Queen of My Heart – Chapter 22

The Regatta was in two days, and until then, there would be no group events or crew filming the ladies. Not only did that mean two boring days just lounging around the palace, but also two days without Drake.

Riley and Hannah decided to get together for more “lessons,” which usually were comprised of ten percent instruction, and ninety percent talking about anything and everything. That was okay though because Riley was starting to feel like she actually knew what she was doing, at least most of the time. Plus she and Hana hadn’t had much of a chance to talk recently, and Riley had a lot to tell her. They met in the garden, as this had become a spot they knew they would typically find privacy.

“I think that’s enough of the learning for today,” Hana decided. I’m dying to know what has been going on between you, Liam, and Drake. You haven’t told me anything since you made the decision to tell Liam. Have you talked to him yet.”

“I have.” Riley tried to keep a straight face to keep Hana in suspense.

“And?…You are terrible Riley, tell me what happened. You went on the date with Liam last night and you are still here. Does that mean you changed your mind?”

“No, I chose Drake and Liam knows. It was his idea to let me stay.” Riley proceeded to tell Riley everything from her conversation with Liam in the spa to what happened with Drake after, and her date with Liam including the unexpected lingering feelings between them.

“Riley, are you sure you made the right choice? You still sound a little unsure about Liam.”

“If I’m honest with myself, had I never met Drake…yes, I would be completely happy to be with Liam. But any time I think of Drake, I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I know this might sound crazy to say this already, but I think I love him.”

“Oh Riley, I’m so happy for you, but are you sure Liam isn’t holding out hope that you will change your mind?”

“I know he still has some feelings for me, but you probably don’t know that he’s started falling for someone else too.”

“Really? Who?”


Hana’s jaw dropped. “Olivia Nevrakis? After how she treated you and Drake, and well, just about everyone who has crossed her path?”

“I know, I was surprised myself. But then Liam told me more about her, and the terrible cards she has been dealt in life. I lost my mom as an adult, and it was hard enough. I can’t even imagine going through what she did as a child and making it out unscathed. I know it is no excuse to be cruel, but Liam says she’s serious about working through her issues, and I trust his judgment.”

As if on cue, Olivia walked around the corner. “Am I interrupting a private moment here?”

“Oh, no, Hana was just giving me some lessons on how to not make a fool of myself. I know you are acutely aware of my lack of training.” Riley internally scolded herself for her sharp tongue. She was supposed to be trying to be nice to Olivia, but it was hard when Olivia hadn’t apologized yet.

“I think you are holding your own pretty well actually. Maybe your lessons with Hana are paying off.”

Riley was floored. This was the nicest thing she had heard out of Olivia’s mouth since she met her. “Umm, thank you.”

“Hana, if you don’t mind, can I have a word with Riley?”

“Of Course, Olivia. Riley, I’ll see you at dinner?”

“Yes Hana. See you at dinner.” Riley knew what might be coming, but she still wasn’t holding her breath.  “I’m all ears, Olivia.”

“I’m sorry,” Olivia mumbled before sighing deeply. “I was jealous of you, and I handled it like a child. I was just so afraid of losing Liam…I was desperate. I have realized cutting you down and making you feel like you don’t belong doesn’t do me or anyone any good. If I were lucky enough for Liam to chose me, I want it to be because he loves me, not because he has no better option left.”

Riley knew this could be a huge mistake, but she felt compelled to tell Olivia the truth. Olivia had hardly proved any allegiance to her, and if she really wanted to get rid of Riley, she could use the information against her. But then again, Olivia was following through on what Liam promised she would do, and her words sounded sincere.

“Olivia, there’s something I need to tell you. Something that will make you happy…I hope.”

Olivia kept a straight face. “I’m listening.”

“You were right to think there was something going on between me and Drake. Neither of us meant for it to happen. Liam knows now. I told him after the barn raising, and he told me about you.”

“Wow…I mean I had suspicions. Drake was obvious about it…the way he looked at you. I just didn’t know you returned his affections.”

“I know we haven’t been on the best terms, but I know Liam cares deeply for you. Now that I’m not standing in your way, I hope we he can be friends.”

“Friends might be a stretch, but we’ll see.” Olivia failed to hold back a smile.

