
Author’s note: basically just adding a bit more of angsty to ILB Chapter 11, one of the best chapters ever written by PB. Kudos PB!

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios.



Imogen was being held back by two cultists, her scream piercing into the night as they watched in panic and helplessly Danni’s limb body being thrown at the lakes surface, just like it happened to Parker, just moments before. The girl had bravely refused to fall into the cultists threat of hurting her family and stood up for her friends, but Astrid’s frickin’ dirt monster threw her out as if she weighed nothing.

The loud splash of Danni’s body hitting the water reached their ears a fraction of a second later.

“No… Danni, she… she can’t be gone…”

Across the deck, a bloodied Tom was forced to his knees, a knife at his throat. Beside him, two cultists restrained Imogen, while she wept, her body shaking.

“This can’t… it can’t be happening…”

Astrid turned her cold glare into Julia, who was being pinned down onto the floor by Vincent’s weight.

“It’s over, Vance.”

“Stop your struggling, sacrifice yourself willingly, and I promise no more harm will come to your friends.”

“You wouldn’t hurt Imogen!” – Julia yelled, struggling to stand up with Vincent’s foot on her back.

“That is true, but would you be willing to risk this one’s suffering?” – Astrid asked as she strode to Tom, who was kept restrained by two other cultists.

“Tom!” – Julia screamed, panic taking over her as she helplessly watched Astrid yanking the boy’s head back painfully by his hair, exposing the column of his throat to the knife’s blade.


They knew it. They had left him to the end.

The one she’s fallen in love with.

The boy gritted his teeth in pain, but didn’t let being intimidated. His eyes locked with Julia’s, shining with determination and with something else.

I love you.

Just moments ago, they were in the yacht’s cabin, chatting as he patched her up, his gentle fingers touching her lightly as he tendered her wounds and scratches from all those fights that happened earlier that night.

She would never forget the embarrassment and confusion on his flushed face as he realised that he’s fallen for her. Just like she had fallen for him.

She still could feel his arms around her,  holding her gently and carefully, worried that he would hurt her if he held her tight in his arms.

He would never hurt her. She knew it.

And the softness of his lips on hers, as they kissed again, again and again.

I love you, Tom.

“Don’t do it, Julia! They’re lying! They’ll kill us anyway—”

The cultist holding him sank the knife into his flesh enough for a tendril of blood to deep down his neck, making Tom whimper in pain.

Bright red blood. Blood red. Blood.

Instantly, memories flooded back into the girl’s mind, paralysing her completely.

Memories of the day she found her parents. Dead. Murdered. The Society’s symbol her mom drew before passing away. As a warning.

She should have known.

Even though she never fully trusted them. She should have known. To not get closer. To keep Elliot safe.

The blooded symbol.

Blood red. Blood.

“What’s your decision, Julia?” – Vincent’s voice came from behind her, his foot still on her back, pinning her down onto the yacht’s floor, instantly bringing her back to where they were, as he approached her with calming and cautious steps.

“I… I…” – the girl stammered, seeing the blood soaking Tom’s T-shirt, who stopped fighting for a bit, scowling in pain. Julia noticed that she was already crying. – “I’ll do what you want!” – she yelled in desperation, as the cultist threaten to sink the knife into Tom’s throat again. – “Just don’t hurt him.” – she begged, big fat tears falling from her eyes.

The cultists eased the knife of Tom’s throat, and, despite himself, the boy breathed a sigh of relief.

“See? Isn’t that better? Now, you’ll behave yourself, won’t you?” – Vincent asked, grinning wickedly.

“Yes…” – Julia murmured, her body shaking.

But before she could reach to Tom, she suddenly felt Vincent’s cold hand closing around the back of her neck as he started steering her toward the prow and to her own execution. The girl almost willingly followed him, tears blurring her vision.

It was all over.

She was going to be executed.

Elliot had been kidnapped.

Elliot. Where he was?

She should had protected him. Kept him safe.

She should have known.

I’m so sorry, Elliot. I love you, Scooter. I’m so sorry.

Parker and Danni were thrown at the lake, no sign of any of them.

Imogen was restrained by a bunch of cultists, just like Tom, whose blood fell onto the floor, from the open cut on his neck.

I’m so sorry, guys. I’m so sorry.

It was all over.

“Julia!” – he immediately tried lurching forward to them, but the cultists held him back.

Their eyes locked. She could see the desperation in his eyes.

I love you, Tom.

“Shut up!”

Please… don’t hurt them…” – Imogen begged in sobs, taking deep shaky breaths, her beautiful face marked by her tears too.

I love you, Tom.

Julia felt Vincent’s nails digging into her neck, but she didn’t care. She had stopped fighting.

It was all over.

The man flipped the dagger over in his hand, its unforgiving edge reflecting the cold moonlight.

“We’re putting an end to this. Once and for all.” – his voice echoed through the night.

It was all over.

I love you, Tom.


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