Playing Hooky

Summary: Why go to work when Drake can spend all his time playing with his three adorable kids?


The first rays of sunlight had barely filtered through the curtains lining the master bedroom of the duchy of Atlantea when Drake Walker felt something soft and squishy collide against his chest. Or rather two somethings. One set of chubby hands grabbed at his face while another shook him vigorously.

‘Daaaaaddy… Daddy wake uuuup.’

Fighting a smile, Drake feigned a huge snore and as he intended, soft giggles immediately filled the bedroom.

‘Daddy you’re faking.’

‘No I’m not,’ he answered, eyes still closed.

‘Daaaaa.’ That was the sound of a hungry two year old on the brink of throwing a whiny fit.

He sighed internally, hoping for a couple moments more of sleep, before running a hand down his sleeping wife’s arm. ‘Your son is awake.’

Elizabeth barely moved. ‘Before 8am, he’s your son.’

‘Daaaadddyyyy we’re hungwy…’ That was his daughter now, she barely whined unless she was really hungry.

Forcing a grin onto his face — he didn’t really have to force it at all— Drake opened his eyes to find two dark heads perched on his chest. ‘Why I think a couple of monkeys found their way into my bed this morning,’ he began slowly, sitting up and creeping his hands towards his children. ‘Guess I’ll have to… catch them!’

He lunged forwards grabbing his two year old son Cameron and four year old daughter Avery in his arms, showering down a barrage of kisses and tickles onto their giggling faces. They were only interrupted by Elizabeth’s loud grunt of protest.

‘Let’s leave Mummy to sleep and I’ll fix you two some breakfast hmm?’ Drake suggested, getting to his feet and taking his children by the hands.

Cameron glanced back at his mother’s sleeping form and stated as-a-matter-of-factly. ‘Mummy gwumpy.’

‘I heard that.’

Drake bit back a laugh. Elizabeth Richmond-Walker wasn’t known for her affinity with mornings but he didn’t mind. He was the one that usually got them ready for the day so she could get a few extra minutes of well deserved sleep. He loved having this special time with his kids, this bubble of calm before all the craziness of the day could begin.

‘C’mon little man,’ he tugged on Cam’s pudgy hand. ‘Let’s go check on your big sister.’

Darcy Rhea Walker was in almost exactly the same position as her mother, spread out eagle flat on her tummy in her bed, eyes fastened shut. Drake took a moment to savour the sight, feeling a little nostalgic as he thought of the day they’d brought her home. She had been so tiny back then and look at her now… They’d have to get her a new bed in a few months, her legs would be hanging off this one soon, thanks to Liz and his tall genes.

Hoisting Cam onto his hip, he gently shook her with one hand, ‘Darcy.’

His first born remained motionless so he tried again, this time eliciting a groan of protest not unlike her mother’s earlier.

‘Come on Darce,’ he cajoled, ‘Don’t make me let Cam at you. You know he’s just gonna jump on the bed until you wake up.’

‘Ugh Daaaaaad.’ His eldest child glared up at him. ‘Five more minutes?‘

‘Hah, I’m not falling for that one again squirt. Come on up, up. You’ve got that project today remember.’

She finally relented, inching her way out of bed. ‘Ugh fine.’

Drake dropped a kiss on her head as she shuffled past him towards the bathroom. ‘Good. I’ll be downstairs making breakfast. Pancakes, your favourite. And don’t even think about getting back in bed young lady!’ he called over his shoulder.

‘Here you go Avie,’ Drake smiled, passing a plate of freshly made pancakes to his daughter, flicking her nose as he did so.

Avery had been their miracle baby.  She’d been born premature with cleft lip and palate and for while things were touch and go with her. Thankfully it certainly helped when your godfather was a literal king and Liam had kindly seen that she’d received the best medical care possible. Four years later and one corrective surgery later, all that was left of the surgery was a small scar where they’d fused her upper lip together, she’d probably have that for the rest of her life.

It was all the more appropriate that her middle name, Sonam, meant gifted because she certainly was a gift to them. And she was quite gifted herself. At four years old, her drawings constantly littered the walls of her bedroom, playroom and both her parent’s offices and he could tell that the quiet, gentle girl had talent for music unlike anyone else her age. Drake couldn’t help but count his blessings for the most perfect little girl sitting before him

‘Thanks daddy,’ she chirped before digging in.

‘My pleasure jelly bean,’ he couldn’t help a smile. ‘You’re getting better at that. I guess those visits to the speech path are paying off huh.’

Avery had barely nodded when Cam decided to spray his apple juice all across his high chair. In the time that he took to clean that up, Darcy materialised at the table, dressed in her uniform and Drake immediately set to doing her hair as she dug in to her breakfast. Despite Elizabeth’s braiding lessons, he still had a way to go and had just secured her ponytail with a matching ribbon when his wife waltzed into the kitchen, dressed for her day of meetings.

‘Morning babe,’ he greeted his wife with a grin. ‘You’re looking well rested.’

She leaned in to give him a quick kiss. ‘Mmm no thanks to you last night.’

‘Hey you weren’t complaining at the time!’