“You know I’d much rather see Liam with you than Madeleine if that counts for anything.”

“In that case, you are my new best friend,” Olivia quipped, and with that, neither she nor Riley could contain their laughter. Maybe Olivia really was changing.


Riley hadn’t seen Drake at all the previous day. It’s not that she couldn’t go a day without him, but seeing him made her happy. She managed to pass time the rest of the day and texted with him until she went to sleep. At least they had that.

Drake told her Liam had arranged an instructor to do sailing lessons the next day and that it had been approved by the show. Riley was excited because she might actually know what she’s doing for the Regatta, and she wouldn’t have to spend another pointless day lounging around the palace.

Riley traveled with Drake to the Marina and walked her to the Beaumont’s yacht. She wondered how she was expected to handle a boat that size with just herself and one other person.

“So I’m expected to handle sailing that with just one instructor?”

“I think you’ll be okay,” Drake answered. “He’s pretty capable,”

“So you know him? Where is he by the way?” Riley looked around once more, but there was nobody in sight.

“You are looking right at him.”

Riley was still confused but the pieces were coming together. “Wait, what are you saying? Is Drake Walker a sailing instructor?”

“Well, I am today. I know enough to show you the basics. Liam also thought it would be a good excuse for us to be able to spend the day together. I don’t know why he is being so good to me, to us, after everything, but I won’t question it.

“This is the best day ever!” Riley squealed an ran into Drakes arms, almost knocking the wind out of him.

“Easy there Bennett, you don’t want to knock out your instructor. It won’t be all fun and games either. You have a lot to learn, and we only have one day.”

“Sailing instructor Drake is hardcore. I’m not sure if I should be scared or turned on.“

Drake rolled his eyes. “You need to take this seriously so you stay safe out there. I guess I learned that from my dad. He always said there wasn’t room for messing around whenever safety is concerned. Maybe if you can behave, there might be time for some fun later.”

“Yes sir, I’ll be on my best behavior.”

“You are lucky I like you so much, Bennett. Now help me get some things out of the trunk.” Drake opened the trunk and handed a large picnic basket to Riley. He grabbed two fishing poles and a tackle box for himself to carry.

“What’s all this?

Drake pointed to the basket. “That is for lunch, and these are for dinner,” he said holding up the fishing poles.“

“You aren’t serious, are you? What if we don’t catch any fish? And how are we going to cook them?”

Drake shrugged his shoulders. “We’ll figure that out later. Now let’s go.”

They boarded the boat and Drake was all business. He taught Riley the difference between starboard and port, jib and boom, and how to tack and jibe. Her head was swimming with sailing terms, but she was getting the hang of it. Hours flew by and before Riley realized, it was time for lunch.

“I think you’ve earned a break, Bennett. You ready for lunch?”

“I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now. Yes lets eat!”

Drake brought out some sandwiches and fruit. He lower the anchor and they ate on the boat deck. The sky was perfectly cloudless and the sun glittered across the sea. The winds were calm and there was nobody around for miles. They were completely free for the first time, even if only for the day.

“I have to admit you are pretty good at this sailing thing Drake. I was a little worried after that story Liam today me.”

“He told you about that, huh? That wasn’t our fault…The storm came out of nowhere, but we were pretty stupid for going out after dark without telling anyone.”

“Liam also told me how you save him that night. You are always the hero Drake, aren’t you?”

“It’s not like I try to be. I guess its just how I am. When someone’s in trouble I forget the danger to myself and want to do whatever I can to help. I’m not sure if that makes me brave or stupid, but it’s a good quality to have in the King’s Guard.”

“So, if I were to fall in the water right now…” Riley stripped off her top and shorts. “Would you jump in after me?” Riley undressed the rest of the way, taking off her bra and panties, and ran over to the edge of the boat.

“Bennett what do you think you are doing?”

Riley didn’t answer and instead jumped off the side of the boat. Without hesitation, Drake stripped off his clothes and jumped in after her.

Riley laughed when Drake surfaced. “I’d say that’s a pretty quick response time.”

Drake shook his head. “You are trouble, Riley Bennett.”

“I just wanted an excuse to get you wet and naked.”

