Our Own Way

Our Own Way
By Misha

Author’s Notes- This is another birthday fic (so many April birthdays!) this one for @loveme Since she is the ultimate Seth fan, I just had to do a Seth and Kat fluff fic for her. Happy birthday M! I hope you have an amazing today and I’m so glad we’ve become friends.

Pairing- Seth/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Seth and Kat break tradition the day of their wedding, preferring to do things their own way instead.

Words- 615

There was a knock on the door of the bridal suite and I groaned. I’d asked for a few minutes alone, but apparently, I wasn’t going to get it.

I opened the door, trying to hide my annoyance, but it evaporated as soon as I saw who was on the other side of the door. “Seth, what are you doing here?” I asked him, placing my hands on my hips playfully, “don’t you know it’s bad luck?”

“You always tell me we make our own luck,” Seth reminded me, coming into the room and closing the door, “besides, we have a pre-show ritual.”

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck. “We do.”

“I mean, this is definitely one of those times I don’t want to screw up,” Seth continued and I could see the hint of nervousness on his face.

“You won’t,” I assured him, “and even if you did, even if you totally forget your vows—”

“Don’t even joke about that, Iowa,” Seth said, cutting me off, “I’ve worked hard on those vows, I’m definitely not going to screw them up.”

“Just don’t make look bad,” I teased, “after all, we’re not all award-winning screenwriters.”

“But you are an award-winning actress,” Seth reminded me, “I’m sure you’ll have the entire church in tears.” His expression softened, “and I know whatever you say will be straight from the heart.”

“It will,” I promised, smiling up at him, “We’ve got this. Everything is going to be perfect and even if it isn’t, it doesn’t matter, because we have each other and in a little while, we’ll be married.”

Seth grinned. “I still can’t believe you agreed to marry me.”

“Well you better believe it or you’re going to be in for a surprise in a few minutes,” I teased, “now kiss me, for the last time.”

Seth raised an eyebrow. “The last time? Is this going to be a ‘no kissing’ marriage? Because I definitely don’t approve of that.”

“This is the last time you will kiss Katerina Petric,” I reminded him, “the next time we kiss, I will be Kat Levine. Your wife.”

Seth’s eyes filled with heat as he leaned forward and kissed me deeply, making my toes curl. “I will never get sick of those two words,” he murmured against my lips.

“Me neither,” I agreed, pressing myself closer to him as we continued to kiss, Seth taking care not to mess up my hair or dress. I don’t know how long we stayed like that before there was a knock on the door.

“Kat, I know you wanted a few minutes but it’s almost time!” Teja called from the other side, “can we come in?”

“Two minutes!” I called out breathlessly.

“Ok,” Teja called back. I waited for the sound of her footsteps.

“You need to get out of here,” I told Seth, pulling out of his embrace, “before we get a lecture from Mama.”

Seth laughed and then kiss me one more time before heading towards the door. “See you at the end of the aisle, Iowa.”

“I can’t wait,” I said honestly. Seth slipped out the door.

A moment passed and then Teja and the rest of the bridal party came in, Teja came back in and gave me a knowing grin and I realized she must have seen Seth leaving.

I grinned back unrepentantly.

A moment later, my parents entered and everyone began fussing over me. I let them, feeling much calmer than I had before because Seth would be waiting for me at the end of the aisle and that was all that mattered. That and the life we were about to begin together.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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