, it had fallen into place. All except the fact that she was doing it alone without Annalissa by her side. 

The antidote to teh sleeping potion weighed heavily in her pocket, but Renza knew she would not use it. She also knew she would not discard it. 

She would not let Annalissa ruin this for her. She could not. But she wasn’t willing to let her go either. 

Maybe a better, stronger person would make a decision and stick to it. Cure or kill. But it had been long established that Renza was not a better person.

  • End 


Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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