Party Shenanigans

Summary: Audrey, with Nicole’s help, plays a prank on Leo at his bachelor party at the waterpark.

Author’s note: This was written for Playchoices Femslash Week.

Nicole stepped out of the water, then turned back to look at Audrey. “Are you about ready to go?”

“I guess.” Audrey got out and headed over to Nicole. “It’s too bad I didn’t bring the camera. It would have been great to film the bachelor and bachelorette parties.”

“Yes, but it’s probably just as well. Cameras and waterparks don’t really mix.” Nicole reached for her dress.

“True.” Audrey grinned. “Hey, Leo has a sense of humor, doesn’t he?”

“Probably. He’s adventurous, and he looks like he’s having a lot of fun.” Nicole pulled her dress over her head, then looked at Audrey. “Why, what are you up to?”

Audrey scanned the room, looking at the piles of clothes. “Do you know what he was wearing tonight?”

Nicole pointed to a brown leather jacket. “That’s his jacket over there.”

“Come with me.” Audrey picked up her dress and shoes, then headed towards Leo’s jacket. “Stand in front of me, OK?” Audrey bent down and began to rummage through Leo’s clothes. She then stood and, carrying her clothing, began to walk away. “Let’s go to the ladies’ room.”

Nicole followed Audrey into the rest room. “What’s going on? What did you do?”

Audrey set her clothes down on the counter by the sink, then held up Leo’s pants. “He’ll never think to look for these in here.”

Nicole’s mouth dropped open, and then she began to giggle. “You really have nerve.”

“And you love that about me.” Audrey folded up the pants and tucked them into the corner of the counter, then put on her dress and shoes. “Let’s see how long it takes for him to notice they’re missing.”

They exited the ladies’ room and looked around the waterpark. The party was winding down, and people were gathering up their clothing. Leo and his fiancée were lingering in the hot tub.

“Are you two going to stay in there all night?” Alex called out to his sister and Leo. They stood up, got out of the hot tub, and went to get their clothing.

“Hey, where are my pants?” Leo began looking through the nearby piles of clothing. As he searched throughout the waterpark, Audrey put her hand over her mouth to suppress her giggles.

“You look damn good without them!” his fiancée shouted to him.

Nicole laughed. “I think my sister’s feeling those drinks.”

Audrey nodded as she burst into laughter. She motioned toward the door, and Nicole followed her outside the waterpark.

Audrey and Nicole collapsed into laughter for several minutes. When they began to calm down, Nicole took out her cell phone. “We can’t let Leo leave with no pants on.”

She typed a text message to her sister. I think I left something in the ladies’ room. Could you go check for me? She then looked up at Audrey. “Are you ready to go back to the ship? We could continue the party in my room.”

“That sounds like fun.” Audrey pulled Nicole close and kissed her. She then reached for her hand, and they began walking away from the waterpark.

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