
Author’s Note:  After the fabulous TRR chapter two weeks ago when Drake stans had the opportunity to elope, @butindeed did me the great honor of requesting that I write a story from Drake’s point of view about the events leading up to the “real wedding”.  Of course I said yes, but it took me a while to find the inspiration and get this right since there is so much inner dialogue.  I hope that I have met your expectations my dear @butindeed, and thank you so much for entrusting me with this special request. 😘😘😘



Lying in bed that night, alone, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.  Perhaps it was my nerves, still high on adrenaline from the scare earlier that evening, that wouldn’t let me relax.  Usually the soothing sounds of the night outside my window would lull me to sleep quickly, but tonight every insect’s chirp or leaf rustling sent a jolt of worry up my spine.  I should be sleeping, I knew I should … tomorrow was the big day.  But I chuckled softly as it dawned on me … whatever happens tomorrow, Emma was already my wife.  I tried my best to recall the events of the afternoon but the details are hazy, a whirlwind of activity and emotions that all blended together to an overwhelming feeling of happiness … and then fear.  It was a day Emma and I would no doubt remember for the rest of our lives.

I remember the ride out to the cliff, the clip-clop clip-clop of the hoof beats along the trail while we continued our usual playful back-and-forth banter.  I would have expected at least one of us to be nervous by the gravity of what we were about to do, yet everything felt … natural, exactly as it should be.  The sunlight filtered through the canopy of trees around us, glistening off the dew on the leaves as we trod through our private wooded haven.  I kept stealing glances at her while we rode, my own way of pinching myself to make sure this was real … and luckily I was never disappointed.  She caught me one time, hopelessly entranced by her while she spoke, assuring me that this private wedding is what she secretly hoped for too.  She glanced over to me and did a double-take when she saw me, joking that she had never seen me smile so much before.  And to be honest, I didn’t even realize I was smiling, nor did I think I ever wanted to stop after today.  She merely blushed and grinned, her gaze focused on me for a long moment until she had to put her attention back on the trail in front of her.

I don’t recall much from our private ceremony, only bits and pieces that I will cherish always.  The view from the cliffside paled in comparison to this captivating woman standing before me, donned in a silky purple dress and looking just like herself, like the real Emma, not some dolled-up bridal Barbie.  The fact that she was willing to marry me on the spur of the moment in my own worn-in denim attire was a confirmation of her love in and of itself.  Maxwell gave a surprisingly brief yet thoughtful ceremony, but he left most of the talking to us.  Nothing formal, nothing rehearsed, just our heartfelt promises to each other.  I recited the feelings in my heart from the first time I realized I was in love with her, that I would always be her lover and her friend and protect her until the day I die.  In return, she promised to love me, every day for the rest of our lives.  And after all the doubt, the fear, the struggles of the past year, the thoughtful look in her eyes assured me that she meant every word.  She was mine and I was hers, forever.  She was my wife now, my family … my world.

Arriving back in town, no one was the wiser to our little rendezvous and thankfully Maxwell was able to keep quiet for once.  As we approached the others, she gave me a sly knowing wink and a gentle squeeze of her hand before reinserting herself back into wedding planning mode with the the others.  I was happy to stand back and observe the chaos from afar, satisfied with knowing that no one could alter what was already done.

As it always is traveling with royalty and nobility, it wasn’t long before the crowds around us recognized the celebrities in our entourage.  Amongst the flurry of admiring fans and praises, Emma and Liam greeted the crowd with their typical grace and poise.  And then I heard her scream, Emma’s voice raised to a thundering tone tinged with dread- “Gun!  He’s got a gun!”  Adrenaline and instinct kicked into high gear, and before there was time for even a single thought to cross my mind I had her wrapped in my arms, shielding her body with my own.  I cradled her head against my shoulder, her shoulders still trembling as we watched Mara and the other guards take the intruder down.

After that our fun-filled day of wedding preparation and laughter, of secret promises and stolen moments just for us … all of it was over.  We were quickly escorted back to the palace and shuffled off to our respective rooms, told to rest and prepare for the big day tomorrow.  With one lingering kiss and a reassuring embrace, I reluctantly watched as my new wife entered her private chambers … alone.



The moonlight danced along the rug, through the tiny space between the large plush drapes spread across the floor to ceiling windows in my room.  Outside I could hear the nocturnal orchestra of insects playing their soothing lullaby, although after an hour lying in bed listening to their repetitive melody I was still wide awake.  I suppose it was natural for a bride to feel restless on the night before her wedding, to be pouring over the details for her impending nuptials.  But that wasn’t it … we were already married.  Just the thought made my stomach flutter and brought a smile to my face, a reassuring calmness spread through my limbs.  Drake and I were already husband and wife.

It had all happened so fast … one minute we were tasting cakes for the wedding and the next thing I knew Maxwell had agreed to help us elope in secret.  And just like everything had been for Drake and me, all the unplanned and stolen moments in between, we found ourselves exchanging vows on a cliff overlooking the sea.  Despite all the talk about the big wedding and celebrating with our friends and uniting Cordonia … in that moment I knew that this was exactly how we were meant to be.  I may not remember every word that we shared, but the look in his eyes as I promised to love him forever, his thumb stroking my hand softly as I spoke … that will be ingrained in memory forever.