‘Maybe,’ Elizabeth returned his grin as she stole a piece of pancake from his plate. ‘Are you ready Darcy girl? Your solar system project is already in the car and if we don’t leave in,’ she checked her watch. ‘2 minutes ago, we’re gonna be late.’

Darcy let out a yelp of surprised and shot up to get her shoes as Drake watched Liz shower kisses on her other two children.

‘Good bye kiddos I’ll see you later. Drake babe, Nita will be here soon to bath Avery and Cam. I’ll pick up Darcy from school and bring her home.’

Drake caught his wife by the hips and pulled her close for a kiss. ‘You know I could stay at home and do all that.’

‘You could,’ Liz replied. ‘But you’ve got those meetings with Liam about the developments today remember?’

He groaned. ‘Yeah how could I forget.. I’m sure I could get out of them’

‘Drake Walker don’t even think of playing hooky from work..’ His wife gave him a look before grabbing her bag. ‘Darcy! Car’s leaving in 30 seconds!’ She glanced back at Drake as she walked off. ‘I’m serious, don’t even think about it..’

Drake sighed and looked down at his kids currently having a mini food fight with bananas and syrup all over their face. ‘But you guys are adorable…’

Eventually he had to leave for work and throughout the full day of meetings Drake couldn’t for the life of him get the image of Cameron and Avery attached to his legs, begging him not to go as he made to leave that morning.

‘Say Liam,’ he caught his best friend as they exited the meeting room. ‘You guys can manage without me for the rest of the day right?’

The king of Cordonia frowned a little. ‘I mean I guess we could. After you secured that deal, I’m sure Bertrand’s got the rest of it handled. Something wrong at home?’

’Nah,’ Drake rubbed his neck sheepishly. ‘Its just… Cam and Avie looked so sad when I left this morning since I barely got to see them last week so I was thinking…’

His best friend nodded, understanding shining in his blue eyes. ‘I get it. Go on. We’ve got this.’ Throwing a thank you across his shoulder, Drake took off in the direction of his car.

‘- know baby but Daddy will be home late today. He’s got a very important meeting today.’ Drake heard his wife’s voice echo from their lounge room as he walked down the hallway.

‘He worked all of last week,’ Darcy’s voice replied.

‘An he’s neva home to play wif us!’ That was Avery now.

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah,’ Cameron gurgled.

‘I’ll see if we can call him to talk to him later okay,’ Liz tried to placate them as she entered out into the corridor almost colliding with her husband. Drake planted a deep kiss on her surprised lips and stepped into the lounge room. ‘Did someone call?’


Three bundles came rushing at his legs, wrapping themselves firmly around him as he let out a loud laugh. There was no meeting worth attending would ever replace the rush that he was experiencing. He heaved all three of them into his arms and spun them around as wide grins split their giggling faces.

‘But Mummy said you were at work?’ Darcy queried.

‘I know but I missed you munchkins so much I just had to come back early,’ Drake replied, setting them onto the floor again. ‘Now who wants to go on a picnic?’

They ended up having dinner out in the open wide estate of Atlantea, having ridden the horses down to the riverside. In the light of the dying sun, Elizabeth leaned into her husband as they watched the kids chased each other across the field.

‘Do I wanna know what excuse you gave to Liam to be here?’ She asked dreamily, tracing lazy circles on his arm around her waist.

Drake’s chest rumbled in laughter from where it was pressed against her back. ‘I told him the truth.’


He shifted to look at her. ‘Did you really think I’d lie to my best friend?’

‘You’re taking advantage of his fatherhood and Liv hasn’t even given birth yet,’ she quipped before snuggling in more. ‘But I’m glad you did.’

‘Daddy! Mummy! Look the fireflies are out!’

‘Guess that’s our cue to join them?’ Liz asked.

Drake pulled his wife to her feet. ‘Come on Mrs Walker, I bet I can catch more fireflies than you.’

She grinned. ‘You’re on.’



A loud sneeze shook Drake out of sleep and his eyes flew wildly around the room to land on his wife who was currently in the bathroom, rubbing her nose furiously.

‘I thig Ib sick,’ she mumbled, lowering the tissue to reveal her watering eyes and red nose. ‘My head hurds. Fuck I should hab listened to you bout wearing a jacket last night.’

‘I’d say I told you so but I have a feeling that would get me in even more trouble,’ he replied, coming up to her and receiving a glare.

‘And Ib got that impordand meeding wit dhe artist’s guild doo ugh. I’ll be fine,’ Elizabeth reasoned, sniffing loudly. ‘I’ll take something and I’ll be fine.’

‘Nuh uh Liz you’re sick. You need to rest babe,’ he replied, stepping into her path and giving her his best dad look. ‘You’re staying home today.’

‘But whad bout dhat meeting?’ She began to protest but allowed her husband to lead her back to bed.

‘I’ll get Hana to send you the minutes later.’

‘The kids?’

‘I’ve got them. Avery’s playdate at 10 til 3 at Penelope’s then Cam’s baby gym at 11.’

‘The charity dinner?’

Drake chuckled, tucking his wife back into bed. ‘I’m sure Atlantea will last one night without their beloved duchess. I’m gonna get you something for that headache then I’ll drop Darcy off. You just relax.’

‘Hmm okay..’ Elizabeth grumbled and was about to close her eyes when something else occurred to her. ‘Wait aren’t you going to work?’

