pillow talk

summary: basically a whole lot of fluffy fluff after the ball
a/n: let’s pretend that the homecoming ball went super well, okay? great.

The Homecoming Ball ended hours ago but Hana still couldn’t fall asleep. The whole event was wonderful. She got to spend time with her friends and she and Maxwell were on the dance floor almost nonstop. She was truly exhausted but yet there were things still bothering her. She was turning from side to side until she finally had enough and carefully, not to wake Maxwell up, got up from bed to get a glass of water. With the drink in hand, she went to the balcony in hope that some fresh air will somehow help her.

About fifteen minutes later she went back inside even more woken up than before. She put the glass on the table and with a deep sigh, she came to the bed where Maxwell was waiting for her.

“You okay?” He asked as she laid down beside him.

His strong arms were immediately wrapped around her waist. It might sound funny but Maxwell’s arms were actually Hana’s favourite thing about him. So many times when they thought they had to hide their feelings for each other their ‘friendly’ hugs were all they’ve got and Maxwell’s hugs always seemed to make her feel better. She just loved the feeling of his arms around her.

“Yeah, I just can’t sleep.” She admitted.

“Is something bothering you? Wanna talk about it?” He asked again and place a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

“It’s okay, Maxwell. I’ll be fine.” She chuckled lightly turning to face him. “Besides I don’t want to take away your sleep hours.”

“Hana, by now you should know that I’d much rather talk to you all night than sleep.” He smiled fondly. “So? What’s occupying this beautiful mind of yours?”

Hana couldn’t stop herself from blushing. Somehow Maxwell always knew how to make her flustered without any effort at all. He was so naturally smooth and charming she truly admired it.

“I’m just a little scared of what will happen next? Now that the social season is over. I don’t know what does this means for me.” She explained.

“Does this have something to do with your parents? Are you afraid to come back home?”

“Oh, I completely forgot to tell you. I’m not going back. Dhalia offered me to move in with her so I’m staying in Cordonia.” Hana announced with a huge grin on her face.

“Really? Oh my god! Hana! That’s amazing!” Maxwell pulled her into a tight hug and then started to leaving kisses all over her face what makes Hana giggle. “I’m so glad you’re staying with us. I’d miss you so freaking much.” He added after a minute and kissed her on the lips.

“I’d miss you too. A lot.” She said placing a hand on his cheek.

“Now I have a reason to visit Dhalia even more often than I anticipated.”

“I don’t want to be rude, love but I think she won’t even notice. She will probably be too occupied with Drake, don’t you think?”

“I mean after all this hiding they’ll most likely be inseparable. But I’m not surprised and more importantly I don’t mind because that means I’ll have even more alone-time with you. And I could never say no to that.” He hugged her again. “And whatever is bothering you, you don’t have to worry about it. We will figure it out together, okay?”

“That’s more than okay, thank you, Maxwell.”

“I’m always here for you. And now, do you think you’ll be able to fall asleep or do you want to just lay here and talk more or maybe we can do something else?” He whispered to Hana’s ear.

Next thing Hana knew, Maxwell’s lips were going down her neck. His warm breath tickling her skin and his hands wandering along her sides. Instantaneously Hana completely forgot about the whole world. She felt like she and Maxwell were the only people on Earth. She let go of all her problems and worries and focused only on the man next to her.

When she first met Maxwell she was so overwhelmed by him. She wasn’t really sure what to think about him but with every meeting, she liked him more and more and before she knew it she fell for him and his bright and loving personality. And thanks to Dhalia and her advice after few months she finally decided to tell Maxwell how she felt about him and now they were here, cuddling, kissing and most importantly being in love.

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