




Content Warnings





Caught Up In You

Summary: Jade is worried if she cries, she won’t be able to stop. A little exploration into her thoughts and feelings during the recent chapter of ES Book 3. After the past few hours, all Jade wants is to fall into a deep sleep, to wake rested and ready, for whatever the next day has … Continue reading Caught Up In You

In Blue

Summary: An AU about soulmates, in which Seth and Audrey find each other. Audrey wakes the morning of her 18th birthday with a warm, tingling sensation over her right hip. It’s not unpleasant, exactly, just different. When she fully wakes up, the sunlight filtering in through the blinds, she realizes what it must be. She … Continue reading In Blue

For the First Time

Summary: Seth and Audrey spend a weekend away together. Fluffy/smutty (smuffy). “So, I was thinking, Iowa. Now that we’re no longer completely broke, we should go away for a long weekend.” Audrey is in the middle of her second cup of coffee when Seth brings it up. It’s fortunate, because they’d been up late the … Continue reading For the First Time


Summary: Audrey reflects on her first few weeks in L.A., and has a heart-to-heart of sorts with Seth. Audrey can’t bring herself to tell her parents she can’t fly home for her mom’s birthday. So she tells them she’s working, and though they’re disappointed, they both get a tinge of excitement in their voices when … Continue reading Warm

The Things You Find Online

Summary: Seth and Audrey accidentally discover real person fanfiction while looking at fan pages. Also, a disclaimer: no offense is intended towards RPF or RPF fans with this story. It was just a suggestion for a fic that I felt worked well and was realistic for this pairing. 🙂 In hindsight, Audrey thinks she shouldn’t … Continue reading The Things You Find Online

Take a Bad Day, Make It Better

Summary: Audrey has a bad day, and Seth cheers her up in a somewhat unexpected way. I know I said Monday sucked, but today is officially the worst. Audrey fires the text off, feeling a little better already just being able to say it. Well. Type it, anyway. She takes a sip of her coffee … Continue reading Take a Bad Day, Make It Better

The Real Thing

Summary: Audrey finds Seth asleep in her trailer. Pointless smut, let’s be honest. Set sometime after Seth starts working on the Tender Nothings script. Seth is usually fully engrossed in the script when Audrey heads to her trailer on a break, but today, it’s quiet, the familiar tapping of the keyboard absent. The trailer is … Continue reading The Real Thing


Summary: A moment between Seth and Audrey after her audition for Tender Nothings. After she gets over the initial shock of seeing Matt Rodriguez at her audition, Audrey manages to pull herself together (she hopes, anyway). She reads her lines, flirts with Matt’s character, and thanks Markus again. He waves her off, uninterested, and she … Continue reading Maybe


Summary: Seth isn’t answering his door and Audrey walks in to find him asleep. After Audrey locks herself out of her apartment for the second time in a week, Seth suggests they swap keys (after giving her grief for just how many times she’s managed to lock herself out since moving in, of course). She’s … Continue reading Keys

Just A Dream

Summary: A follow up piece to Keys, from Seth’s point of view. One Tuesday night, a few weeks after Audrey’s moved in, neither of them is working and they end up watching movies in Seth’s apartment. Audrey almost falls asleep on his couch, jerking awake when the music in a scene gets loud, and laughing … Continue reading Just A Dream

Comfort Me

Summary: Audrey worries about her last chance on set and lets herself lean on Seth. Audrey has cried once since arriving in L.A. It was her second night there, over nothing in particular. She was excited and exhausted and nervous and everything caught up to her all at once. So she put on a sappy … Continue reading Comfort Me

All We Need

Summary: Seth improvises when his and Audrey’s first date plans don’t work out. Super fluffy. Between their completely opposite schedules, it takes Seth and Audrey almost a month to find a day to have their first official date. They see each other, of course, but usually just for a few stolen moments here and there, … Continue reading All We Need


Summary: Set during graduation night. Chris and Natalie run into each other out at the bar. Graduation night doesn’t go how Natalie imagined it would. Since senior year had started, she’d figured it would be a night of celebration with her friends and family, staying up late into the night, and probably having an alcohol … Continue reading Promise


Summary: Chris and Piper get snowed in over Thanksgiving break. The storm hits hours earlier than predicted. It wakes Piper in the middle of the night, the wind howling and a bitter new chill in the air. She wraps the blanket around her and slips out of bed, pushing the blinds aside and peering outside. … Continue reading Unexpected

Fine By Me

Summary: Chris owes Piper after making her go skiing. Despite her protests, and reminding Chris that she’s not the most athletically inclined person, Piper agrees to go skiing. Well, she doesn’t really agree so much as gives in when Chris gives her that damn puppy-dog face she can’t say no to and promises not to … Continue reading Fine By Me