Queen of My Heart – Chapter 19

Summary: Liam and Riley clear the air. Will Riley find a way to get some alone time with Drake?

After a long day of work, the barn was finished. Unlike the other group dates, there was no real fun or relaxation, unless you counted eating group lunch and dinner under the food service tent. Riley was ready to just go back, shower, and not move from her bed until it was time to meet Liam. She had intended to fill Drake in on her evening plans, but there really wasn’t a moment where the crew or Liam’s other prospects weren’t around, even when Drake dropped her off at her room. She decided she would just have to tell him as soon as she saw him next.

When it was time, Riley peeked out the door and saw that the coast was clear. She decided to wear jeans and a simple t-shirt rather than a bathing suit Liam suggested for the hot tub. She didn’t plan to lead him on, so her intention was to get right to the matter at hand. The spa was down in the basement where she hadn’t been before. She started to feel her resolve get weaker the closer she got, but there was no turning back now. She reached the spa door, hesitated only momentarily, and walked in.

“Riley!” Liam stood up from a chair at a table close to the spa tub and kissed Riley on the cheek. “I’m so glad you decided to join me. Did you wear your suit under your clothes, I hope?” Liam was already wearing only his swim trunks.

“Hi Liam…Actually…I met you here tonight because there is something I wanted to talk about. Why don’t we sit down.”

Riley watched as Liam’s smile faded and was replaced with a look of concern as they both sat down at the table. “Is this about the money? Because I already know about that.”

“What?” Riley assumed he might be referring to the money she was getting for the show, but she didn’t know how he would know about that. She didn’t want to open up that can of worms if he was talking about something else.

“Maxwell let it slip. I know you haven’t known him that long, but I’m sure you know what he’s like already.  He told me he was happy we were hitting it off so well, so you didn’t feel like you had to stay just for the money. I know you might be worried that I would be upset about it, but I can tell you wouldn’t do that. I know your feelings are genuine.”

Okay, so he did know about the money. Riley wasn’t sure if that would make this conversation easier or harder. Definitely not easier, she decided, but at least Liam wouldn’t question if her feelings had been real up to this point, if she was willing to give it all up now. “Liam…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about that before, but you are right. I only agreed to take the money after I met you and was already starting to develop strong feelings for you, but there’s more you need to know.”

“What is it Riley? You can tell me anything.”

Riley’s palms were sweating. She had practiced what she would say a thousand times in her head, yet it was so hard to verbalize in this moment. “Liam, I started falling for you from the moment I met you. In fact, I fell for you faster and harder than I ever have for anyone. You are amazing in so many ways…”

“Why do I feel like there is a ‘but’ coming?”

“This is so hard to say…I…” Riley took a deep breath. “I started to have feelings for someone else too.”

“Liam’s face fell even further. “Oh…I was not expecting that.” The both sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. “Is it Drake?”

 Oh, shit, how did he know? At least she wouldn’t have to say his name. Riley just shook her head to confirm.

“I thought something was off with him this past week or so, and then you started to distance yourself as well. I guess I just wanted to believe it had something to do with the pressures of being here…being on the show…That you didn’t want to fall too hard before you knew I was sure about you…What does this mean for us?”

“I wish I could say that I think my feelings for him will fade…I really tried not to like him in that way. I just wanted him to like me because he was your friend. Please don’t be mad at him. He tried to shut me out, and I kept pushing…Neither of us were looking for this. It just sort of…happened. I know you already know how loyal he is, but I need you to know that he wouldn’t let anything get too far before I talked to you. I don’t want to be the thing that comes between you. In fact, I won’t. Just say the word, and I’ll leave…go back to the Beaumont’s or even New York, if that will be easier. You both mean a lot to me, but I can’t tear you and Drake apart.”

Liam sighed. “I can’t say it will be easy for me, at least for awhile…but if I’m honest with myself, I haven’t seen Drake this happy in a long, long time. I was just too focused on myself to put the pieces together before now. What kind of friend would I be to deny him the chance to be with you just because I wanted you too? And I respect you both for waiting, and you for coming to me now instead of just pretending for the sake of the show.”

“See Liam, you are are too good for me. I don’t even deserve you. Here I am telling you I’m falling in love with your best friend, and you are worried about his happiness over your own.”

“Riley, that’s not true. You deserve everything, and so does Drake. I genuinely wish for you both to be happy, and if this is what it takes you have my blessing.”

“Thank you Liam.” Riley leaned in to hug him and he returned the embrace. “I can quit the show first thing in the morning if you’d like…unless you want to get the chance to dump me at the ceremony.” Riley smiled faintly.

Liam laughed for the first time. “That won’t be necessary. Actually, I have a proposal for you. What would you say about staying on the show? That way, you can continue to get the money for you and the Beaumont estate.”

“Liam, I don’t know if I would feel right about that. I don’t want to take someone else’s place.”

