Party Crashers

Summary: MC Natasha would have stayed home studying but her boyfriend Michael had other plans for her.


Natasha’s phone buzzed breaking her concentration as she worked to solve a particularly hard mathematics problem. She has been trying to solve it for the past 20 minutes and she had just began to crack it when the cheery ringtone interrupted her thought process. The annoyance that had initially flared dissipated slightly when she saw Michael’s name lighting up the small screen and grinning, she immediately answered the call.

‘Why hello there stranger,’ she quipped into the receiver.

‘I could say the same to you,’ her boyfriend answered and she could hear the smile in his voice. ‘Whatcha up to babe?’

‘Just finishing up another maths problem. I’ve got that test on Monday remember?’ She sighed.

‘You’ve been studying for that test all week,’ he stated before his voice took on a whiny tone. ‘Come on Tasha, ditch the homework tonight and come hang out with me instead.’

The offer was very tempting but she knew she really should be studying.

‘I know that face,’ she heard him say.

Natasha frowned. How could he know that when he wasn’t even here? ‘What face? I’m not pulled a face.’

‘Hate to break it to you but you are. The one you make when you’re considering whether or not to give in to I quote ‘whatever little scheme you’re planning Michael,’ he mimicked the tone she’d given him countless times, making her laugh.

‘Ok when you put it like that, I do sound quite ridiculous,’ she admitted.

‘Soo..,’ Michael drawled. ‘Are you in?’

She rolled her eyes ‘Alright, alright I’m in.’

‘Good,’ he declared. ‘Coz I’m outside.’

Moments later, after calling out a goodbye to her dad, Natasha skipped towards her boyfriend who was outside as promised, enveloping herself in his embrace after pressing kiss to his lips.

‘You were right. I did need a break.’ She confessed, snuggling closer.

‘What can I say? I’m always right,’ he grinned triumphantly at her before leading her to his motor cycle.

‘Where are we going?’ She asked, as Michael affectionately adjusted her helmet for her.

He threw up his hands in mock exasperation. ‘How am I supposed to do spontaneous if you keep insisting to know everything?’

Natasha chuckled. ’Fine.. I trust you. Just as long as you don’t lead me to certain death.’

‘You know I’d never do that. You’re too cute.’ He smiled down at her, tweaking her nose playfully before they both settled on the seat and he revved the engine and they sped off into the night.

They’d been cruising for about 20 minutes before Michael guided the motorcycle down a small dirt road leading to the park. He cut the engine and Natasha followed him until he finally plopped down on the blanket he’d spread out on the grass.

‘I just thought I’d bring my girlfriend out for a romantic night of stargazing,’ he explained, motioning for her to look up at the sky.

It was a clear night, temperature cool but not too cold and the wind gently ruffled the trees around them, perfect conditions for stargazing. Natasha was just about to settle down when something caught her attention.

‘Do you hear that?’ She nudged him. ‘It almost sounds like music?’

Michael frowned once before sitting up. ‘Yeah. Sounds like someone’s having a party. Wanna check it out?’

Natasha raised her brows at his words. ‘You mean like crash the party? What is we get thrown out?’

‘Don’t worry,’ Michael waved her concern away, getting to his feet and holding out a hand to her. ‘Half the fun of crashing a party is getting thrown out.’

‘I have literally never heard that before,’ she countered unimpressed, staring at his outstretched hand.

‘Maybe coz you’ve never crashed a party before,’ he replied cheekily. ‘Come on, it’ll be fun.’ With that, he sauntered off in the direction of the music and after a beat Natasha followed.

The party turned out to be a outdoor wedding reception, held under a giant white canopy where attendees were already burning up the dance floor. Lanterns and torches lined the border, casting a golden glow on the scene. The dancing figures caught Natasha’s eye and she tugged slightly on Michael’s hand.

‘Is it me or are those grass skirt that people are wearing?’

‘Looks to me like some sort of Hawaiian themed wedding.’ Michael deduced after following her gaze. He squeezed her hand. ‘Come on, shall we show them how its done?

She stared at him. ‘Are you serious? We’ll get thrown out immediately when they see we’re not dressed the same as everyone else!’

He scrunched up his face, making as if he was calculating something very serious before turning back to her. ‘Nahh by my calculations we could have up to 10 minutes before that happens.’

A grin broke out on her face. ‘I suppose I can’t argue with those odds can I?’

Natasha lead him into the crowd where they danced to several upbeat songs together before a slower number came on. Michael smirked at her before arranging their limbs for the waltz and as he gracefully guided them across the floor, Natasha couldn’t restrain the smile on her face.

‘What is it?’ Michael asked, noticing her expression.

‘Nothing. I’m just glad you convinced me to do this,’ she replied.

‘Happy to oblige,’ he whispered back and leaned down to kiss her deeply.

‘You’re crazy.’ She laughed when they pulled apart.

‘You bet I am. Crazy about you.’ He grinned as she rolled her eyes at his cheesiness. ‘Just be ready to run in a second.’ He nodded to the two bouncers who were headed towards them.

As he’d predicted, they did get thrown out. This sure beat staying at home though, Natasha reflected as they ran away hand in hand.

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