Outdoor Fun

Summary: The ES MC and Jake go climbing and look for the shelter on La Huerta.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 15 of #ChoicesCreates: “That was fun, let’s do it again sometime!”

We walked through the jungle, searching for the shelter. Lila had told us that we would find it if we hiked north for a few miles. Thankfully, there was no sign of the beast that had stared into my eyes the night before. I still felt shaken, but tried to focus on the task at hand.

Suddenly Lila stopped. “The shelter should be here! That’s what the signpost said.”

Jake pointed to a rocky cliff. “I’m going to check that out. Tactical Scouting 101, get to high ground.”

Quinn looked at us. “I think I hear a waterfall. Maybe the shelter is near it.”

Lila shook her head. “We should stay on the trail. The shelter is probably just a little further ahead.”

I spoke up. “Maybe we should split up.” It seemed the perfect solution. We could cover more ground and increase our chances of success. I knew where I wanted to go. With any luck, most of the group would have a different preference.

As if he had read my mind, Jake looked at me. “Want to keep me company, Princess?”

I looked back at him and smiled. “Sure.”

We walked away from the others and began moving through the undergrowth. A low branch blocked our path, but Jake easily slid under it. Following his example, I moved underneath the branch and focused on getting to the other side. “You made that look so easy, Jake. Have you spent a lot of time outdoors?”

He nodded. “Ever since I was young. I grew up in a rural Louisiana town. It wasn’t even on the map. The jungle’s not too different from the swamp, so I’m used to this kind of scene. What about you, Princess?”

“I love the outdoors. There’s just something about the beauty of nature. The blue sky, the fresh air, the sound of the waves…it just makes me feel good.”

Jake raised an eyebrow. “Is that why you came with me? In the mood for a nature hike?”

I thought about saying yes, but the truth was probably written all over my face. Besides, he could have asked any of the group members to come with him, but he had asked me. Only me. Maybe I was better off answering honestly. “Not exactly. I mean, I like hiking and all, but I really came with you because I wanted to spend time with you.”

“Oh?” He looked surprised. It must not have been obvious to him after all. I didn’t want to give too much away, so I chose my words carefully. “You’re different than the others. You know what you’re doing. You seem so confident and capable. I feel safe when I’m near you.”

We finally reached the foot of the cliff. Jake turned to me. “We’ll have a great view if we can just get up that cliff. You any good at rock climbing?”

I shrugged. “I guess. Well, good enough, anyway…I think?”

Jake bent down to give me a boost up to the ledge. I felt my heart pounding as he placed his hands on me, pushing me upward. We carefully climbed up the cliffs, grabbing crevices to maintain our hold. Jake reached the top. I pushed onward, almost there. I grabbed the ledge and pulled myself up. I walked over to Jake and stood next to him. From the top of the cliff, we had a magnificent view of the island. “This view really is breathtaking.” And I didn’t just mean the island. The view beside me was every bit as spectacular.

Jake bent down to get a closer look at something on the ground. “What’s this?” He brushed away some dirt, revealing a steel sign embedded in a stone. There was some kind of symbol engraved on it. “That looks like some kind of wolf.”

Suddenly I spotted a gray building down by the river. “Hey, Jake! Look at that! I think I found the shelter!”

He grinned at me. “Good eye, Princess!”

“I couldn’t have done it without you, Jake.” I looked at him, and our eyes met.

Finally he looked away. “Guess we should head back and find the others.” I nodded and began walking toward the ledge. Jake began to follow, then paused for a moment. “This was fun. We should do it again sometime, before I fly back.”

I looked at him and smiled. “I’d like that.”

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