Our Past, Present and Future

Author’s Note:  Here’s a little something I’ve had in my mind for over a month now.  I really wanted to explore more of how Liam and Olivia would operate as a couple, both from an emotional and a physical perspective.  This also includes a lot of buildup to help explain the story of their relationship.  


Olivia leaned her head back against the wall, inhaling the hot moist air deeply.  She had always loved the steam room, the sweltering haven had been a welcome treat after traipsing around in the frigid temperatures of Lythikos growing up.  However, normally when she visited the steam room at home she had been alone, or at least accompanied by other silent patrons, and not caught in the middle of some episode of Gossip Girl Cordonia edition.  It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy spending some quality girl time together with her friends, she was just rather … selective when it came to conversation topics.

Emma and Hana chattered nonstop on her left side, rambling on and on about the latest happenings at court, the aesthetic benefits of the new snail gel mask they acquired today, and whatever other riveting topics came to mind.  Olivia ignored most of their banter, but her ears did perk up when they began discussing the annual Cordonian Apple festival tomorrow.  It was the first time in three months that the entire group would be together, meeting for the festivities at Applewood manor.  Olivia had arrived via train just after noon, coming straight away from a Lythikos counsel meeting early this morning.  Emma and Hana had come in this morning and met Maxwell upon arrival to help with last minute preparations for the festival in Liam’s place.  And Liam … well, Liam and Drake had been detained for trade negotiations longer than they had anticipated back in the capital, but had assured their friends they would be there by dinner time.

Olivia sighed as her mind began to wander, and, as it always did when she was relaxed and nostalgic, it wandered back to Liam.  It had been almost a month since she’d been in the same room with him, and she could count on two hands the number of opportunities they’d had to be alone in the six months they had been courting.  As Liam acclimated to his role as king, without his father as his advisor no less, and Olivia picked up the crumbling pieces of her family’s legacy in Lythikos after her aunt was exiled … well, needless to say there had been very little time for dating.  But they had talked, almost every day … rehashing their political struggles or mocking the older counsel members that had proven to be challenging, they had come to rely upon each other as sounding boards and for support.  Olivia had grown used to their daily phone calls and flirtatious text messages, and she would be lying if she said that talking to Liam wasn’t the highlight of her day.  And tonight, after drinks with their friends, Liam had invited Olivia for a private dinner just the two of them.  “As much as I’ve missed everyone, what I’d really like is some time with just you.“  He had said over the phone a few nights ago.  ”We’ll spend all day at the festival with them.  I want you all to myself for one night.”  Just thinking of the invitation, and all the possible activities that might be included, made Olivia’s stomach flutter with excitement … not a feeling this fierce redhead was used to.  But with Liam … well, he had always had that effect on her.

“Olivia?”  Hana’s sing-song voice snapped Olivia out of her reverie.  “Are we boring you?”

“Yes, I haven’t heard a single sarcastic comment from that side of the room for at least 20 minutes.  Is everything okay?”  Emma and Hana both stared at their dazed friend with looks of concern.

Olivia responded with a fake smile.  “Yes of course, I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now.”

“Uh huh …” Emma nodded with a knowing smirk on her lips.  “Or maybe a certain someone on your mind?”

Olivia rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t quiet the nervous chuckle she emitted.  “Hmmm … maybe a little.”

“So are you excited about your dinner with Liam tonight?”  Hana inquired.  “I’m sure you’ve missed him so much.”

“I am looking forward to it.”  Olivia replied dryly.  “We have been talking every day, but we haven’t been able to spend much time together since we started … whatever this is that we’re doing.”  She shrugged, trying not seem overly enthralled at the chance to spend an evening alone with the man of her dreams.

“You mean, dating?” Emma said sarcastically before looking to Hana, the two of them giggling like giddy schoolgirls.

“Honestly Olivia, I haven’t seen Liam like this since…” A guilty look spread across Hana’s face as she glanced at Emma.  “Well, you know …”

Oh, Olivia knew alright … and while she had grown fond of Emma since she’d first met her, when it came to Liam she always worried that Emma was more his type than she would ever be.  Polite and friendly yet strong-willed, smart yet funny, and of course beautiful … “Yes, I know.” She replied curtly.

Emma saw the hurt in her eyes and placed her hand over Olivia’s to comfort her.  “What Liam and I had … it was just an infatuation.  At the end of the day, we just weren’t right for each other, and so the infatuation wore off.  But you two … “ Emma paused, meeting Olivia’s stare with a reassuring smile.  “You two understand each other.  You compliment each other and work together as a team.  Not all romances have to be whirlwinds, Olivia … sometimes two people just need time to grow up first before they grow together.”

