Party Crashers

Party Crashers
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is a response to two prompt requests: tipsy kiss and Person A saying things that makes Person B want to kiss them. This is set sometime after the end of the series, once everything has been sorted out.

Pairing- Drake/MC, minor Liam/Olivia, Maxwell/Penelope

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Olivia’s bachelorette party has some unexpected party crashers.

Words- 870

It turns out Olivia’s bachelorette party was way more fun than Madeleine’s. It could be because I wasn’t desperately trying to find out who set me up. Or it could be because Olivia was less of a raging bitch than Madeleine, which, given my first impression of Olivia, was really saying something.

But Olivia had grown on me in the last several months and we’d become friends, of a sort. Enough that I genuinely laughed and enjoyed myself as we danced and drank and hopped from club to club. Another perk to Olivia’s bachelorette, there was no making her guests do all the work, we just stuck to a tried and true format.

At the last club, we had a surprise waiting for us. I noticed them first, sitting in a booth, waiting to be spotted. I nudged Olivia, “hey we have party crashers.”

Her eyes followed mine, a slow smile curving on her face when she spotted Liam.

Penelope bounced excitedly when she saw Maxwell. “Let’s go join them!”

Olivia held her back. “Not so fast.”

She turned to me. “Do you think we should reward them or make them suffer?”

I grinned. “Make them suffer.”

Olivia smirked, “I’m starting to like you and more, Amelia.”

I laughed, knowing that for Oliva that was a compliment. We moved to the dance floor, though Penelope kept glancing longing at the table where the boys were. Still, we kept her occupied and we moved to the music, pretending that we hadn’t spotted the boys. Kiara found a dance partner and Hana twirled Penelope around, making her laugh while I grinned at Olivia. “Ready?”

“You know it.”

The two of us began to put on a show for the men we knew were watching. The first song wasn’t even over when I felt hands on my waist, pulling me against a firm body.

“You keep doing that and I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and drag you out of here,” a familiar voice whispered in my ear.

“Is that so,” I asked, deliberately grinding against him.

“Grant,” Drake groaned, his fingers digging into my hips.

“I’m not the party crasher,” I pointed out, turning to face him.

He quickly trapped me in the circle of his arms. I glanced over at Olivia and saw that she and Liam were now pressed up against each other, dancing in time to the music. Maxwell had found Penelope and was spinning her around in circles as she squealed. The bachelorette had officially been crashed.

“Want to get out of here,” Drake whispered in my ear.

I shook my head. “Nope. I’m here to dance, if you’re going to crash the party, then that means you have to blend in.”

He groaned. “You’re torturing me, Grant.”

“No one invited you,” I reminded him. I cast my eyes around the club. “I’m sure if you won’t dance with me, someone will.”

Drake’s hands tightened on my waist and he locked eyes with me, before sighing in resignation. “Then I guess we’re dancing.”

I smiled triumphantly we began to move in time to the music. “You won’t regret it.”

“I could never regret anything that makes you smile like that,” he told me in a low voice, his breath hot against my ear.

I reached up and pressed my lips to his. I expected him to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back with a smirk. “We’re dancing remember?”

We continued like that for some time, the two of us moving to the music while Drake whispered things that made me want to kiss him but pulling back as soon as I did until I was ready to drag him out of there.

Finally, he pulled me off the dance floor back to the booth and I noticed the others followed suit. The girls ordered another tray of shots, which I drank happily while Drake slammed back his whiskey.

There was some idle conversation but the club was loud and the alcohol was starting to set in for all of us. Besides, it was hard to concentrate when Drake’s hand was on my thigh, creeping closer to the edge of my little black dress.

Maxwell was whispered something in Penelope’s ear and making her giggle while Olivia and Liam were gazing into each other’s eyes and Hana looked like she was drifting off to sleep. Kiara hadn’t even returned to the table.

“Now can we get out of here?” Drake asked me, his lips against my ear.

I nodded, not sure I could trust myself to speak. We stood up and quickly said our goodbyes and then Drake led me out of the club and hailed us a cab.

“Have I told you how good you look?” He asked, his lips against mine, the taste of whiskey lingering there.

“You must have forgotten,” I told him, my hands resting on the collar of his shirt.

“I’ll make it up to you when we get back to the hotel,” Drake promised in a low voice.

“You better,” I teased, “since you made me leave the party.”

“I’ll do my best,” he assured me, his eyes rich with promise and I knew that my night had really just begun.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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