‘Just relax babe! I’ve got this.’

Within the hour he had all three kids dressed, piled into the car and ready to go. Drake was just about to back out of the garage when Darcy suddenly yelled, ‘WAIT!’

He hit the brakes and they all jerked forward. ‘What?! What the hell Darcy!’

‘Daddy, Mummy said that’s a bad word,’ Avery put in.

‘Its Tuesday,’ Darcy exclaimed, eyes wide and expectant as if that was supposed to excuse her sudden outburst.


‘Its sports day,’ his eight year old burst out, wrenching the door open. ‘I’m in the wrong uniform!’

Moments later she was back in the car decked out in her sports gear and exactly 19 minutes later they’d pulled into the car park of Greenacre Private.

‘Bye Dad!’

‘Have a great day squirt! I’ll pick you up later,’  Drake made sure that she got safely inside the gates before turning back to the two in the backseat. ‘How about another joyride kids?’

Before Avery and Cameron could make their enthusiastic replies, a loud honk and a burst of colourful language erupted from behind them.

‘Jeez, we’re at a school for gods sake’ he shook his head.

‘Come on you two,’ Drake urged. ‘Quietly now.’

Realising he’d had a bit of time before dropping Avery at her playdate, he’d decided to pull by the palace to pick up his work laptop and together they tiptoed down the hallway to his office, in hopes of getting in and out unnoticed until-

‘Drake buddy! There you- You brought Cameron and Avery!’

‘Uncle Max!’ His daughter ran up to the other man who picked her up and spun her around.

‘Man why didn’t you tell me it was Bring-Your-Kid-To-Work day!’ Maxwell Beaumont exclaimed before setting down Avery and picking up Cam.

‘Its not,’ Drake replied. ‘And you don’t even have kids of your own Maxwell…’

‘Like that’s gonna stop me!’ His friend exclaimed, swinging Cameron around while making rocket noises. ‘What are you guys doing here anyway? Besides coming to see their favourite Uncle Maxwell?

Drake rolled his eyes. ‘I’m pretty sure the whole point of it is to bring your ownkids. And we’re not staying long. I just came to pick up my laptop then we’ve got a full day ahead.’

‘I didn’t know you were working from home today. We’ve got that meeting with the finance committee-‘

‘Yeah.. about that, but Liz is sick today so I’ve got the kids today.’

‘You know there are babysitters for that kinda thing right?’

Drake rolled his eyes. ‘Can you cover for me or not Beaumont?’

Maxwell’s face lit up with a grin. ‘Are you playing hooky Drake?’

‘Daddy play with us,’ Cameron put in, his little brow creased in confusion.

‘Ahh I see little man. I’ll cover for your dad so well they won’t even know he’s gone,’ He winked conspiratorially . ‘Maybe I should get a disguise? Or even better a decoy!’

‘Do whatever you want Beaumont,’ Drake replied, laptop now in hand. ‘Just don’t get me in trouble for it.’

His friend raised his hand in a salute. ‘Aye, aye sir!’

‘Looks like it’s just you and me now Little Man.’

Drake glanced in his rearview mirror after dropping Avery off for her playdate to where his son was happily munching on rusk.

He took a moment to marvel at how amazing the last two years had been since Cameron Ishaan Jackson Walker came into their lives. After two girls who he loved to death, he didn’t think he could be happier until the day Elizabeth told him she was pregnant again. That had been a surprise because unlike with Avery they hadn’t been actively trying and to be honest he’d been a little nervous about having two children within three years.

That all changed when the ultrasound results came through saying that they were having a boy. Drake had teared up at all the first ultrasounds — there was nothing like seeing the little life that he and the most amazing woman in the world has created together, growing inside — but from that moment on there was a special place in his heart for him.

When he came into the world, Cameron had certainly made his presence known with an ear splitting shriek befitting his middle name Ishaan — meaning master or lord. Everyone quickly learnt who was in charge the day Cameron came home, as coupled with his powerful cry and big hazel eyes he had everyone wrapped around his little chubby finger, Drake included.

Though Cam was still developing, Drake couldn’t help but see so much of himself in his son. His stubbornness and hardiness were especially highlighted during baby gym where he’d manage to manoeuvre himself up onto the most complicated structures. Drake couldn’t help but watch with pride as his son quickly outpaced the other kids his age in both size and abilities and for a moment wished he could slow down time just so he could savour the time with him more.

At this rate, I’ll never be going back to work, he thought wistfully to himself as he strapped the two year old in before doing the school run.

Once everyone was home, after dinner it was time for his favourite part of the day: bath time.

‘Mr Shark is coming closer, closer, clooooooser,’ Drake quipped, inching the shark toy towards Cameron and Avery who were pressed against one side of the tub.

‘He’s coming to eat your TOES!’ He lunged the toy at them, pretending to munch on their tiny digits as squeals of laughter filled the bathroom.

‘Having fun you three?’

Drake turned around to see his wife standing in the doorway, wrapped in her dressing gown, smiling down at them.

‘Mummy!’ The kids cried in unison, reaching their little hands towards her. ‘Daddy’s got Mr Shark on us!’

