Post-Workout Massage

Author’s Note: A quick little smuffy fic that incorporates @darley1101’s request for smut prompt #12 ”I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now.”   Enjoy! 😘💕


“Seth!”  Jessica called as she stepped in the front door and locked it behind her.  “Seth, I’m home!”  She dropped her gym bag to the floor, observing that it flopped over into the main walkway but was too lazy to lean over and push it out of the way.  “Barely alive, but at least I made it home.” She mumbled grumpily under her breath as she walked towards the kitchen.

Seth met her in the kitchen, finding her standing in front of the fridge with the door wide open absorbing the cold air with her eyes closed.  “Uh oh, having hot flashes already?  I thought you’d have at least three more years before you’d be considered menopausal by Hollywood standards.”

“Ha ha, very funny.” Jessica answered in a flat tone, still not moving from in front of the fridge.  “I just got back from the worst torture of a workout that you could ever imagine.  I think even my fingernails are sweating.  I can barely lift my arms.”  She picked up one arm slowly to about shoulder height before letting it drop quickly down to her side again.  “I’m so exhausted.”

Seth chuckled at her dramatic complaint.  “Sooooooo I take it you love this new trainer, huh? Adding him to the Christmas card list this year?”  While Seth found his jokes amusing, Jessica didn’t seem in the mood for laughing as she filled a glass with filtered water from the fridge.  When she stood up straight, he did a double take at his extremely sweaty yet positively glowing girlfriend.  Her dark hair was fastened in a high ponytail and damp around her hairline, a few stray strands sticking to her neck and forehead.  The tight yoga capris hugged her perky behind, while the strappy tank she wore showed off her lean, toned arms and draped perfectly across her round breasts.  Suddenly Seth was having a difficult time forming a coherent one-liner as the blood drained from his head to another destination down south.  “Ermmm … so tell me about this workout.”  He situated himself in behind her as she leaned against the kitchen counter, placing one hand on each side of her hips.

Jessica shrugged and rolled her eyes.  “He had me doing this high intensity cardio and weights back to back for an hour and a half.”  Seth traced his hands down her hips to her thighs, rubbing along her sides as she spoke.  “I honestly don’t think I could do one more bicep curl if my life depended on it.”  She paused when she felt Seth pressing his hot mouth down her neck and shoulder, leaving a trail of cool wet marks alonf her warm flesh.  “Seth … what are you doing?”

“Mmmmm … just kissing you.”

Jessica smirked as he made his way to the other side.  “You do realize I’m disgustingly sweaty and in desperate need of a shower right now.”

“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss you senseless right now.” He responded as his hands ghosted under her tank and tickled along the waistband of her capris.  

“And you did hear the part when I said I was completely exhausted after that workout?”  

“Hmmm …” Seth continued exploring her smooth skin with his hands and his mouth.  “No, I heard you … I was just hoping to change your mind.”

Jessica put down the glass of water and turned to face her boyfriend.  She hooked her arms around his neck and leaned back against the counter, staring up into his deep blue eyes.  “Well, you’re going to have to persuade me.  Make your case, Funny Boy.”

Seth looked up at the ceiling and scratched his chin as he pondered his argument.  When he looked back down to her, his eyes danced with excitement.  “Think of it as a post-workout massage.  I can massage you here …” he reached one hand around to cup her tush, giving it a quick squeeze. “And here …” He placed his other hand over her breast, gently kneading it before tweaking her nipple through her tank top, causing Jessica to squirm.  “And definitely here.”  He wiggled his eyebrows mischeviously as he brought his hand around her hip and dipped his fingers between her legs, softly applying a teasing pressure against her center.  Jessica inhaled sharply at the sudden pleasurable contact, fighting back a moan.  

“Mmm hmmm …” she managed to keep a straight face while he teased her through her clothing.  She dropped his gaze and looked to the side, feigning disinterest. “I don’t know Seth, I really need a shower and I’m pretty tired.  I’m still not convinced.”

His voice dropped about an octave lower when he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.  “Well how about I get you in the shower and get you all lathered up before I give you your massage?  I’ll do all the work Baby, you just relax and enjoy.”  His husky voice against her ear and naughty proposition sent a chill through Jessica.  She felt his warm breath against her neck before he bent down to take a quick nibble in her earlobe. Oh God yes, she thought internally as the heat pooled in her abdomen.

She turned her head and crashed her lips into his, moaning against his rough kisses as his hands gripped her hips.  When they pulled apart a moment later, they both were dizzy and breathless.  Her eyes met his in a wicked stare as he waited impatiently for her permission.  “Alright, Funny Boy.  Get to work already.”

He smirked at her reply and pressed a quick, giddy kiss to her mouth.  He stood up tall and took a step away, then motioned towards the bathroom with a nod of his head. “Alright Woman, get in there.  I’ve got a job to do!” He leaned forward and turned her in the appropriate direction, spanking her ass in encouragement.  She giggled and took off running as he followed her, herding her along with his playful  smacks and tickles.  


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