“I don’t see it that way though,” Liam explained. “Of all the women here, there are only a few I could consider proposing too. Obviously you were one of them, but there are still several here that are only still here because I’m only allowed to send so many home each week. You would actually be doing them a favor, because then they won’t get their hopes up, and they can set their sites elsewhere.”

Riley thought of her conversation earlier with Penelope and Kiara and how they could already tell Liam wasn’t going to choose them. “I guess you do have a point.”

“And then you can also spend time with Drake without having to fend off other suitors. You would have to be discreet about it though. You have to pretend to still be interested in me on camera. You would actually be doing me a favor because I still very much prefer your company to most of them, even as just a friend. In fact, I was already planning on asking you on the next one on one date, and my offer still stands ”

“You are pretty terrible company, but I suppose I can pretend to like you,” Riley teased with a grin. “I don’t care about the money myself, but Bertrand has been really stressed about the Beaumont Estate. But honestly, feel free to cut me at any point. At least if you cut me and I don’t quit, I still get the money up to that point.”

“It’s a deal…and Riley, I think there is something else I should tell you. Hopefully this will make you feel a little better, and not worse.”

“What is it Liam?”

“I kissed Olivia last night.”

“Oh.” Of all people, the one Riley had come to like the least. “Well its not like I thought I would be the only one. We all came here to compete to be with you.”

“But until last night, you were the only one I had kissed. Olivia had tried previously on our date, but I wasn’t at that point in out relationship yet. And I’m sure she isn’t your favorite person right now, but I’ve known her for most of my life, and I know what she’s been through. I truly believe she is going to make things right with both you and Drake. Until last night, you were it for me, the only one I felt anything for here. But when I spoke with her last night, she was so open and honest with me. She finally shared how much she cared for me, and I saw in her the person I used to know and love. I’m not saying this now to hurt you, or to insinuate that I’ll take her a consolation since I cant have you. I just want you to know that I understand what it’s like to have feelings for two people at the same time since I was guilty of it myself. I guess now I just feel more free to explore my feelings for her without you to consider.”

“I trust your judgement Liam. I hope that you do find the person who is right for you here, whether that is Olivia or someone else. And I’ll give her a chance. If I could make Drake like me, there’s hope for almost anyone.”

‘Heh, that’s true.” Liam laughed again. “Thank you Riley.”

“No Liam, I really should be thanking you…and for what it’s worth, I would have made a terrible Queen.”

They both laughed this time. “I’m sure that’s not true, but I’ll add that to your cons list so I can get over you sooner.”

“Hey, you have a cons list for me?” Riley pretended to be upset.

“I’m only joking. See, I can have a sense of humor sometimes too.”


Liam returned Riley to her room. It was late, and she should have just gone to sleep, but she really wanted to tell Drake that she talked to Liam. Unfortunately, it wasn’t like she she could just go to his room, and she didn’t have a way to call him, unless…

Okay, it was kind of crazy plan, but maybe it would work. Riley thought up an excuse and pressed the intercom button to the security office. A male voice replied on the other end.

“Lady Riley, this is Tony. Is everything okay?”

“Not exactly. I know its not a real emergency, but there’s a mouse running around in my room, and I can’t sleep with all the squeaking and scratching noises it is making.”

“I will send someone down to take care of it right away.”

“Wait, Tony. Liam told me he really only wants Drake taking care of my personal security issues. I would feel much more comfortable with him coming rather than having someone I don’t know in my room.”

“Lady Riley, Drake isn’t on duty right now. I could come down myself if that you makes you feel better.”

“I really would prefer Drake if you can get a hold of him. Liam probably wouldn’t be happy if you didn’t at least try to contact him.”

“Okay then, as you wish. I’ll see what I can do.”

No more than three minutes later, Drake came rushing through the door without even knocking. “Bennett, is everything okay? They told me there was some sort of urgent situation here.”

Drake was dressed only in pajama pants with no shirt on. His hair was slightly disheveled, like he had already been asleep. “Sorry, were you already sleeping?” Riley asked.

“Yes, but that’s okay. What’s going on?”

“I may have made up a little lie about a mouse invasion to get you in here.”

“What did I tell you about abusing the intercom system?” Drake scolded but couldn’t hold back a smile.

“For some reason, I don’t think you are too upset about it.” Riley pointed to the mini-bar. “Since you are here, can I interest you in a drink? I have whiskey!”

“I really would like to stay, but I don’t know if I should. We are supposed to be waiting until you talk to Liam to take things any further, remember?”

“My, my Drake, that’s rather presumptuous of you to think I called you here for anything other than a drink.”

“Oh…well…sorry, I-”

Riley was trying to give him a hard time but she couldn’t suppress her grin any longer. “Drake, I talked to Liam tonight.”

Drake’s jaw dropped before he spoke. “What do you mean you talked to him. Do you mean you told him…about us? When?“

“I just got back a few minutes before I called you in here.”

Drake nervously ran his hands through his hair. “What now? Do you have to leave? Am I fired? Do I still have a best friend?”