‘Is that so?’ She knelt down beside the tub. ‘Good thing I have the magical protection dolphin!’ Elizabeth whipped out another toy from the basket on the ledge and thus began an epic battle between the two.

‘Feeling better babe?’ Drake asked after the magical protection dolphin’s triumph.

His wife gave him a grateful smile and kiss on the cheek. ‘Much better. How were they today?’

He couldn’t help but grin in return. ‘Absolute angels. Avery’s play date went well and Cam dominated at baby gym today. You should see him Liz, I swear he goes for the biggest obstacles on purpose. I picked up Darcy from school – she’s in bed reading now. Helped her with maths. I told you I got this,’ he affirmed with a kiss on his wife’s head.

‘At this rate you’ll be a better housewife than me!’ Elizabeth chuckled as they each picked up a child to put to bed.

Drake took a moment to ponder her joke. ‘You know I wouldn’t mind it all that much… I mean you’re way better at all the courtly stuff than I am…’

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at him. ‘ Nah uh Mr Walker. You’re not leaving me alone against all those crazy nobles. Who will I sneak out with?’


‘Morning babe!’ Elizabeth’s cheery voice filtered through the earpiece of his phone, filling their shared ensuite.

‘It must be a really good morning because for once you’re awake and out of the house before I am,’ Drake chuckled as he reached for the shaving cream.

‘Laugh it up,’ she replied sarcastically. ‘I’m calling to let you know that Darcy’s school rang. They’re pupil free today, apparently some pipe burst so they’re closing the school to fix it up.’

‘Heh she’ll be glad to hear about that.’

‘Tell me about it.’ He could practically see her rolling her eyes. ‘Hana sent me the minutes from yesterday,’ she continued, her voice taking on a serious tone. ‘And it looks like I might have to stay back late to prep for our trip tomorrow. Will you guys be okay to fend for yourselves tonight?’

‘Sure can,’ Drake replied as he jogged down the stairs.

‘Okay but just in case I’ve got some dhaal in the fridge that they can have for dinner tonight or you could whip something up?’ Elizabeth said before sighing. ‘I knew I should have made something for you guys this morning, I was up early enough.’

‘Don’t worry about it babe,’ he reassured her. ‘I’ve got this.’

‘Yep, yep, house husband of the year,’ she chuckled. ‘Nita will be there at 1 so you can have the morning with them then actually go to work for once. I’ll see you later. Love you.’

‘Love you too.’ Drake clicked off the call then stared at himself in the bathroom mirror, deliberating with himself. In less than 20 seconds, his phone was ringing again and this time it was a very apologetic Nita sorrowfully admitting she had to cancel today because she’d caught a cold.

‘Its alright,’ he placated her, trying to hide the grin that was growing. ‘Something must be going around… You rest up. I’ll take it from here.’

‘Morning munchkins.’

‘Hey daddy,’ Avery gave him a sleepy smile while Cam cooed from his cot. ‘You gonna work today?’

Drake knelt down beside her bed, pressing a kiss to her soft cheek. ‘Would you like it if I stayed home again today?’

‘Mmhmm,’ she nodded, wrapping her chubby arms around his neck and he nuzzled her gently with his nose, earning a little giggle.

‘What do you say we go fishing today hmm?’

His daughter’s face clouded over as she shook her head. ‘Daddy I’m scared…’

‘I’ve got you jellybean.’ He reassured her, gently patting her hair. ‘I’ll be with you the whole time and we’ll all be wearing life jackets. I won’t let you fall.’

Avery fixed her big brown eyes on him in a serious stare. ‘Promise?’

‘I promise.’

‘Dad! Dad! I think I got one!’

‘Reel it in Darce! You’ve got this!’

Decked out in matching life jackets, all four of them were seated on the jetty over the small river that ran through Atlantea, Darcy’s shrieks of excitement echoing off the valley surrounding them.

Watching the intense look of concentration on her face, her tongue protruding out from her lips a little, Drake marvelled at how quickly she’d picked this up. Darcy held a special place in his heart — he’d say that for all his kids because it was true, they did — but with Darcy he’d become a father, something he’d never thought he’d get a chance to be.

For a long time, he’d resigned himself to a lifetime of solitude but that all changed the moment Elizabeth had walked into his life. He thought he’d never be happier than the day he married the love of his life until the moment he’d his daughter’s first cry in the delivery room. She’d looked so small and fragile in his big arms and he swore on his life that he’d do anything to protect her.

Although she was a lot like her mother, in so many ways right down to the looks she gave him, Drake could see so much of himself in Darcy. She had inherited his love for the outdoors for one, and he was more than happy to indulge it – she could already put up a tent faster than he could, she was mastering fishing right before his very eyes and of course, in true Walker style, make the perfect s’more. He’d happily taught her everything he knew and he was proud to see her surpass him in no time. Darcy had recently taken up soccer, to his delight and most days after work and school were spent outside with him teaching her all the skills his own father had taught him. Drake had a feeling that wherever he was, Jackson Walker would be smiling down at them and he only wished he could have been there to see it for himself.

‘Hah!’ Darcy’s cry of triumph brought him out of his reflection and he glanced over to see her holding a small but impressive fish wiggling on the end of her pole. ‘Look!’

‘Great job squirt! Avie, Cam come see what Darcy caught,’ he beckoned the other two over.

