Queen of My Heart – Chapter 23

Riley read over the letter again the next morning:

Your relationship with Drake is not as secret as you think. If you quit the show now, you can save your reputation. If you stay, there’s no telling who will get hurt. You have until the next Apple Blossom Ceremony to make your decision. Choose wisely.

It was typed on plain white paper, nothing distinctive about it. She’d hoped the morning would bring her clarity and went over the list of possible culprits again. Hana knew but she had no reason to want Riley gone, and Riley trusted her completely. It was possible the whole production staff knew, but what would they get out of having her leave? She wasn’t naive about their reasons for wanting her to stay, nor did she think they wouldn’t capitalize on the chance to air her dirty laundry if she left. She really didn’t want to believe it could be Olivia. Did Olivia think Riley was lying to her the other day? Olivia had seemed so genuine; it just didn’t make sense for her to still think Riley was a threat although the timing was suspect.

The only thing that made sense was that someone else knew, but she couldn’t figure out who it could be. Even though Madeleine basically ignored Riley’s existence, it was no secret Madeleine wanted to be Queen more than anything. Even if she wanted to get rid of Riley, how would she be able to prove anything about Riley and Drake’s relationship unless she had inside help? Riley wasn’t counting her out, but she had to put this aside, at least for the day. She had the Regatta to attend and she didn’t intend to back out just yet.

Maxwell and Bertrand wanted to ensure Riley had proper attire, so they sent her a nautical themed outfit. She put on the navy blue and white stripped ¾ sleeve shirt and matching navy shorts. There was a white rope belt that looked exactly like the ropes on the Beaumont’s boat, and she couldn’t help but flash back to her “lesson” the day before. She was too busy focusing on other things to remember all the knots, but she remembered figure eight was one. She googled it to make sure she tied it correctly, hoping that a certain someone might notice.

Drake arrived to escort Riley to the limos. They were still being cautious around cameras, so Drake hardly glanced her way. Riley wasn’t sure if it mattered anymore with the latest development, but it was probably still best to keep things under wraps.

Upon arrival, the women were briefed on the rules of the regatta and then Constantine took to the podium to address the crowd. It started off as a typical welcome address, but then he stated he was making an announcement:

“As of the end of this social season, I’ll be stepping down as your reigning monarch, and in a few week’s time, Prince Liam will be your new king.”

The reporters started hurling questions at Constantine, but he silenced them, stating he would be releasing a statement at a later date. Meanwhile, Liam was standing next to Riley with a stunned expression on his face.

“Liam, is this the first you are hearing about this?” Riley asked.

“I knew his retirement wasn’t too far in the future, but I had no idea it would be this soon. He didn’t warn me he would be making the announcement…I’m going to become King in a matter of weeks. I’m still in shock. It’s a lot to take in.”

“I can’t even imagine.” Riley gave Liam a hug to comfort him. She felt guilty, but she was even more relieved now to not be marrying Liam. She had never been excited about being the eventual Queen of Cordonia, but it had seemed so far away. The thought of having to do so in a matter of weeks or even months nearly gave her a panic attack.

“I just can’t believe he didn’t tell me and and that I had to hear it at the same time as everybody else. I’m not sure what his motive was there.”

“Are you going to be okay, Liam?”

“As soon as Leo abdicated I knew what my future held. I’m not necessarily ready, but I am prepared, if that makes sense.” Liam replied. “But it looks like everyone is headed to their boats for the Regatta. I’ll see you at the after party. Good luck, Riley.”

“Thanks, Liam.” Riley boarded the boat and Bertrand, Maxwell, and Drake were already aboard.

“It’s good to see you again, Riley” Betrand extended his hand to her.

“Why so formal Bertrand? How many times do I have to tell you, siblings don’t shake hands, we hug.” Riley squeezed him tight and he gave in and hugged her back.

“Very well. I’ll remember that next time.”

“Take notes from me.” Maxwell wrapped Riley in one of his signature bear hugs. “Drake told me you took some lessons from an instructor yesterday, which is good because we couldn’t afford to hire a crew.”

“Maxwell!” Bertrand scolded.

“What? It is nothing everyone on this boat doesn’t already know.”

“The film crew will be here any minute.” Bertrand reminded Maxwell. “Now Maxwell, Riley, and Drake, why don’t you get the sails ready, and I will oversee everything.”

“Of course you will.” Drake muttered under his breath. “Riley, why don’t you come help me over here.” Riley followed and Drake leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Nice belt, Bennett. I see you learned something from your lesson.”

Despite hoping Drake would notice, Riley knew she was blushing when felt warmth rush to her cheeks. “I definitely learned something…but I had to Google how to tie this knot. I was too distracted staring at the hot instructor.”

“I guess he’ll need to give you further detailed instruction…but not now because we have company.” Drake’s tone went from flirty to more serious. Riley looked and saw the film crew boarding the yacht.

“Got it. We are all business. Let’s win this regatta!”


The Beaumonts didn’t win the Regatta, but they placed a respectable second behind Madeline and her crew. Riley was okay with not winning for herself, but the winner got to spend time alone on their boat with Liam. Nobody but Madeleine wanted Madeleine to get time alone with Liam. At least then she could stop complaining that she hadn’t gotten any one on one time with him.

Everyone else gathered on the beach for the after party. Drake and Riley got in the buffet line together. The upside of public events like this was that Drake had a valid excuse to be at Riley’s side at all times.

“This food seems a little more casual than what I’ve gotten used to here.”

“Are you getting spoiled Bennett?”

