Playing With Fire

Amy took a deep breath. The past conversation between her, Adrian and Senator Vega was still on her mind, the result of it bothering her so immensely that she knew the memory wouldn’t leave her mind until she found a solution to the problem. The Feral problem.

The Senator had made it very clear that Adrian’s support on his upcoming vote was essential for his support regarding Lily’s vote. Amy knew she should be grateful to have gotten his vote at all, but that was the point – she wasn’t.

Amy had talked to Adrian about it, and he had assured her that there would somehow still be a way to stop Vega’s planned attack on the Clanless. However, Jax and the other Clanless weren’t leaving Amy’s mind and the fact that Adrian and her had tolerated a man’s plan to kill all of them cruelly was something she couldn’t accept.

Today, Amy knew, she had to change the Senator’s mind. Adrian had no idea what her plan was, and Vega was a great talker and dedicated planner – however, there was one thing she hadn’t yet tried, one thing she thought might win him over, one last chance: Seduction.

It was then that Amy stopped her car. She got out and let the parking attendant handle the rest, then approached the open, wide door, feeling somewhat queasy. Amy tried to calm her nervousness down, telling herself that there was nothing she could lose… Solely his vote, his respect… her job.

As soon as she had entered the foyer, Amy felt the urge to leave. Adrian didn’t know she was here, she was playing with fire to save the Clanless’ lives, involving herself in a business she had no voice in… This was a mistake.

Right as she wanted to turn around and leave, however, the Senator came down the stairs and walked right towards her!

Oh no. He had seen her. He was smiling. There was no way of leaving.

“Amy!” Senator Vega greeted as he stopped in front of her. “Back so soon?”

Amy gulped. He was threatening and sexy at the same time… “Yes…”

“To what do I owe the pleasure of having you this time?”

She took a deep breath. “I wanted to talk to you, if that’s okay…”

“Of course!” The Senator was solely smiling.

“…In your office.”

For the first time, his happy mask dropped, revealing a face that was rather surprised. Regardless, he said, “Sure.”

Amy followed him to a wooden door, that he opened, revealing a huge room, an American flag by the wall that Amy recognized immediately. Next, she was let in as he held the door open for her. “Thank you.”

He stepped in after her, the door falling shut for limitless privacy. “Not for that,” Vega said politely as he held out a chair for her. As Amy sat down, he walked around the desk to take place on his own seat, and folded his hands on the table, giving her his full attention by focusing on her eyes. “Now, what is it that I can help you with?”

Amy sighed. There was no point in beating around the bush right now. “It’s about the attack on the Clanless. I would like for you to reconsider…”

He gave her a tight smile. “I am very sorry, Amy, but I cannot do this.”

“But the-”

“Like I said, the sole existence of the Clanless constitute a mayor rest for our community, the place we live in happily and peacefully. Too many innocent people have paid with their lives, and the numbers are increasing. We, as The Council, have the responsibility to keep this in check.” Then, his facial expression turned sad. “Don’t you think the people of New York deserve to live and grow up in a safe environment, Amy?”

Amy faced the ground… but quickly looked back at him. With confidence, she tried to say, “Yes, but it’s not the Clanless’ fault to not have been branded. They are innocent as well.”

“I am afraid this is the fault of an ancient system, one we cannot change but solely adapt. I agree that the Clanless are not automatically violent or bad, but in the case of a street attack, you have to consider the victim and the culprit. The latter is, then, undoubtedly a Clanless.”

Amy looked into Vega’s brown eyes and couldn’t tell whether she had run out of words because she had lost herself inside them, or simply because he was a great talker.

“Furthermore, Adrian and I have agreed on a deal, a promise, and promises should be kept, don’t you think?”

She smiled at him, to see that he was smiling back.

“Thank you for understanding, Amy. It was a real pleasure talking to you.”

He was about to get up, but Amy took her chance to speak. “Are you sure I can’t change your mind, Senator?”

“Believe me when I say that I have thought the whole thing through very often. This is the best solution to the problem.”

