
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Pairing- Seth/MC

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Kat accidentally walks in on Seth in the shower.

Words- 287

“Seth?” I peaked my head into his apartment. I had knocked a couple times but no answer and then had decided to use the key he’d given me.

Because he kept weird hours, Seth had the tendency to grab sleep whenever he could and it wasn’t unusual for him to fall asleep randomly in the afternoon. We had plans, so I wanted to make sure he was up. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d had to wake him up.

I closed the door behind me and glanced over at the couch before heading towards his bedroom. The bed was empty, though unmade.  I spied the closed door of the bathroom and realized that Seth was probably in there.

A second later I heard the water start, confirming my theory. I considered heading back to my apartment to wait, but the idea of Seth in a shower was irresistible and I couldn’t bring myself to leave.

Instead, I busied myself by making his bed. I had just replaced the pillows when the bathroom door opened.

That was fast, I thought.

Seth emerged, still dry, a towel tied loosely around his waist. He headed towards his dresser, seemingly unaware that I was there and grabbed something and then he turned and paused. “Hey, when did you get here?”

“A couple minutes ago,” I said, my eyes fastened on his bare chest. “I thought you might have overslept.”

He grinned. “Not this time. I just need to grab a quick shower and then I’ll be ready to go.” His grin widened and he stepped towards me, his nearness making my pulse quicken, and then dropped his voice to a low, husky tone before asking, “Care to join me, Iowa?”

  • End


Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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