“No,” Riley answered. “It’s actually a nice change of pace. Typical barbecue food like I would have at home.”

“That’s what I was thinking when I suggested it to Liam.”

“Did you do that for me, Drake? That’s sweet.”

“Nah, I just wanted something that would actually fill me up,” Drake teased. “Okay, maybe I thought it might remind you of home too. Enjoy your dinner with the ladies. I’ll be at the guards” table.”

Everyone ate and as dinner was finishing Kat approached Riley. “Riley, I need to steal you for a few minutes for an interview.”

Kat led Riley to the private “in the moment” interview area. It was typical to get interviewed during the middle of dates, so Riley didn’t think anything of it until Kat kicked the cameras out.

“What’s going on?” Riley questioned.

“We need to talk…about the letter you got.”

“How did you know about the letter, Kat?

“Because I wrote it.”

Riley stared at Kat in disbelief. “You sent this letter? Why? I mean, obviously you must have seen Drake and I kiss on the cameras, but why send a letter and threaten me? Why not just tell me to leave if you think I should?”

“Riley it’s…complicated to say the least. Jo and I have been put between a rock and a hard place. Someone is demanding that we try to manipulate the course of the show, and with the footage we have of you and the other top contenders, we can easily make what they want happen. Jo is jaded from being in this industry so long, she doesn’t care who Liam picks as long as the ratings are good. I like you, Riley, and I honestly do care about your happiness…and Liam’s. I know that may be hard to believe with some of the things that I do for my job, but it’s true.”

Riley crossed her arms defensively. “I’m still not understanding how trying to make me leave the show would help me or Liam. Nor do I get why you would send me a cryptic letter if you were just going to tell me all this.”

“Well here’s the thing,” Kat started to explain. “The letter will buy you some time.”

“How is it going to buy me time if I have to leave by this next elimination ceremony?”

“The letter is just a diversion. Jo didn’t want any of you to know about your incriminating footage. Her plan was to use it regardless whenever it was your time to leave the show. If Liam were to pick you or one of the girls in question, we would just bury the corresponding video and give you your happy ending. I don’t want her to know that I told you about this, so that’s why I wrote the letter. If you bring this letter to us Jo will assume that it came from the source that wants you gone.”

“I’m still not getting how I’ll be able to stay.”

“I honestly just needed a way to let you know what was going on, and Jo will never suspect it was me since she and I both agreed we would try to keep you on as long as possible. Jo is already bending enough trying to make Liam choose this woman in the end. Jo’s not going to surrender total control of the show. She’ll call his bluff, which is actually my bluff, so you are safe…for now at least.”

Riley noted Kat said this person making demands was a he. There was only one man who wielded enough power to change the course of the show. “You said he. Is King Constantine calling the shots here?”

Kat smiled slyly. “I’m glad you were smart enough to deduce that on your own because I was ordered not to tell anyone…which I didn’t. I’m also guessing you are sharp enough to figure out which woman he might favor. Someone who has kept herself out of trouble thus far.”

Again, Riley could only think of one Candidate. “Madeleine? You are all going to try and make Liam marry Madeleine? He will be miserable. Even with manipulation, I can’t see him doing that.”

“Think about it Riley. We have enough to get rid of you, Olivia, Hana and Lydia. Even if Liam didn’t care about damage to your reputation, he knows the Cordonian public will. Now that Constantine is stepping down, Liam knows he needs a queen the public trusts, not one sneaking around with his best friend, kissing another contestant, or having uncontrolled outbursts. There’s no one else left that is both a serious, believable contender for Liam’s heart and fit to be Queen.”

“If the footage is all going to come out in the end, aren’t we all just doomed anyhow? My life would be easier if I would just quit now.”

“I don’t know how serious this thing between you and Drake is, and I can see you care for both him and Liam. Quitting now will be bad for you in more ways than one. You do realize that Liam would have to fire Drake if it got out to the public that you were sneaking around with him while he was on the job. That’s on top of you forfeiting all the money.”

Riley sat silently, not sure what to say. The thought haven’t even occurred to her that although Liam was okay personally with what was happening between her and Drake, professional boundaries were crossed. She was feeling more and more like she was in deeper than she could handle.

Jo must have noticed despair on Riley’s face. “Look, Riley, a big reason I’m telling you all this now is because there is a way that we can keep Liam from having to choose Madeleine. I’m not sure what she’s been up to, but if it’s a big enough scandal, we might be able to keep Liam from having to marry her, and we may be able to convince Jo that we don’t need to use the footage we have on the rest of you.”

“Why do you suspect she is up to something, and how do I fit into all of this?” Riley still wasn’t putting the pieces together.

“I know you are well aware there are cameras all around the palace, but only in areas open to filming the show. Madeleine has been sneaking out of her room most nights. We can see her come and go, but not where she goes in between. It could be something harmless, but the signs point to her having an affair with someone. At first Jo and I thought she was sneaking around with Liam, but we soon realized he was elsewhere most of the time. Although we don’t know where she’s going, I can guarantee at least one person in the guard knows what she’s been up to. If you can get Drake to help you look into this, we might be able to take her out of the running.”

Riley sighed deeply. Did she really have a choice at this point? “I suppose I have to try.”

Kat smiled. “Good. Now remember, we will have to start releasing the footage of on at least one of you starting in the next week or two. The faster we can find out what Madeleine has been doing the better for all of you.”

Riley went back to the party and tried to act like everything was fine. She would find a way to discuss this all with Drake later, but for now she would put on a happy face for the cameras.

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