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The Sweetest Intervention – Part 2

Summary: At the hospital private room, Hamid and Daphne spend the day doing nothing but watching TV and talking. “Done,” Daphne beamed as she hung up the phone. “The jet will be here to take me back to Edgewater in three days, right after breakfast.” “Thank you,” Hamid enveloped his girlfriend in a tight embrace. “Now … Continue reading The Sweetest Intervention – Part 2

The Sweetest Intervention – Part 1

Summary: Emotions come to surface when Daphne arrives in Istanbul. A chilly winter breeze blew against Daphne’s skin as she stepped out of the hotel, trying to remind herself it’s improper to put her hands on her pockets or fold her arms. She looked at the busy avenue in bewilderment. She knew Istanbul is the biggest … Continue reading The Sweetest Intervention – Part 1


Summary: Feelings bloom and ugly truths are revealed as Daphne waits for news about Hamid. Warning: This piece contains psychological issues (cyberbullying, mentions of slut-shaming) which may be disturbing/offensive for some people. Reader discretion is advised. Edgewater, December 2018 Staring blankly at a wall, tears rolled down Daphne’s atypical pale complexion as she heard every word Yusuf … Continue reading Patience

Every Little Thing

Summary: Rafael and MC (Elise) and their way back to each other. Note: I am very much not a fan of the current Rafael storyline. This is my take on what happened between him and MC, and a resolution, because I had to fix this nonsense. The air is cold and biting against Elise’s skin when … Continue reading Every Little Thing


Summary: Ignoring her instincts won’t be an easy task for Daphne Based on the music prompt: I’m Not Okay Winter season is a busy time at Edgewater, but unlike the other members of her family, Daphne didn’t join any social events with nobility. After she stepped down from public activities as a noblewoman, her father was encouraged … Continue reading Intuition

From Lovers To Something Else – Part 4

Summary: Daphne returns home for winter break, but unexpected events await her. Based on the music prompt: Tell Me How December 2018 Smalls drops of rain fell on the windows of Edgewater SUV, blurring Daphne’s vision of the streets. After months away from British nobility, she thought she’d be anxious, but tiredness certainly was the most prominent … Continue reading From Lovers To Something Else – Part 4

[First Love Flashbacks] From Lovers To Something Else – Part 3

Summary: Daphne gets involved in another scandal and its consequences may change her life completely. Warning: This piece contains psychological issues (cyberbullying, mentions of slut-shaming) which may be disturbing/offensive for some people. Reader discretion is advised. Late May 2018 Mornings were quiet at the earl of Edgewater estate. Lord Vincent usually had a cup of Earl Grey … Continue reading [First Love Flashbacks] From Lovers To Something Else – Part 3

Family Legend

Family Legend By Misha Disclaimer- Not mine. Author’s Notes- And this is where I tie all my canon together. This is the technical end of the tragedy verse. I mean, I might write more stories, but this is where I always planned on ending the story. This ties together ACoR, TC&TF and TRR and my … Continue reading Family Legend

Guarded Hearts, Part 51

Summary: After a harrowing escape from the Nevrakis vault, the Unity Tour finally arrives at Valtoria. CW: threatening with a gun Notes: I used some of the original PB dialogue and bedazzled it a bit.  “You know, it occurs to me that this might be massively stupid,” Alice said as she followed Olivia through the secret … Continue reading Guarded Hearts, Part 51

[First Love Flashbacks] From Lovers To Something Else – Part 2

Summary: Daphne begins to understand distance isn’t the biggest problem in her relationship. Early May 2018 As the passengers began to disembark from the flight coming from Cordonia, Daphne rushed to the gate, excusing herself to pass through the crowd. Chewing on her nail, she glanced from the departures board to the arrival gate, her patience … Continue reading [First Love Flashbacks] From Lovers To Something Else – Part 2

Grabby Hands & Frosted Dresses

This is a rewrite of the scene in the courtyard with Bradshaw and Isabella and their little brats. I have used a lot of the dialogue and added my own flair. I’m borrowing Ellie from my Falling For You series, she is Olivia’s bestie and takes zero shit from ANYONE. (She bounced around in foster … Continue reading Grabby Hands & Frosted Dresses

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Izzy wants to avenge her mother. Colt wants answers for his father. A common goal might unite them both. *these characters belong to Choices game from Pixelberry, not me!* Word count: 1,887 Izzy held out her Langston University hoodie for a moment, hoping that looking at the sweater one last time would affirm she was … Continue reading Like Mother, Like Daughter


Summary: Returning to his hometown makes Hamid nostalgic but in the best possible way. December 2018 Thick clouds painted Istanbul’s skyline in grey as the SUV turned left to avoid rush hour traffic. From the backseat of his family’s car, Hamid looked out the city and its people, resting his chin on one hand. Despite … Continue reading Infatuated

[First Love Flashbacks] From Lovers To Something Else – Part 1

Summary: The day Ernest moves to another country finally comes, but how will Daphne handle the distance? Based on the music prompt: Beautiful Things February 2018 Sunlight seeped through the sheer curtains of the window when Daphne turned to the side to go back to sleep. Sunny days are rare during winter in Edgewater and the Viscountess … Continue reading [First Love Flashbacks] From Lovers To Something Else – Part 1

Guarded Hearts, Part 50

Summary: It’s time for the Winter Festival in Lythikos! MC (Alice) is willing to use herself to lure out their attackers, but if she’s not careful, someone might just take the bait… Notes: I used some of the original PB dialogue and bedazzled it a bit.  The following morning, Alice was awoken by a knocking on … Continue reading Guarded Hearts, Part 50