




Content Warnings





The Path Least Expected: Someone Needs A Happy Ending

Someone Needs A Happy Ending By Misha Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished. Author’s Notes- Another Dante fic! This one is a response to two requests I’ve gotten for him. One was for a “kiss that shouldn’t happen” (though I take liberties … Continue reading The Path Least Expected: Someone Needs A Happy Ending

High Slit, A The Royal Romance Fanfic, Liam x MC, NSFW

Tippy’s note:  So this fic went through some phases.  It was started around the same time as Lucid Dreams.  Then it sat there because I could not work around the ending.  Then I got a prompt that this fit, but still could not work on that ending.  I then featured it in a Six Sentence Sunday.  Then the … Continue reading High Slit, A The Royal Romance Fanfic, Liam x MC, NSFW

The Path Least Expected: Take You Away From Here

Take You Away From Here By Misha Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am finished. Author’s Notes- I was sent an ask theorizing about how it would be nice if Olivia had a male relative who was a modern-day version of Divavolos (since Olivia is … Continue reading The Path Least Expected: Take You Away From Here

“Pre-Show Jitters” – Seth x MC (NSFW)

Summary: Seth is nervous to return to the comedy stage, so MC (Jessica) finds a way to help him clear his mind. Notes: This takes place in Chp 14 (of what I hope is Book 1) of Red Carpet Diaries during the diamond scene if MC accompanies Seth to the comedy club. After saving up diamonds to … Continue reading “Pre-Show Jitters” – Seth x MC (NSFW)

“Late Night Swim” – Seth x MC (NSFW)

Summary: When MC (Jessica) can’t sleep, she discovers Seth in the pool and decides to go for a late night swim. Notes: For the purpose of this story, Jessica and Seth’s apartment building has an inner courtyard with a pool, although I don’t think it’s actually designed like that in the book. Jessica rolled over in bed … Continue reading “Late Night Swim” – Seth x MC (NSFW)

“Never Forget” – Kenna x Diavolos (NSFW)

Summary: Kenna and Diavolos reunite after he is freed from the dungeons at Stormholt. Notes: This story involves a headcanon that Kenna and Diavolos hooked up at a party about a year before the start of the books (I used the same HC in one of my other fics, Remember – Kenna x Diavolos (NSFW)). As Kenna followed … Continue reading “Never Forget” – Kenna x Diavolos (NSFW)

“Midnight Inspiration” – Ben x MC (NSFW)

Summary: While working late, Ben is suffering from a creative block so MC (Dani) finds a way to inspire him. Dani shifted in the bed, still half inside of a dream. She reached out in the darkness for Ben’s comforting form but her hand found only empty sheets. Dani opened her eyes, trying to make out … Continue reading “Midnight Inspiration” – Ben x MC (NSFW)

“I’m a Professional” – Seth x MC (NSFW)

Summary: After a long day on set, Seth surprises MC (Jessica) with a massage. Notes: This takes place after MC’s first day of shooting at the ranch in Chapter 11. I hope you enjoy it! Jessica settled back into her seat as Teja drove back to the studio. Between Markus’s constant rewrites and spending all day at … Continue reading “I’m a Professional” – Seth x MC (NSFW)

“Downmarket” – Seth x MC

Summary: Seth and MC (Jessica) share a moment on the rooftop of their building. Notes: This is a rewrite of the scene between Seth and MC at the beginning of Chapter 9. It bothered me that Seth referred to himself as being a “downmarket love interest” and MC just breezed past that comment … so I fixed … Continue reading “Downmarket” – Seth x MC

“Reunited” – Kenna x Raydan (NSFW)

Summary: Kenna returns from a trip to Lykos and her husband, Raydan, is eager to show her how much she has been missed. Kenna stretched out the her neck as Stormholt finally came into view in the glow of the setting sun. The trip from Lykos had been long and she was anxious to get home. … Continue reading “Reunited” – Kenna x Raydan (NSFW)

“The Kitchen Floor” – Drake x MC

Summary: Drake comes home and discovers MC (Riley) has devastating news for him. As soon as Drake opened the front door, he knew something was wrong. He could feel it. There was something in the air, something that wasn’t right. “Riley?” he called. “Are you here?” “Kitchen.” Her voice sounded weak, defeated. Drake hurried into the … Continue reading “The Kitchen Floor” – Drake x MC

“Hello/Goodbye” – Drake x MC (NSFW)

Summary: When Drake returns from a work trip, MC (Riley Mason) shows him exactly how much she’s missed him. Riley opened the door to the cabin and stopped; something was different. She’d expected silence when she opened the door, but instead she heard … water? Riley slowly put her keys down on the table beside the … Continue reading “Hello/Goodbye” – Drake x MC (NSFW)

“Early Risers” – Kenna x Diavolos (NSFW)

Summary: Kenna and Diavolos have a private celebration on the morning of their wedding. The sun hadn’t yet risen over the horizon, casting a pink glow across the sky as Kenna opened her eyes. She blinked away the haze of her dream, fragments already forgotten upon the moment of waking. She glanced around her bedroom and … Continue reading “Early Risers” – Kenna x Diavolos (NSFW)

“Like Paul and Linda” – Ben x MC

Summary: While Ben packs for San Diego Comic Con, he and MC (Dani) prepare for their first night apart since they got married. “Are you sure you can’t come with me to San Diego?” Ben asked as he neatly folded a pair of his pajama pants and set it inside the suitcase. “They gave me a … Continue reading “Like Paul and Linda” – Ben x MC

“The First Time” – Drake x MC (NSFW)

Summary: After finally confessing the truth to Liam, Drake and MC (Riley Mason) make love for the first time. The rain had just begun to fall as Riley ran across the grass towards Drake’s cabin, splattering across her bare arms and leaving teardrops on her blue gown. She stumbled as one of her heels caught in … Continue reading “The First Time” – Drake x MC (NSFW)