“I have a solution, too.”

Senator Vega raised a surprised eyebrow.

Amy stood up. She walked around the desk, sat down on his lap, placed a hand on his chest… and let it slide down. “It would involve some handwork, if you know what I mean…”

The Senator laughed, seemingly entertained. “Oh, is that so?”

As her hand reached what was between his legs, she looked up into his eyes… and tried to stand her ground. “Yes, it would be…” she got closer to him and whispered, “our dirty, little secret…”

For the first time, he wore a neutral expression and his eyes, that had been locked with hers, peered down to take in Amy’s body. He took his time, then looked back into her eyes.

Amy felt nervous, scared… as if she was selling herself to a predator.

“Would you be so kind and let me make a call, Amy, before I give you all my attention?”

Was that a yes? Or would he call security to have her removed? No matter. This was a chance Amy would be stupid not to take. “Of course.”

“Thank you.”

She let him get up, watched how he left the room and shut the door. Sitting on his office chair, Amy’s mind drifted away. She had no idea what the upcoming experience would be like. Adam was sexy, a gentleman. On the other hand, he was a vampire, a monster, with the reputation of a lady killer… Was she the next one he would kill?

If he really would agree to this, and if she would survive… Not only would she brag about it to Lily – but she would have saved the Clanless’ lives.

It was then that Vega came in back in, shutting the door and locking it, in the process of ripping Amy out of her victorious daydreams. He stood before her, his desk separating them, and revealed, “I would be very happy to take up your offer, Amy.”

She couldn’t believe it! “Really?”

“Of course.”

“But this means that you will not attack the Clanless. Ever.” She wanted to make her point clear, wanted him to know what he was agreeing to.

“I love your dedication, and I am willing to support you on your beliefs regarding the Clanless… if, of course, we keep this situation mutually… satisfying.”

Amy grinned. It felt amazing to be desired by a powerful man. “Do you promise?”

“Yes. I promise.”

Taking in his voice, a voice that couldn’t be more trustworthy, Amy realized she had made it. She had saved the Clanless in exchange for something that she knew every woman in New York would envy her for. “So, should we go to your bedroom?”

The Senator approached, which caused her to wonder if he would live up to his gentleman reputation and carry her there. Once close, hoewever, he motioned for Amy to stand up – which she did – to sit down on his office chair himself, and pull her back onto his lap.

She focused solely on Adam, placed her hands on his shoulders, locking eyes with him, while smelling his cologne… and wondering if she should kiss him.

He answered that for her: Vega closed the distance of their lips by pulling her in for a kiss.

As Amy felt his soft lips on hers, she enjoyed each and every sensation. He was by far the best kisser she had met within a span of twenty-two years, kissing her passionately yet incredibly gently. Their tongues met as she felt the warmth of his hands cupping her cheeks. These few moments were so pleasurable that Amy wondered whether she had ever experienced anything more wonderful.

However, Vega soon pulled away. He asked, keeping the intimate and tender atmosphere alive by whispering into her ear, “How much do you want me, Amy?”

“I want you so much…” she mumbled. This was no lie. She had always found him attractive, but never this much. Their kisses had shown her that every second with him, every touch he’d gift her, would be worth it.

His right hand slid down, making its way between her legs, under her skirt… to feel that she was wet.

The mere feeling of Vega’s hand on her wet panties made Amy pull him in for another round of steamy kissing.

His hands made their way under her loose, white skirt and pulled off her panties, causing them to fall onto the floor. Next, his fingers entered her; one, then two, then three…

Only a few minutes later, Amy was breathing heavily. He was so skilled, had made her so horny, had made her want nothing more than him inside of her…

It was then that he stopped. Pulling his fingers out and stopping the kissing, he whispered, “Twenty minutes, Amy…”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

“I said…” Suddenly, he spoke loudly, angrily! “We have twenty minutes!” Vega got up and forced her onto the desk! He opened his pants, placed a single hand on her back, holding her down effortlessly – and slid inside her!