“Hmm …” Olivia didn’t know what to say, she had never been one for this sappy business.  But she did appreciate Emma’s little speech, and her quick squeeze of Emma’s hand and grin was her best attempt to thank her.  But then she quickly stood up, clearing her throat as she attempted to change the subject.  “Well, if you’ll excuse me ladies, I’m due for my waxing appointment in five minutes.”

The other two ladies exchanged an amused glance before Emma responded.  “Of course Olivia, we understand.  You have to trim those hedges before inviting Liam to the garden.”  She gave Olivia a sly wink.

Olivia did her best not to smile, but she was actually rather impressed with Emma’s snarky joke.  It sounded like something she would have said herself, but she wouldn’t give Emma the satisfaction of acknowledging her statement when it pertained to her own, um, hedges.  So instead she rolled her eyes again, feigning annoyance as she turned to the door to exit the steam room.  “Really, Emma, I would expect a Duchess to be more couth than that …” But she couldn’t fight the slight tug at the corner of her lips as she walked away, leaving the two giggly ladies behind in a cloud of steam.


“I still can’t believe you’re ditching us tonight to go have dinner with Olivia.”  Drake stated in a flat tone as he stared out the window of their limousine.

Liam smirked, knowing that his best friend would most likely continue to give him a hard time about his feelings about Olivia for, well, what he hoped might be a very long time.  But underneath Drake’s grumpy comments and outward disdain for Liam’s female friend, Liam knew that he had actually grown to admire Olivia over the past year.  Not only had Olivia and Drake developed a sort of platonic sibling-rivalry type of relationship, consisting of playful banter and frequent pranks, they had also developed a mutual unspoken respect for each other.  Plus, Drake was relieved to see his best friend finally find his match … he personally knew the power that finding the right woman could have on a man and could see it plain as day on Liam’s face whenever he spoke about her.  It was just unfortunate, in his opinion, that woman happened to Olivia.

“I’m sure you understand Drake.  Sometimes you have to prioritize your lady before your friends.”   Liam chuckled as Drake grumbled something under his breath.  “You know, we haven’t had much time alone together.  We just need some time … you know, to really give this a shot.”

“I think I have a feeling what kind of shot your need to give her, Liam … and I’m not sure I want to hear about it.”  Drake raised his brow at his friend.

“That’s not what … I mean, we just …“ Liam stumbled over his words, trying to recover from Drake’s bluntness.  He cleared his throat to compose himself.  “Ahem, what I mean is we need more time one on one in person to make sure this is really what we want.  But I gotta tell you Drake … “ Liam shook his head and ran a hand across his jaw, his eyes wide as he prepared himself for his confession.  “I think I’ve fallen in love with her.”

Drake’s eyebrows raised and jaw dropped before he quickly pulled himself back together.  “With Olivia?  I … that’s great, man.”  Drake’s expression softened as he nodded his head in approval to his best friend.  They sat in silence for a few moments, both looking out their respective windows as the Cordonian landscape flitted by.  Then suddenly Drake turned his head sharply to his friend, cocking it the side and furrowing his brows in question.  “It’s the sex, isn’t it?  It’s gotta be.  I always had a feeling that redhead was fiesty between the sheets also.”

Liam burst out laughing, burying his head in his hands on his lap as he shook his head back and forth in denial.  “Drake, I see married life has turned you into a hopeless romantic!”  Once his laughter died down, he looked back to Drake with a lighthearted smile.  “Actually, I wouldn’t know.  We haven’t had the opportunity yet.”  He shrugged carelessly, fighting the blush on his cheeks as he looked back out his window.

“Well now I see why you’re prioritizing her over your friends tonight.”  Drake patted him on the shoulder in understanding and stared back to the passing scenery outside as they approached the outskirts of the capital.


“And so I told him that if he wanted to increase the shipping fees on the grains they ship out of the country, then I’m sure he’d understand the increase in our fees to offset the extra expenditures.  Knowing the Austrians’ love for the Lythikos ale, I knew he would quickly see reason.”  Olivia grinned proudly at her accomplishment.

Liam chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he rested his chin against his fist on the table.  He leaned forward, allowing his hand to graze hers softly as he reached for his glass of wine, eliciting a tiny spark of electricity as their flesh met.  Olivia’s eyes sparkled as he lifted his glass, her heart beating faster from just the slight contact.  “To you, Liv … to your strength, your wit and your determination.  After twenty years, you never cease to stun me.”  Liam tilted his glass in her direction and she met him halfway with her own, the clink of glass echoing as they raised each one to their lips.  Silence fell over them as they sat there, still adapting to being face to face instead of separated by miles and two phone screens.  Without a word, Liam nodded towards the balcony outside of his private chambers and held out his hand in invitation, which Olivia took gladly.  He escorted her to stand beside him at the railing, the palm of his hand resting lightly on the small of her back as they looked out across the Cordonian Ruby orchards undernearh the moonlight.

