Playing with Fire

Summary: Caleb and Alexandra get intimate, and Caleb introduces her to fire play.

Author’s note: After scgdoeswhat requested Hero Caleb x MC NSFW headcanons, I got inspired!

Alexandra sensed that she was in for an exciting night. Finally, Caleb had invited her to his place. Although she hadn’t been there long, her heart was already pounding as she sat next to him on the couch. There was just something about him. She edged closer to him, and he put his hand on her thigh. A lightning bolt of excitement instantly shot through her.

She put her hand on his crotch and began to rub it. She could immediately tell that she was not the only one who was excited. As she continued to touch him, he reached out and pulled her on top of him. She leaned forward and kissed him deeply, and soon she was pressed up against him, her crotch rubbing against his.

When they finally pulled apart, Caleb looked into her eyes. “You want to make me feel good?”

Breathlessly, she nodded. Caleb placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her onto the floor, so she was kneeling in front of him. He grinned at her, and she immediately understood. She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, then lowered them, along with his underwear. She grasped his firm erection and began moving her hand back and forth along its length. She lowered her head and took the tip into her mouth, while continuing to stroke the base. As she sucked him, she took in more of him, and as she moved her hand to his balls, his entire length entered her mouth. She quickened her pace, and he began to moan. He reached out and put his hands on her head, moving them downward to the back of her neck, and grasped her hair. He pulled on it forcefully, guiding her motions, until he reached his climax and cried out loudly.

She swallowed, then moved back up to the couch and sat beside him. “I think it’s my turn to have some fun now.”

Caleb grinned. “Oh, we’re just getting started.” He pulled up his pants, but didn’t bother to zip them. He then took her hand, stood up, and led her to his bedroom. They sat down on the bed, and he began to pull her shirt off. Soon they were naked. Caleb kissed her deeply and touched her breasts, then moved his hands lower. Once he reached her waist, he lay her down on the bed, then opened the top drawer of his nightstand. He reached in and took out glasses and a candle.

“Setting the mood?” Alexandra asked. She was surprised, since she didn’t think Caleb seemed like the romantic type.

Caleb smirked. “You know I like fire. Well, I like to play with it, too.”

Alexandra’s eyes widened as she realized what he meant. “Oh, I see. Um…I never…”

“Wanna try? It’s fun.”

Alexandra thought about it. Surely Caleb wouldn’t really hurt her…would he? And she’d never know if she liked it unless she tried it. “OK, but if it’s too painful, will you stop?”

“Of course,” he assured her. “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” His hands burst into flames, and he inserted his fingers into a glass. “Lie on your stomach.”

Alexandra turned over, propping her head up on the pillow. Caleb placed a glass on the left side of her back. Alexandra immediately felt pressure, accompanied by a sensation of warmth. Caleb again placed his burning fingers into a glass, then placed it on the right side of her back. As she lay there, she could feel the heat and suction, but she wasn’t in any pain.

After about five minutes, Caleb removed the cups. “That’s enough for now. I don’t want to overdo it, since it’s your first time.”

“That was kind of relaxing,” she told him.

“Good. Just don’t be too shocked if you look in the mirror later. That leaves marks.”

Caleb’s hands burst into flames, and he lit a candle. “Stay on your stomach.”

Alexandra lay there, and soon she felt wax dripping on her back. It felt hot, but not hot enough to be painful. As Caleb moved the candle, she felt the wax drip further down, finally landing on her butt cheeks. As the wax neared the bottom part of her butt, Alexandra felt slightly nervous. “Caleb, you’re not going to drip wax there, are you?”

“Only if you want me to.” He set the candle down on the nightstand and extinguished it. “And I don’t think you do.”

“No. I mean, it felt good, but I don’t think it would feel good there.”

“You might be surprised. But I can make you feel good there another way.” Caleb moved behind her and put his hand between her legs. As he rubbed her clit, he slipped a finger inside her. A few minutes later, he placed his hands on her thighs and pulled her legs apart, then lowered his head and began to lick her. She moaned as his tongue explored her folds and her clit, and darted inside her.

As the heat inside her burned hotter, Caleb lifted his head and moved his body closer to hers. He put his hands on her hips, pressed his body against hers, and thrust himself inside her. He moved in and out of her rapidly, pounding her hard. Every time he hit that sweet spot, he fanned the flames within her. She felt herself getting closer and closer, until finally she fell over the edge, crying out loudly. “Oh God, Caleb! Aahhh!”

Caleb groaned loudly as he found his release, and collapsed against her. They lay in bed for a few minutes, holding on to each other. Caleb then rolled off her and sat up.

Alexandra pulled herself up and sat beside him. She put her arm around him and nuzzled his neck. Caleb turned towards her and kissed her, then rose. “I could use a drink. You want one?”

“Sure,” she said. As she watched him walk out of the room, her eyes were drawn to his behind. Caleb had such a nice ass. She was definitely enjoying the view.

When he came back, he was carrying two fiery shot glasses. As he approached, she looked to him. “It figures you’d make something burning.”

Caleb grinned. “Hey, you know I’m a pyro.” He handed her one of the shot glasses.

As she took the glass from him, she glanced at the flames. “What is this, anyway?”

“A Flaming Russian. Vodka and 151 proof rum.” He reached for a coffee mug on the nightstand and covered his drink, extinguishing the flames. He then handed the mug to her.

She covered her drink, then set the mug back on the nightstand after the flames had gone out. As Caleb downed his shot, she raised the glass to her lips and did the same. “Wow, this is strong. I wonder if I’ll be able to fly home safely.”

Caleb set down his glass. “Don’t worry. You can stay here tonight.”

“Sounds good.” Caleb was going to let her stay over? Maybe things between them really were going somewhere. Suddenly she thought about what they had been doing earlier. “Oh, how am I going to get the wax off me? Will it come off in the shower?”

“No. I’ll help you get it off.” He reached behind her and began scraping the wax off her back with his fingers. “You should probably lie down.”

Alexandra lay on his bed as Caleb’s fingers moved over her body. It was sort of like getting a massage. She relaxed and enjoyed the sensations. What a night this had been. And it wasn’t over yet. Caleb was hers for the rest of the night, and in the morning, for the first time, she would start the day with him by her side.

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