Cam happily toddled up, barely able to keep his balance wearing the life vest while Avery inched her way forward, her own rod untouched, keeping a wary eye on the water flowing beneath them.

‘Come on Ave, its not that scary,’ He reassured her, reaching behind him to stretch out a hand to his daughter.

No sooner had the words left his mouth there was a small splash and he whipped his head around to see Darcy shrieking out her brother’s name and pointing to the water below them. Drake immediately jumped in after his son and in a matter of seconds had scooped him out. The current was pretty slow and the water wasn’t very deep but it must have been quite a scare a scary for the toddler as he began to yell loudly as soon as he was back in his father’s arms. He immediately raked him over for any cuts or bruises and when he found none, hugged the little boy to his chest, relief throbbing in his veins.

‘You’re okay little man, you’re okay,’ Drake soothed, unsure if he was talking to his son or himself. ‘Pass me a towel Darcy and lets pack up. I think we’ve had enough fishing for one day.’

That afternoon as the little boy slept on his chest, Drake gently ran a big hand over his back. If anything had happened to Cameron, he would have never forgiven himself. That was the same for either of the girls too. He glance at their sleeping forms tucked up next to him in his and Elizabeth’s bed. He’d gotten so caught up in the moment, that he’d lost focus and little Cam had almost paid the price for his mistake and he vowed never to be so careless again.

‘Daaaad did you find it?’

‘I think we’re out of naan bread squirt. Will regular bread do?’ Drake replied, riffling through the contents of their fridge, Cameron hoisted on one hip. The toddler had seems to have recovered from his earlier shock and was happily tugging on his father’s hair.

‘Ugh I suppose so,’ his daughter replied with a tone far beyond her age. Paired with an exasperated look and her freshly washed hair bundled up in a towel, Darcy looked a picture of Elizabeth. ‘And its just naan, not naan bread.’

He spun around to regard her. ‘Hang on missy I think I’ve got a few years before the terrible teens get here.’

‘I really want naan Dad. Can’t we just make it? Mum does so it can’t be that hard.’

Drake laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. ‘I think that’s a little above my skill level Darce.’

‘Please Dad. We gotta at least try. You’re always saying we can’t give up so easily.. Pleaseee,’ she pleaded with him, her big brown eyes taking a pathetic look before pointing to her brother in the high chair. ‘Even Cameron wants naan.’

‘Naan!’ His son announced happily, completely unaware that his oldest sister was taking full advantage of him.

Drake thought for a moment then conceded. ‘You kids… Alright Darce you find Mum’s recipe and I’ll get the ingredients. Avie watch over Cam.’

Forty-five minutes later, they were no closer to achieving their task than when they started.

‘Easy on the mixing Darce!’ Drake cautioned but it was too late and their third attempt at making the Indian bread exploded in a powder cloud that filled the air. He took a moment to survey the flour and yoghurt stained countertop utensils and more ingredients strewn around the kitchen. He looks down at their first attempt, a sorrowful bowl of stringy dough that was supposed to have been cooking on the iron skillet but had disintegrated on first touch. Avery and Cameron were perched on the high chairs, giggling as they played in the remnants of the flour with little dough people they’d made while Darcy… Darcy would need another shower as her damp hair was covered in the snowy powder as he was sure his was and Drake knew he had to admit defeat.

‘On second thought, I’ll just get you guys takeout. But on one condition..’ he looked each of his children in the eye. ‘We do not speak a word of this to your mother.’

‘You got it Dad.’ Darcy even had the gall to wink at him.


‘I’m calling Hana and telling her I can’t go.’

‘Babe we’ll be fine, I promise.’

Elizabeth fixed her husband with a steely look. ‘My son fell into the lake and now he’s down with a cold Drake. All while his father was supposed to be watching him. How can I just leave like this?’

Drake winced. His blunder was still fresh in his mind and it didn’t help that Elizabeth had been kept up all night looking after Cameron the night before her trip to Italy. ‘I’ll keep my eyes on him every second of the day. He won’t even sneeze without me knowing it.’ He cringed internally, realising his mistake too late.

‘He shouldn’t even be sneezing at all,’ his wife shot back, letting him know by her tone that he was not going to live this down for a very, very long time. ‘I can’t believe you would be so irresponsible Drake! How could you let this happen to our son? He could have drowned. The current could have been stronger, the water could have been deeper. One false move and he might have died!’

‘But he didn’t okay?!’ Drake cut in. ‘He didn’t! I jumped in right after him and got him out right away. He’s fine.’

Elizabeth stared at him. ‘Yeah sure he’s fine this time but what about next time? How can I trust you after this?’

He hung his head in shame. ‘I know. But I promise I’ll-‘

‘I can’t leave like this. They’ll have to manage without me,’ Elizabeth wasn’t hearing any of it as she riffled through her bag for her phone.

’No! Elizabeth don’t,’ Drake lunged for the device.

She had been preparing for this trip for the last month to negotiate certain tax reforms with on imports and if she missed this trip it would be a major setback to Liam’s overall development scheme for Cordonia.