“Do you remember that time when I was ten and you were eight, I got into that horrible fight with Bertrand and Maxwell’s cousin Matthias that was visiting?”  Liam asked, bringing his wine glass back to meet his lips as he studied her.

Olivia nodded, her eyes crinkling at the sides as she recalled that spring day with amusement.  “I do remember that day … although I wouldn’t call what you did fighting.”  She chuckled fondly.

Liam laughed, both surprised and not at the same time at Olivia’s jab.  “Alright, alright … it wasn’t much of a fight.  Well, at least not until you showed up!  But in my defense, I hadn’t had many opportunities to learn the art of schoolyard sparring up until that point.”  Liam paused, looking back over the trees in reflection.  “Then you showed up, this scrawny little redheaded girl … you walked right up to Matthias and punched him square in the nose.”  He snorted at the memory, recalling the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces.  “He went right down.  No one was expecting it, especially not Matthias.”  He paused, glancing over to her as she looked out over the landscape quietly.  “I remember thinking how brave you were.  This girl, not afraid of anything, taking on a boy twice her size without any hesitation.  I was in awe of you.”

Olivia grinned, continuing to stare out at the horizon as she brought her wine glass to her lips and took a slow, languid sip.  Finally she spoke.  “I was trying to impress you, you know.”  She turned her gaze to meet his, noticing his eyebrows raise in question.  “I remember thinking what a kind and noble boy you were … You could have kicked that kid’s ass, easily, yet … you chose not to.  You played weak so that you wouldn’t have to be cruel.”

His eyes softened while she spoke, absorbing her sentiment.  “I should have known you’d see right through me.  You always did.  But then why did you hit him if you knew I didn’t want to?”

“Because someone had to put that punk in his place and I knew you wouldn’t do it.  And to this day, I don’t regret it.”  She grinned proudly.

“You’ve always been so tough, Liv.”  A whisper of a smile touched Liam’s lips, his hand instinctively reaching up to stroke his finger along her cheek.  “But I see the other side of you, too.  The softer side that hides beneath the tough exterior that few ever get to see.  And I, for one, think you’ve grown up to be a pretty damn amazing woman.”

Olivia’s breath caught in her throat, her skin tingling where Liam’s fingers traced over it as he leaned in closer.  He stopped short, his lips only inches away from her own, his warm breath on her skin … as if he were seeking permission.  Olivia closed the distance, covering his mouth with her own, a soft sigh in the back of her throat.

The kiss started out soft and slow, similar to the few kisses they had shared over the past several months, testing their boundaries as their mouths opened to each other.  But this time instead of not letting themselves get carried away, instead of breaking apart much too soon due to other obligations or responsibitlies … this time there was nothing to stop for.  And so they continued kissing until their lips were swollen and their breaths were ragged, finally separating to press their foreheads together as they steadied their breathing.

Liam spoke first, a tender whisper of a confession that he had been contemplating all evening.  “Liv, I know these past months have been hard and we haven’t been able to see each other often enough, but … but I think if we both want this and we really make this a priority that we could really have something together.”

Olivia smirked as she pulled his mouth to hers again, placing one long deep kiss to his lips.  “Why Your Majesty, I think you just want my help at your next round of trade negotiations.  You know all you have to do is ask.”  She beamed up at him with a wide grin, unable to fight back her happiness any longer.

Liam’s head fell back as he let out a loud laugh.  “You know, I probably could use your help next time … I’ll make a note of that.”  He peered down at her, his crystal blue eyes studying her expression before he spoke again.  “But what I was really saying, Liv … Olivia, is that I think I’m falling in love with you.”  He cupped her jaw in his large hand, his heart swelling as her eyes softened and she nuzzled her cheek against him.  He leaned down to place gentle, single kisses across her forehead- “And I’d like nothing more …” and down on her eyelids- “than to have you stay with me tonight…” along her jaw- “so I can worship you …” and finally to hover above her lips- “and make love to you all night long.”  And then he was kissing her again, his fingers kneading the flesh of her hips as she looped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

“Liam, as great as that all sounds …” Olivia panted her words between fervent kisses, her heart racing as she nipped hungrily at his lower lip and caused him to moan against her mouth. “I’ve been in love with you for twenty years, so forgive me if I can’t help but fuck you senseless now that I finally have the chance.”  She pressed her chest firmly against his body, her hands skimming the hem of his sweater before tugging it upwards and running her nails along the waistband of his jeans.

Liam growled with desire, swiftly gliding his hands down her backside and gripping the backs of her thighs tightly.  He pulled her roughly to him and lifted her, her thighs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carried her slowly inside.  “Thank you Duchess Nevrakis, I thoroughly appreciate your honesty.  Now let’s go see if we can make up for lost time.”  And then he was silenced by her kisses- rough, needy kisses that had been bottled up for years – as he stumbled down the hallway and carried her towards his bedchamber.


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