Amy felt her belly being pressed against the hard material of the desk! Then – his dick inside her. Her first thought was that it was thicker and longer than any she had experienced before. After that, she didn’t think – but moaned.

There was nothing gentle about him anymore, as he thrusted inside her. Vega kept going recklessly for minutes, not even stopping his rough movements when Amy reached her peak…

Quickly, she found herself in the state of a mess, being taken in a way that could almost be considered violent. Unable to think straight, Amy screamed in pleasure. As soon as she felt one of his hands covering her mouth, the other one going under her shirt, grabbing her breast and being able to hold her in place regardless of her intense winding, then forcing up her skirt and spanking her ass, Amy came another time…

Of course, he didn’t stop his movements, instead demanding, “Scream for me!”

Before her ears were able to recognize what he had said, he spanked her another time and repeated his order. It was enough for her to comply, to scream out his name.

“Oh yeah… That’s how good I’m fucking you…”

His hands grabbed her waist ever so tightly, and his movements became quicker – until both of them reached their peak.

Amy barely had enough time to admire the stamina of a vampire when he was already standing in front of her.

She could do nothing but stare at his rock-hard seven inches. It was confirmed – every part of this man’s body was attractive.

He put her hair together, loosely, into a ponytail, and made her face him. “How about you thank me now, for what I just did?”

Without thinking, Amy lowered her head to take it into her mouth, tasting his dick and her own taste on it at the same time. She sucked the tip for a few moments, and took in as much as she could.

It was then that he took control of her head and forced it down. As she choked, he held it in place – and thrusted inside!

Amy coughed and gagged, his dick blocking her windpipe!

Finally, he let go of her head, grinning. Her gasping for air confirmed: “Too much, little girl?”

She turned on her back, eyes slightly wet, in the need to recover from all of this. For a moment, Amy closed her eyes.

It was then that Adam was on top of her! He cupped her cheeks with his hands, but this time, there was nothing romantic about this move. Looking into her eyes in a way that was almost hungry, he told her, “And lastly… I’ll give you a little something to remember me by.” His head sank down, lips on her neck… and he started sucking the skin, creating a red, blue, painful hickey.

Amy was left on the table, exhausted, like a bottle that had been emptied to its last drop.

It was then that there was a knock on the door!

“Just a moment,” Vega spoke out, surprisingly calm. He pulled up his pants, closed them and walked towards the door to unlock and open it.

Amy couldn’t believe it, was caught in a state of shock! Who was at the door? And why was he so calm about it? She only had time to get off the desk and stare at the door, glad about having kept on all her clothes.

Inside walked… Adrian.

“Adam, you’ve called-” As he saw Amy, his previously neutral expression turned into the purest form of shock! “What in the-”

“I’ve just asked you here to make sure Amy has a ride home,” Vega stated, grinning.

As Amy and Adrian exchanged shocked expressions, Adam walked back to his desk, grabbed up something from the floor and approached Adrian to give it to him. “In case she needs those back.” It were… Amy’s wet panties.

Inside Adrian’s eyes, Amy saw sadness. That was it – he left the room without looking back.

“Adrian!” Amy was hurt, felt sad, betrayed… used. She faced a grinning Adam – “You monster! – and ran out of his office. Quickly, she caught up to Adrian who was leaving the mansion. “Adrian, wait, please!”

But he kept going. “I told you not to trust him!”

“I’m sorry, I swear. I… wanted to keep his vote for Lily, but change his opinion on the Clanless.”

“You can’t change his opinion on the Clanless! He is-”

“He promised! He promised me to not attack them!”

It was then that Adrian stopped. He faced Amy, his broken heart displayed by a slight wetness in his eyes. He said one thing – then kept on walking. “Do you think Vega ever keeps a promise?”

Amy watched Adrian leaving the foyer. It was then that she knew she had played with the devil – and lost at her own game.

One thought on “Playing With Fire”

  1. This was intense. Poor Adrian and poor stupid Amy for thnking a naive little girl could tame a mosnter like Vega.

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