‘You need to go to this. You’ve been preparing for so long and its just a couple of days. We’ll be fine. Cam will be fine. And I’ll-‘

‘You will go to work!’ She replied sharply, holding up a threatening finger. ‘And leave my poor kids alone. Nita’s all better and she’s medically trained so  she can look after Cam. All you need to do is take Avery to her speech therapy appointment and pick up Darcy from soccer training. Do I make myself crystalclear?’

Drake nodded solemnly and when Elizabeth deduced that he looked suitably apologetic, she held her hand out.

‘Gimme my phone and get out of my way. I’ve got a plane to catch.’

True to his word, Drake marched himself to the palace and resigned himself to a whole day of paperwork that had piled up over the week. He was about two-thirds through the enormous stack when his phone began to ring. It was Nita.

‘Your Grace, its time for Cameron to take his medication but the Her Grace didn’t mention where she’d kept it. I looked all over but I couldn’t find it.’

He slapped a hand to his forehead. ’Shit sorry Nita. I should have remembered I gave him the last dose before I left this morning. I’ll pick some up and come home now.’

‘Its fine Your Grace I can pick some up myself,’ the nanny began to say but was cut off by the sound of Cameron wailing in the background.

Drake’s heart sank a little at the sound, knowing that the little boy was sick because of him. ‘Its fine,’ he rectified. ‘I’m pretty much done here anyway, I’m coming now.’

Clicking off the call, he shoved the rest of his papers into his briefcase and was out the door in seconds.

Cameron’s pained cries reached his ears the moment Drake walked through the door with the medicine. Rushing into the kitchen, he found his son mid-tantrum in the arms of his nanny. Unbidden he immediately opened the medicine and measured out the right dose.

‘Oh Your Grace, thank goodness,’ Nita gasped, taking the syringe from him and guiding it to Cameron’s mouth. The screaming toddler refused to take the syringe, instead spraying it all over his matronly nanny.

Drake reached for the syringe. ‘Here, let me try.’

Nita gratefully passed Cameron over before ducking out. Drake cuddled his son, running a hand down his small back as he tried to reciprocate the soothing noises Elizabeth usually made. And it worked. In a few moments, the two-year-old’s cries had been reduced to quiet sobs and Drake kissed his sweaty forehead.

‘Its alright little man. Daddy’s got you. You just missed your dad thats all. Now lets try this again,’ he suggested, raising the refilled syringe to his son’s mouth.

Not long after the medicine had been administered, Cameron was asleep and Drake bent over the cot, poised to place him inside when his son gave out a small whine in his sleep, clutching his shirt, unwilling to let go of him. He sighed and settled onto the couch, Cam on his chest and his computer on his lap in the hope of getting through some of that paperwork.

‘Daddy, Daddy wake up. Nita said its time fer my appoime.’

‘Huh?’ Drake glanced around still in a daze not realising he’d nodded off himself until his daughter was shaking him awake gently. Cameron had disappeared, probably with his nanny in the kitchen by the sounds of it. Glancing at his watch, he shot up.

‘Dammit Avery we’re late!’

Fifteen minutes later, Drake was rushing through the halls of the clinic, painfully aware that he was at least fifteen minutes late. ‘Avery Walker. She’d here for her usual appointment with Dr Chang,’ he told the receptionist as his heart hammered in his chest from the exertion from running.

‘Dr Chang is on paternity leave but there’s a slot with Dr Windsor our newest speech pathologist available if you want?’ The young man informed him.

‘Yeah let’s go with that,’ Drake answered in relief, his life momentarily flashing before his eyes at the thought of how mad Elizabeth would have been if he managed to stuff this up too. He had barely dropped into the chair when-

‘Avery? Avery Walker?’

Drake picked his head up to see an attractive brunette with a clipboard entering the small waiting room, scanning the room until her gaze landed on him.

‘Ahh Duke Drake Walker I believe?’ She approached them with a pleasant smile on her face, her intelligent brown eyes sweeping over him appreciatively.

‘Um yeah,’ he mumbled, confused.

The young woman’s smile grew and Drake noticed a pair of dimples appearing. ‘I’m Dr Crystal Windsor. I’ll be running Avery’s speech session today.’

‘Nice to meet you.’ He had not been expecting a ‘Dr Windsor’ to be so young. Or attractive for that matter…

‘And I’m Avewy!’ His daughter chimed in, saving him from his awkwardness.

Dr Windsor laughed, a sound like tinkling crystal, befitting her name. ‘Of course you are. Now lets see how you’ve been going hmm?’

The young speech pathologist seemed to elicit the best responses from his daughter and Drake was quite impressed with Avery’s improvement in that hour long session alone.

‘Now make sure you practice those ‘puh!’ sounds Avery,’ Dr Windsor reminded her as the session grew to a close before turning to Drake, her lips curving up into a smile automatically, dimples on full display. ‘Your daughter has made impressive progress with that cleft lip. Better than most kids her age with that same condition. Regular practice of her sounds and phonetically sounding out words should see this improvement continue.’

Drake nodded studiously as he helped Avery with her jacket. ‘Thanks doc.’

‘Please,’ she placed a soft hand on his arm, her dark eyes dancing a little as they found his. ‘Its just Crystal. Here’s my card. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything at all.’