Drake pulled Riley’s body against him and kissed her hungrily. “We could continue this here, but I think we will have a better time on the boat.”

“Well, then lead the way.” Riley followed Drake up the ladder and then he led her below deck. He got some towels from the bathroom to dry them off and they moved to the bed in the captains quarters.

Drake broke away and sat up. “Hold on. I need to go get something.” Drake reemerged after a few minutes with some ropes. “Since you are derailing my lesson plans, we’ll just have to incorporate you instruction here. Every sailor needs to know how to tie knots. Lie back on the bed.”

Riley did as she was instructed. Drake took one rope and looped it around her left ankle and proceeded to tie an intricate knot around the foot board of the bed. “This is a bowline knot.” He took her right ankle and tied it to the bed with a different type of knot. “This is a a figure eight knot. He continue with her wrists with knots he called “clove hitch” and “square knot.” “There are many more knots to learn, but unfortunately we are out of extremities. I think we will have to pause the lesson here.” Riley couldn’t even see what he was doing with those last two knots, but she didn’t care.

Drake climbed on top of her. He ran his hands through her hair and kissed her deeply. Her hands were fixed, and she had to fight the urge to touch him back. He kissed down her neck and the touch of his lips sent heat straight to her core. She writhed underneath him and arched her hips into his wanting more. He continued on slowly to her collarbone like he had all the time in the world.

“This is killing you isn’t it…Having to give up all control? Just be patient. It will be worth it.” Drake ran his hands up her sides and cupped her breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and gently blew his breath on the wet skin. A cool tingling sensation ran through her causing Riley to squirm beneath him again. She could see Drake smile, enjoying the “torture” he was inflicting on her.

Drake used his fingers to play with her sensitive buds as he continued downward with his mouth. He was finally almost right where she wanted him when he stopped and kissed her mouth again. He was enjoying her agony too much, and if her hands had been free, she would have pushed his head to back down.

“Drake, you are such a tease.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to wait a little longer?”

“No, now…Please,” Riley begged.

“Since you said Please…” Drake easily slid two fingers inside her. “I guess you were ready for me.” He spread her juices over her clit and ran circles over it with his thumb, applying just the right amount of pressure. The texture of his callused hands made everything feel that much better.

“Oh, Drake…keep going.” She was so worked up she knew it wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge.

Drake replaced his thumb with his mouth, the warmth enveloping her. The strokes and swirls of his tongue bringing her closer and closer until she came undone screaming Drake’s name. Instead of stopping, Drake kept on going and the feeling was too intense. Her sensitive bundle of nerves couldn’t handle any more. She pulled against the ropes forgetting momentarily she was at his mercy.

“Drake… enough. I can’t take any more. I just want you inside me now.”

Drake smirked. “I was just waiting for you to ask.”

He left Riley tied up and sunk into her, moving in an out at his own pace. Riley bucked her hips asking for more, and Drake delivered. He thrust into her deeper and faster until another intense orgasm washed over her, leaving her breathless.

Drake kissed her once more. “You look so gorgeous when you come for me.” He picked up speed again and came inside her with a loud moan.

Drake untied Riley and wrapped his arms around her. Time stood still, and they drifted off to sleep together. When they woke they showered together, washing each other’s hair and soaping each other’s bodies. As Riley ran her hands across the smooth muscles of Drake’s chest and back, it was hard to keep her from wanting more than just a shower. If she wasn’t so spent already, she would have definitely suggested another round.

After they got dressed and up to the main deck, Drake pulled out the fishing gear. “Ready to catch our dinner?”

“I suppose I’m ready to try. So what are we going to do if we don’t catch anything?”

“I used to fish a lot with my dad growing up. It was one of his favorite things to do on his days off. We never brought food along. If we didn’t catch anything, we didn’t eat.”

“That sounds a little harsh, don’t you think?”

“My dad was big on self-reliance. Growing up around nobles, it would have been easy to think everything was just handed to you. My dad taught me I had to work hard to get what I wanted, and I’m grateful for that. I never gave up because I knew I’d go hungry if I did. There were only a few times we didn’t catch anything, and it’s not like he didn’t let me eat when we got home.”