After that I felt like I was floating in a dream, going through the motions and making small talk with our friends when we arrived back in town.  Everyone was so excited about the wedding tomorrow, asking me last minute questions and discussing final preparations … yet, none of it really mattered anymore.  I kept sneaking glances at Drake, at my husband, as the others chattered on around me.  I was thankful no one relied on the groom too much in wedding planning because anyone paying attention to him would have been confused by the perma-grin plastered across his usually scowling face.  But glimpses of that goofy smiling man just warmed my heart, filling me with a sense of contentment I had never felt before.

The crowd in town had been welcoming, shouting their greetings and felicitations on the upcoming wedding.  It was rowdy yet nothing out of the ordinary … until the flash of light shining off the metal of the gun caught my attention.  I screamed out loud to warn the others and then chaos broke out.  Suddenly I was transported back to that ballroom, at the Homecoming Ball, a helpless target standing directly in front of a loaded gun … and just like in my nightmare memories, Drake came swooping in and shielded me with his own body.  No, not again … I can’t bear to lose him now, not when he’s really mine.  The tremors of fear racked my body as he clung to me and I stood frozen, unable to move.

I don’t know how long it took, how long he had been holding me, but eventually I heard the commanding voices of the guards as the culprit was apprehended.  Drake was whispering in my ear, stroking my hair … “Everything’s all right.  I’m right here, I’ve got you.”  I finally looked up just as the guards were leading the shouting intruder away in handcuffs, then turned to see Drake staring down at me, his eyes glossy and filled with worry.  I felt the streams of tears run down my own cheeks as I finally released the breath I had been holding in.  He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to … he reached one hand up to brush away my tears with his thumb, then leaned forward to press a soft kiss to my forehead before enveloping me in his arms again.

Exhaling a deep sigh, I rolled over on my side and stared at the empty space in the bed beside me.  My first night as a married woman, and here I was sleeping by myself.  I felt empty, incomplete, alone … and it all felt wrong.  I pushed myself to sit up in bed and slid from the sheets to stand tall, wrapped the silky robe around my pajama-clad figure and walked towards the door.  Tonight I refused to live by their rules, to follow their protocols.   To hell with what others think, I needed to see my husband.



How many times have I wanted to do this before?  Sneak through the dark corridors in the palace past the guards at their stations, past the unsuspecting nobles asleep behind closed doors.  And how many times did I talk myself out of it?  Fifty?  One hundred times?  But after today, after seeing the fear in her eyes, in my wife’s eyes, as they carted away the would-be assasin … well, there was nothing that could keep me away from her tonight.

I had been lucky so far, slipping down each hallway undetected.  There were guards everywhere, positioned at each doorway and a large group of them conversing with Bastien and Mara in the surveillance room preparing for tomorrow’s festivities.  But they were all so focused on keeping the intruders out, they thankfully didn’t seem to notice me already inside the palace creeping through the shadows.  It occurred to me that this was more than a little concerning, something I should probably speak to Bastien about … but tonight it had played to my advantage.  I neared the final hallway towards Emma’s room, looking behind me as I turned the corner- “Oof!”

“Unh!” Emma crashed into me, knocking the wind from my lungs momentarily as we each processed the situation.  She grinned widely, a look of relief and adoration behind her eyes as I beamed back at her.  She pressed one finger to her lips to hush me, grasping me by the wrist to lead me back to her room.

I rushed in and she closed the door softly behind us, pausing a moment to ensure all was quiet in the hallway.  I reached my hands to her shoulders, unable to stay away any longer as I softly slid my palms down her arms.  She turned to curl her arms around my waist, pressing her cheek into my shoulder and nuzzling into my neck as I wrapped her in my embrace.  I inhaled the scent of her as I held her close, the familiar fragrance of her clean hair and sugary body lotion that made me instantly feel like I was at home.  We just stood there for a while, wrapped around each other and swaying slightly in the darkness of her room.

She spoke first, a muffled whisper against my neck.  “I just needed to be with you, Drake.  I can’t bear another night without you.”

I felt the tug pulling at the corner of my mouth, sighing deeply at her confession.  I knew exactly how she felt.  “I know, Em, me too.  After today … I couldn’t sleep.  I need you beside me, I need to make sure you’re safe.”  The promises we made today echoed in my mind.  “Nothing can keep us apart ever again.”

She chuckled and lifted her head to peer up at me.  “We really are a bunch of saps, aren’t we?”  Her smirking grin faded to something softer, no longer humorous but full of emotion.  “I love you.”

“I love you.”  I bent down slightly to meet her lips with a soft kiss.  “Come on, let’s get some sleep.”

Curled up together under her covers, her head resting against my chest and my arms circling her protectively, I finally felt at peace.  It didn’t take long for Emma to fall asleep, her breathing slow and calm as she nestled beside me.  I couldn’t help but admire her as she slept soundly … this strong independent woman that had captured my heart, that had promised her life to me and finally made me complete.  My wife, my family … my world.


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