Personal Security

Summary: Riley and Bastien talk about security, and about their relationship.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 44 of #ChoicesCreates: Non-Canonical Pairings and takes place after One More Night.

As Riley left the dining room, she thought about what King Constantine had said to her. She had already been worried about the danger posed by enemies of the crown. One of the reasons she had turned down Liam’s proposal was that she was concerned about being a target. She never expected him to make her a duchess. But now that Constantine had warned her that her position would probably attract the attention of enemies, she was more worried than ever. What if someone tried to assassinate her in order to seize the duchy? At least she would have some protection. Liam had told her that he would arrange for her to have a personal security detail, and in the meantime, several of the royal guards would look out for her. Still, would that be enough?

Once she was back in her room, she took out her cell phone and sent a text to Bastien. Can you meet me in my room? I need to talk to you about security. She received a reply quickly: On my way.

Not long afterward, she heard a knock, and when she opened the door, Bastien was standing there. “Hi, come on in,” she told him.

She sat down on the bed, and he sat beside her. “I guess you’ve heard the latest news. About me being a duchess, and that I’m not marrying Liam. You know how confused I’ve been about everything. I just couldn’t do it.”

Bastien nodded. “Does that have anything to do with me? I know it’s complicated, but I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of your happiness. I’ve already hurt you enough.” He lowered his head.

Riley reached out and touched his hand. “Bastien, I told you that I’ve forgiven you. I know you didn’t want to do any of that. You were just following Constantine’s orders.”

“I know. I haven’t forgiven myself, though.”

“Anyway, it’s not just because of you. I care about Liam a lot, but I just can’t make that kind of commitment right now. Not when I have feelings for other people too. You know Drake and I have gotten closer. But yes, what happened between us is part of it.” She couldn’t deny that she felt something for Bastien. The first time they had slept together, they had been drinking and were in need of comfort. But then it had happened again, when they were completely sober and in a much better frame of mind. “I was also scared that something might happen to me. I know Liam’s mother was poisoned. But King Constantine said that being a new duchess could make enemies come after me. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Liam said I’d have my own security, but for now a few of the royal guards would watch out for me. I was wondering if you would be one of them.”

“No one said anything to me about that yet. Liam still might not want me around you. He may never forgive me. But even if no one asks me to watch out for you, I’ll do it. I promise.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” She smiled at him. “I wanted to tell you something else, too. Liam said I could change the name of my duchy. I decided to call it Lykelia, after King Raydan of Stormholt. I thought it would be good to choose a name that reflects the heritage of the area, and since we both used to be commoners, it seemed like a good fit. Besides, I remember you said he was your ancestor. So I’m honoring your heritage too.”

Bastien’s eyes widened. “You’re amazing.” He leaned in closer to her and gently pressed his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss. When they broke apart, he looked at her tenderly. “No matter what you decide, I’ll always be here for you.”

“Thanks. That means a lot. I don’t really know where things stand right now. I’m just taking things as they come. Is that OK?”

“Of course.” He stood up. “I should go. It wouldn’t look good for me to be in here for too long. It’s safer late at night, when everyone is asleep. Just text or call if you want to see me.”

Riley stood up and walked to the door with him. “I will.” She pulled him close to her and kissed him again. “Bye…for now.”

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