“That makes sense. Growing up with a single working mother, I had to learn to do a lot for myself at a young age. But my mom always tried to make me think I had what everyone else had l, so I never realized how much she struggled until I was older. We had some money from Bertrand, but my mom put it into my school and activities, so that I wouldn’t feel deprived. I realize now I didn’t need all that, but I still appreciate everything she did for me.” Riley paused in thought and Drake seemed to do the same. “Anyway, we better get started then, so we don’t go hungry.”

“You really think I would let you starve, Bennett? I did bring some extra sandwiches just in case, but lets see what we can catch.”

Drake set up the lines and gave Riley some pointers. Surprisingly, in little time they caught more fish than they would be able to eat.

“So what are you do we do now?” Riley inquired. There is nowhere on the boat to cook this. Can we eat this raw?“

Drake laughed. “I wouldn’t recommend that. There’s a small uninhabited island nearby where my dad and I used to go. We can build a fire and cook there.”

When they arrived at the island they dropped the anchor and waded to shore with their dinner and supplies. Drake offered to scale and clean the fish, which Riley was more than happy to let Drake do on his own. Drake asked her to gather some firewood and sticks for cooking. They worked together to build a good fire and the cooked the fish with some cherry tomatoes ans sliced zucchini Drake brought along.

“I was skeptical at first,” Riley admitted, “but that was actually really good. There is something satisfying about catching your own food. I think your dad was onto something.”

“I hope you saved room for dessert.” Drake pulled some marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate bars from the picnic basket. “Here’s another thing I used to eat with my dad.”

“S’mores! I love those. I don’t think I’ve had one since I was a kid.”

They started roasting marshmallows and Drake’s quickly became engulfed in flames. “Shit!” He blew out the flames. “Now I need to make a new one. It has to be perfectly golden brown.”

“I’ll eat it. I don’t mind the burnt ones. Crispy on the outside, nice and gooey on the inside. Kind of reminds me of you.”

“Hey who are you calling crispy, Bennett? You know I could leave you on this deserted island if I wanted to.”

“You would never!” Riley exclaimed.

“No I wouldn’t. I’d miss you just a little. But you still didn’t have to call me a burnt marshmallow.”

“I just meant you’ve got this outer shell that hides what is really inside. Also, you didn’t deny you were gooey on the inside. In fact, I remember you telling me before that you have a marshmallow heart. This comparison is all your fault, but I’m glad you are letting me see the real Drake. I’m quite fond of him.”

Drake smiled warmly. “The real Drake is pretty fond of you too.”

They ate their S’mores as they watched the sun set. It truly had been the perfect day. Riley noticed a bit of marshmallow on Drake’s lip. She straddled his lap and licked his lips clean.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for Bennett?”

“You had some marshmallow on your lip, so this was obviously the best way to clean it off.”

“Obviously.” Drake kissed Riley this time, parting her mouth with his tongue. “Just making sure there wasn’t any s’mores left in your mouth. Could be a choking hazard,” Drake teased.

This flipped a switch in Riley and she needed more of Drake. She lifted his shirt over his head.

“Didn’t get enough earlier?”

“I can never get enough of you, Drake. We never know when we will get more time alone together, so we need to make good use of this time.”

“You don’t need to convince me.” Drake stripped off Riley’s shirt, and they finished undressing each other.

Riley pushed Drake back on the beach blanket. “Let me take control this time.” They moved in rhythm together, looking into each other’s eyes all the while. Riley came and Drake followed shortly after. They both laid back and watched the stars appear.

“I hate to say this, but I should probably get you back Cinderella before the boat turns into pumpkin. We can use the motor this time, so you can relax. You’ve worked hard today…in more ways than one.”

“What can I say? I had a great instructor. I’d hire you again. You are right though,”Riley voiced reluctantly. “We should start packing up.”


Riley arrived back at her room, ready to crash as soon as her head hit the pillow. As she got ready for bed, she noticed an envelop on the floor that looked like it had been slipped under the door. It had her name on the front, so she opened it:


You relationship with Drake is not as secret as you think. If you quit the show now, you can save your reputation. If you stay, there’s no telling who will get hurt. You have until the next Apple Blossom Ceremony to make your decision. Choose wisely.

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