Catching her obvious message, Drake reached out and took the small piece of paper she handed him, nodding in thanks. ‘Thanks, I’m sure my wife will be in touch if we do.’ He didn’t wait to see her face fall a little and caught his daughter’s hand. ‘C’mon Avie lets go get your sister.’

‘How was training squirt?’ Drake called his daughter as she climbed into the car from the soccer pitch, receiving only a slam of the door in response. ‘That bad huh?’

Darcy didn’t respond, a dark look over her face and he decided not to push. Later in the night after dinner, Drake tried again, knocking on the door to her room.

‘Darce, what’s up?’

‘I don’t wanna talk about it,’ came the response.

He tried again. ‘Come on squirt, you know you can talk to me about anything.’

‘Go away!’

Drake sighed, wishing Elizabeth was here. She was better at handling things like this. He was just about to walk away when something occurred to him. ‘Okay you don’t have to talk to me but at least come watch a movie with us?’

‘But its a school night..’ His daughter’s hesitant voice came through the door.

The corner of his lips perked up. ‘I won’t tell if you won’t.. And we could watch Khoobsurat…’

There was silence on the other side of the door as Drake tempted her with her favourite Bollywood movie. Moments later it swung open.

‘The whole movie?’

‘Every second,’ he replied with a wink.

By the time the main protagonist, Millie had managed to knock over the antique suit of armour, Darcy was laughing out loud with her brother and sister. Despite the obvious language barrier, Drake loved to watch them laugh at Millie’s silly antics and he couldn’t help but see some of his and Liz’s relationship in the plot: The annoyingly optimistic stranger who basically irritated the dark broody prince into loving her and changing his entire outlook on life. Now that sounded familiar didn’t it?

Drake certainly wasn’t a prince but he was grateful to have his very own Millie and for the three beautiful children they had made together.


A loud drumming on the windows woke Drake up from his sleep and he glanced around in momentary confusion until it occurred to him that it was raining, storming in fact. Glancing down, his heart melted at the sight of Cameron sleeping on his chest with the two girls curled up on either side of him.

If only Elizabeth were here too, the scene would be perfect, he mused, lifting his arm lazily to check his watch. Precisely two minutes until Darcy had to be at school. Drake shifted, too comfortable to move. Ehh.. she can have the day off…

The rain was still pouring down just as hard when Drake placed a soccer ball at Darcy’s feet in the ballroom of the Atlantean manor. All of the kids had been fed and changed for the day and Drake had just managed to spring the truth from his daughter that she’d been embarrassed when one of the boys on her team – the goalie – had told her she’d never make the team next year because she ‘kicked like a girl’.

A bolt of fury shot through him but it was her pleading look that had kept him firmly in his chair. Drake was particularly mad because he knew how much Darcy loved soccer and how good she’d been getting recently in their practice sessions. He didn’t have the heart to see her give up just because some boy told her she wasn’t good enough..

‘I told you Dad. I’m not playing soccer.’ She told him stubbornly, crossing her arms. They were currently standing in the empty ballroom in the manor where Drake was setting up makeshift goal posts on either end.

‘I know I know. Just kick the ball squirt.’ Darcy gave it a half hearted nudge causing him to shake his head.

‘C’mon Darce I know you can be better than that. Try again.’ He took a few paces backwards. ‘Pretend I’m Brian. Kick the ball and try and get it past me.’

Darcy hesitated and gave the ball a sharper tap.

‘Darcy… I know you can do better than that,’ Drake cajoled. They repeated the exercise again with only marginally better results.

‘No I can’t!’ His daughter yelled, hot tears pouring down her face. ‘I’ll never be able to get past him.’

‘Not like that you’re not. Come here squirt.’ He motioned for Darcy to come closer and knelt down to get a better view of her face. ‘I’m going to tell you what my dad said to me when I was your age. He told me, If you want something, its up to you to go get it. It’s not always going to be easy, nothing worth having ever is. You’re going to have people like Brian tell you that you’re too small or you can’t kick hard enough. You gotta keep pushing Darce. Keep trying again and again because thats  you prove them wrong. Besides I know you’d love to see him take a ball to the face next week right?’

That made her giggle and when Drake was satisfied that she looked suitably cheered up, got to his feet and gestured for her to try again. This time her shot was much better and they continued to practice, Drake giving her tips here and there while Cameron and Avery cheered her from the sidelines.

Face set in determination, the tip of her tongue protruding a little from her pursed lips, Darcy wound up and with almighty kick sent the ball sailing high into the air in the direction of the goalposts. Her shot however went higher than anyone expected, grazed the old crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Everyone was frozen as they watched it swung wildly and a few shards came tinkling down.

Drake laughed uneasily. ‘I think you’ve convinced the chandelier Darce. But for safety’s sake I think we better take this outside next time.’ His daughter nodded in agreement but he couldn’t hide the sense of pride that filled him.

Like father, like daughter right? 

An hour later, Drake collapsed on the grass, all three kids following suit, landing on his chest as they panted hard to catch their breath.

‘I don’t know about you kids but I’m ready for a nap.’

‘Daddy nooooo!’ Avery whined. ‘We haven played puzzles yet or done hair or painted nails!’

‘Vroom, vroom,’ Cameron put in, slamming his toy car into his father’s side decisively.

