Play to Win

Author’s Note: Can anyone deny that last week’s TRR book 3 chapter 16 hinted heavily that Oliam is going to happen?!?!?  (If Liam is not your LI, of course.)  I am SOOOOO excited for these two to finally get together, and I know I’m not alone.  After their sweet little dance in the chapter, I decided they needed another private moment together.  Thank you @jadedpixiescribbles for the request #45 “Make bets together” for Liam and Olivia, which prompted the idea for this story.  💕💕


Liam sat at the bar in the hotel lobby, sipping slowly on his whiskey neat and observing his companions as they conversed animatedly in the lounge.  Emma and Hana were giggling like schoolgirls, whispering in each other’s ears and shaking their heads in agreement.  He saw the look in Emma’s eyes as she glanced up and met Drake’s stare, an unmistakable smile spreading across her lips.  And Drake … standing between Maxwell and Bertrand who were deep in conversation, but he didn’t seem to hear them.  Liam had never seen his best friend look more content in his life.  He was lost in Emma’s deep blue orbs, his own eyes crinkling at the sides with affection and his mouth tugging upwards at the side.    Amongst the crowd and conversations, the couple saw only each other.

This is how it’s suspposed to be, Liam thought with a feeling that could only be described as bittersweet.  He had already acknowledged that the enchanting American woman and his surly best friend loved each other deeply … but now, seeing with his own eyes the pure adoration in their shared gaze, he finally realized that he was happy for them.  And he needed to move on.  He stood from the barstool and dropped a few bills on the counter for the bartender, grabbed his drink and made his way towards the casino.

He entered the ornate room, absorbing the bright lights and loud chimes of the slot machines as he surveyed the room.  The room bustled with patrons, all of them enthralled in the festivities, and for once the King was thankful to go unnoticed as he explored the scene.

He walked past the various games, first stopping in front of the craps table.  His mind wandered to the scavenger hunt earlier, an immediate reminder of Emma’s resonating laugh as they’d retrieved the royal crown.  He smiled fondly at the memory but quickly moved on, seeking a better distraction.

But instead the distraction found him, the tall fiery redhead approaching him with a dirty martini in one hand and a mischievous gleam in her emerald eyes.  Olivia gave him a smug grin and he couldn’t fight the knowing smile he returned.  She turned her head from side to side as she studied their surroundings, Liam taking her quick distraction as an opportunity to give her an appreciative head to toe assessment.  He couldn’t deny that his life-long friend looked especially radiant tonight in her dark beaded gown, her creamy skin glistening under the blinking lights.

“Your Majesty, if I didn’t know any better I would suspect you were hiding out in here.”  She peeked up at him through her dark lashes as she took a long sip of her cocktail.

Liam chuckled at Olivia’s sarcastic bluntness.  She was never one to hide her true opinion.  “Not hiding out, per se … just ready for a change of scenery.”

Olivia gave him a devilish grin.  “Well in that case, let’s have some fun Your Majesty.”  She quickly tilted back her glass and downed it’s contents before taking Liam by the hand and leading him towards the blackjack table.

Olivia was quite the accomplished blackjack player, staring at the cards intently each round and calculating her next move.  Liam noticed the small crease between her furrowed brow as she contemplated her strategy, eyes narrowed in determination.  He admired the victorious smile after each round she won, a rare sight that he subconciously wished he could witness more often.  At one point she caught him staring when she glanced up, quirking her brow in amusement while Liam quickly averted his eyes to the table.  “Enjoying the entertainment, Your Majesty?” she quipped playfully.

Liam cleared his throat, a slight flush rising to his cheeks.  “This is very educational, Liv.”  He turned back to her and met her stare, a soft smile on his lips.  “But you need to stop calling me that.  You know I hate that.”

Olivia smirked as she studied the cards she’d been dealt, then signaling the dealer to deal one more before holding.  “Alright, Liam, but you’re up next.”

He shrugged.  “I hate to admit it but I don’t know much about gambling.  Never had too many opportunities in the palace.”

“Well, we’ll have to fix that.”  She thanked the dealer and collected her chips, then turned around to examine the various options.  “Follow me.” She instructed sternly.

Olivia passed by the various forms of gaming, muttering to herself as she crossed the options off her mental list.  “Poker, no … too cliche.  Ugh slots, juvenile.”  She halted in front of the roulette table, peering up at Liam with a twinkle in her eyes.  “Here you go.  Figured I should be gentle with you, since it’s your first time and all.”  And there was that wicked smile of hers again, the one that drove him crazy.  “Do you know the rules?”  

“I think I can manage.”  He replied confidently.  He placed a chip down on the table just as the dealer spun the wheel; $100 on black.  He held his breath, watching the wheel closely as the ball rolled to a stop.  32 red.  “Argh!” He grunted as he balled his fist in frustration.