“Why don’t I pour us some drinks and I’ll tell you everything.”

Riley recounted the night’s events, and Drake still appeared to be in disbelief.

“I know Liam is a selfless guy, but are you sure he’s okay with this?”

“I’m sure this evening could be going a lot better for him,” Riley replied, “but my gut tells me he will be okay.”

“I just still can believe it, Bennett. I can’t even begin to understand what you see in me to choose me over someone who can literally give you the world. But I should probably stop questioning my luck now shouldn’t I?”

“It sounds like you could use a little more convincing. Why don’t I show you just how much I want you.” Riley and Drake were both seated on her bed. She grabbed Drake’s drink out of his hand and placed it on the nightstand next to hers before straddling his lap, their faces only inches apart. “I’ve been waiting to get my hands on you all day Mr. Walker.”

“I’ve been waiting to do the same to you a lot longer than that.” Drake’s eyes swept over her hungrily before he brought his lips to hers, parting her mouth with his tongue and kissing her deeply.“

Riley returned Drake’s kisses with equal intensity. Her hands traveled down the taut muscles of his back down to his hips. She pulled herself into him, feeling his hard length growing beneath her. Riley could tell she was wet already.

Drake broke the kiss. “If I’m half naked, I think it’s only fair that you take your shirt off too.”

“Why don’t you help me out then?” Riley lifted her arms over her head and Drake stripped her shirt off. He kissed her collarbone and then her shoulder while unhooking her bra with one hand. Riley shrugged her shoulders and let her bra fall away.

Drake stopped to take in the sight of her. “You are perfect Riley.” He kissed her again and Riley entwined her fingers in his hair.  He brought his hand to her to breasts, stroking her buds with his thumbs and sending jolts of pleasure straight to her core. She tugged on his hair in response, eliciting a quiet moan from Drake. He moved his mouth down, trailing kisses along the way. He took each nipple in mouth, one after other, skillfully working his tongue.

“Bennett, if you aren’t ready to go any further yet, just say the word.”

Riley pushed his head back on the pillows. “There’s no way I’m stopping now, Drake.”

“Good, because I have plans for you.” Drake smirked and starting unbuttoning her jeans. Riley lifted her hips and they worked together to discard her pants and underwear. Drake grabbed her thighs and guided her so that she was kneeling over his face. She lowered herself down until she felt his mouth on her. He licked with broad strokes from her folds to her clit. Then he focused in sucking, flicking and circling her most sensitive place with his tongue.

“Oh my god, Drake!” Riley didn’t know if it was all the anticipation or if Drake was just that good, or both, but she was getting close already. Drake moved his hands up her sides and cupped her breasts. He pulled her nipples between his thumb and forefinger on each hand and Riley gave in to her orgasm. She came undone while screaming Drake’s name.

Drake promptly flipped her on her back and whispered in her ear. “I’m glad you liked that, but you might want to keep it down a little. These walls are thinner than you might think.” He took off his pants and boxer briefs and Riley stared in amazement.

“I think it’s my turn to tell you how perfect you are.” Riley reached over to the nightstand and pulled a condom out of the drawer, thankful that the show had thought of that detail when stocking the room with necessities. She rolled the condom onto him and waited for Drake to make the next move.

“You are all mine tonight, Bennett. Drake grabbed her wrists and pinned them behind her head with one hand. He guided himself into her, filling her sex completely. He kissed and nibbled on her collarbone and neck on up to her ear. “You feel so good Riley.”

Drake thrust into her deeply, rhythmically, hitting all the right places. Riley moved her hips with him, matching his pace. They stared into each other’s eyes and Riley never felt more connected to someone else, nor as turned on, as she felt in that moment. She felt another orgasm building.

She spoke more quietly this time. “Drake, I’m going to come again.” Drake moved faster, and Riley struggled to quiet her moans. Drake brought his mouth to hers, and he pushed her over the edge again, her screams stifled by Drake’s mouth this time.

Riley could feel her muscles contracting around Drake and he appeared to feel it as well, his breaths and movements getting even faster. “Oh Riley, you feel too good.” He crashed his mouth down on hers again, this time to quiet himself as he came inside her.

He laid on her chest for a minute before rolling off to lay beside her and brushed her hair from her face. He looked as happy as she felt, and she wished she cold lay there in his arms all night.

As if he heard her thoughts, Drake was the first to speak. “I wish I could stay, but I don’t think it would look very good if anyone saw me sneaking out of your room in the morning.”

Riley frowned but she knew he was right. “I can’t wait until we don’t have to hide it, and I can fall asleep in your arms.”

“Me too Bennett, me too.” Drake kissed her the lips and got up to get dressed.

Riley threw on a pair of pajamas and followed him to the door to say goodbye. She wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him, but then she noticed something out of the corner of her eye she hadn’t paid attention to before. A camera, with full view of her door. How had she forgotten about cameras? The one’s she was told were all around the palace as a part of the show. This was not good.

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