‘Ouch okay, okay,’ he conceded then looked at their collective muddy clothes. ‘Lets get you guys cleaned up first.’

On the doorstep of her home, Elizabeth Walker was digging through the contents of her bag looking for her keys when something tickled her ears.  Is that… Darcy? She frowned, checking her watch. She should still be at school.Sure enough her daughter’s laugh reached her ears followed by the deeper sound of her husband.

Finally managing to getting the door open, she wandered into the house following the sounds and her eyes widened at the sight she found. Their lounge room had been transformed into a pillow fort palace, couch cushions and blankets strewn across the space. Darcy was laughing and jogging around the room closely pursed by Avery and Cameron who were currently straddled across on the back of their father who was on his hands and knees, rearing like a horse.

At the sight of her husband, Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open. Never in their ten years of marriage did she ever think she’d see the day when Drake Walker had sparkly pink hair clips and elastics in his hair, holding his brown locks up in haphazard waterspout. Looking down she realised that his nails had also been painted metallic purple.

‘Mummy’s home!’ Avery’s joyful announcement broke her out of her trance and all four heads turned to look at her. In a second, the kids had leaped off their father’s back and came rushing at her, wrapping their pudgy arms around her legs.

‘Hey darlings,’ she planted kissed on their heads before addressing her eldest. ‘Darcy! What are you doing here? Are you supposed to be at school?’

‘Dad gave me the day off!’ Her daughter beamed enthusiastically. ‘And we practiced soccer in the ballroom!’

‘You did what now?’

‘It was so cool Mum! You should have seen me kick! The ball went like woah then the chandelier went like..’ Darcy mimed the ball’s trajectory complete with a sound that sounded suspiciously like broken glass. ‘Then it went right into the goal!’

‘I’m sure everything is completely intact and nothings broken,’ Elizabeth replied dryly, raised a deliberate eyebrow at her husband.

Drake merely shrugged, kissing his wife on the cheek. ‘What can I say? She’s a Walker.’

After the kids were safely in bed, Elizabeth plopped down onto the couch beside her husband who handed her a glass of whiskey from which she took an appreciative sip.

‘Would I be right to say that you didn’t go into work at all this week Drake?’

‘That’s not true,’ he replied sheepishly. ‘I went in for a little bit.’

‘Oh Drake, what am I going to do with you?’ She shook her head lightly.

‘Let me stay home more often maybe?’ His dark eyes twinkled at her.

Elizabeth cuddled in closer to his side and his arm came around her. ‘I’m glad you had a good time with the kids…. How was Avery’s speech session?’

‘Yeah it was good. She and he’s like it was good but they gave her a different speech therapist this time..’

Beside him, Drake felt Elizabeth’s body stiffen just a little. ‘Crystal Windsor right? The one with the dimples?’

‘Yeah thats her.’

Elizabeth shifted out of his embrace to reach for the bottle of whiskey. ‘What did you think of her?’

‘She’s nice I guess… Good with Avery. Don’t think I’ve seen her respond so well before. Why?’ He asked, quizzically.

’No reason,’ she replied, taking a deep draught.

Realisation sparked in him and he leaned forward. ‘Richmond… are you… jealous?’

‘No.. Why would I be jealous?’ She laughed shakily, caught off guard by the use of her maiden name.

Drake raised an eyebrow and watched his wife’s dark skin flush a little shade of pink from behind her glass. ‘You so are.’

‘Am not!’

‘I’ve been married to you for a decade Liz. I know your tells.’ ‘

Fine,’ his wife conceded. ‘It just… Its been 10 years and…’


‘Nothing I’m just being immature,’ she replied.

‘Liz,’ he tipped her head to look at him. ‘If its bothering you I wanna know.’

‘I was just thinking about Thursday and how I yelled at you about Cam… I’m.. I’m afraid you’ll lose interest,’ she admitted, eyes sliding down from his. ‘In me… Say we were having this really big ongoing fight, like a build up of things that finally exploded… What’s to stop you from running off with someone like Crystal Windsor… I know I’m not-‘

‘I’m going to stop you right there,’ Drake interrupted. ‘Every couple goes through a few rough patches here and there and believe me I deserved it yesterday but that’s no reason to throw in the towel just like that. We love each other and we’re willing to fight for us no matter what’s thrown at us. I told you: you’re my wife, my family, my whole world. You’ve given me three beautiful children. I have no reason to want anyone else but you.’

‘Drake..’ Elizabeth started to reply but he cut her off with a finger to her lips, his dark eyes carrying a spark of heat that ignited a fire in her belly.

‘Our three little tots may be heavy sleepers,’ he gently guided her back down to the couch, hands slipping under her clothes. ‘But you better be quiet coz I’m gonna prove to you that you’re the only woman in the world for me.’

Elizabeth couldn’t help but capture his lips in a deep passionate kiss that left her breathless. She was lost in the sensation of his lips on her neck and fingers tracing their way towards her centre until something occurred to her.

‘Drake wait,’ she groaned.

He lifted his head in alarm. ‘What is it? Too much?’

Elizabeth shook her head and looked right into his eyes. ‘Next time you play hooky from work, I want in.’

Drake’s mischievous smile was the last thing she saw before she gave into the ecstasy. ‘You got it baby.’

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