“Try again.”  Olivia reassured him, her voice calmer and more patient than usual.

Liam tried again, this time putting another $100 on red.  He waited anxiously as the wheel turned round and round, the tiny ball flipping around sporadically until it settled … on 11 black.  Liam groaned audibly, pressing his palm to his forehead.

“You know what I think your problem is?”  Olivia chimed in.

“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me regardless.”  Liam replied in a monotone voice.

Olivia grasped him firmly by the shoulder and turned him to her, looking him straight in the eye.  “I think you’re playing it safe.  You’re playing from here …” she thumped him on the forehead with a quick flick of her fingers, “and not from here.” She pressed one palm against his chest, right over his heart, sending a jolt of electricity to Liam’s limbs.  “When it comes to gambling, if you’re going to play then you play to win.  Go big or home, as the Americans say.  Can you do that, Your Majesty?”  She emphasized the last two words, looking to provoke him.

Liam grinned at her and shook his head, not willing to give her the satisfaction of adressing her infraction.  He turned back to the table and picked up a large stack of chips.  He held them out to Olivia, arching a brow in question.  “Wish me luck?”

Olivia smirked and nodded, then leaned forward to blow softly on the chips.  As she leaned back her lips grazed his palm slightly, and for a moment Liam could do nothing but stare at her in stunned silence.  His mind traveled back to their dance earlier … the feel of his hands at her waist as they moved in sync, a shared moment that was much too brief.  He quickly shook his head out of his daze, focusing his attention back to the table.  “9 Red.”  He placed the $300 in chips down on the board.

The pair watched intently as the wheel began it’s turn, eyes never letting the tiny wooden sphere out of their sight.  Click … click … click .. click click.  Liam’s eyes opened wide in astonishment as he looked upon – “9 Red!” the dealer called out.  Liam pumped his fist in victory and released a small whoop before turning to Olivia and picking her up in his arms.

“Oof!” Olivia exhaled as Liam pulled her against his broad chest and twirled her around twice in excitement.  She didn’t even realize she was laughing until her feet hit the ground again.  Her expression of joy quickly disappeared, although her racing heart did not return to its normal rhythm right away.  “Congratulations.”  She stated plainly, but with an underlying warmth that could not be completely masked.  “You must be very happy, your first win.”

Liam accepted his winnings from the dealer and turned back to her, a childish grin spread across his face.  “You must be my good luck charm.”  His eyes lingered on her, unfaltering until Olivia shifted uncomfortably to glance towards the exit.

“Well, now that that is out of the way …” Olivia nodded towards the roulette table, “I believe I shall retire.  I’ve had enough of this adult amusement park for one day.”

Liam laughed out loud, the first joyful release he’d allowed all night.  “I can understand that.  But I think I’ll stay and play a few more rounds, now that I got that first time out of the way.”  He paused, studying her face, trying to detect any sign of emotion underneath her stoic facade.  “Good night, Liv.  And thanks for being so gentle for my first time.” He uttered flirtatiously before turning back to the table.

Olivia couldn’t fight the wide grin that captured her lips, and promptly turned towards the exit in order to avoid anyone she knew bearing witness.  “Olivia!” She heard him call to her.

She turned to look at him curiously, the blood still pumping through her veins from just moments ago.

“You know, you should laugh more often.  You look beautiful when you laugh.”  He paused, gaze never leaving hers.  “Good night.”  Liam nodded his farewell, then returned to the table.

Olivia scurried off, her cheeks flushed pink and that unbidden smiling again taking hold of her face.  She turned the corner to the elevators- “Unh!” She crashed head on into the cheerful little Chinese butterfly herself.

“Oh, hi Olivia!  We were wondering where you went!”  Hana noticed Olivia’s grin, a perplexed look on her face.  “Is everything okay?”

Olivia straightened up, face returning to neutral position.  “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

“No reason …” Hana eyed her suspiciously, then focused back on her mission.  “Have you seen Liam?”

Olivia floundered for a second before replying.  “Yes, I just saw him in the casino.  At the roulette table.”

“Oh roulette!” Hana chirped.  “I see our King is feeling a little wild tonight, isn’t he?”  She giggled at her own joke.

“I suppose so.” Olivia replied dryly.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve had enough of this circus.  Good night, Hana.”

“Good night!” Hana called after her before rushing off to the casino.

Olivia entered the elevator.  She wore a straight face as she rotated to the sliding doors, regarding as the large metal panels met in the middle.  She pressed the button for her floor and stood up straight, maintaining her statuesque posture as the elevator hummed to life.  But finally alone, she didn’t fight the tug, the slight pull, from lifting the corners of her mouth.


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