Queen of My Heart – Chapter 24

A bewildered look crossed Liam’s face. “Riley, what are you saying? You think my father is trying to make me choose Madeleine?”

Riley had filled Drake in on Constantine’s demands and enlisted his help in setting up the meeting with Liam and Bastien to discuss everything that had transpired. There had to be a way the guard could figure out what Madeleine was up to, but they needed to be discreet about it, and Drake trusted Bastien. Riley had known it would be difficult for Liam to hear, but he had to be told. It would be easier to stay ahead of the game if Liam knew to play along.

“I’m sorry Liam. Kat all but confirmed it. The show has enough footage on me, Hana, Lydia, and even Olivia to put doubt in the public’s mind about us. Your father knows that you care enough about Cordonia that you want and need the people to support your Queen.“

“What exactly do they have one everyone?” Liam asked, his face unreadable.

“Well you already know about Olivia’s outburst that night. That will make her look unstable. Drake and I were both dumb and forgot there were cameras outside my room. I know you don’t plan on choosing me, but Kat seemed to think it wouldn’t bode well for Drake if the public saw us kissing behind your back. I would just offer to leave, but I don’t want any consequences for Drake.”

“You are right,” Liam admitted. “I would look like a fool if I kept someone on staff in the guard who, to the outside world,  appeared untrustworthy. And what about Hana and Lydia? Does it have something to do with the two of them together?”

Riley breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t think Liam was interested in Hana or Lydia romantically, but she way praying Hana had a chance to tell him what was going on like she had planned. “It appears Hana told you about her and Lydia. They too were as careless as Drake and I. Hana isn’t out to her parents yet…or anyone for that matter outside of the people in this room, Olivia, and Lydia.

“I know my father can be ruthless, but I can’t believe he is going behind my back to try and get me to marry who he wants. How long have you all known about this?”

“Riley just told me last night,” Drake replied.

“And I just learned yesterday at the regatta,” Riley added.

“And you Bastien?” Liam asked pointedly.

“Liam, you know Constantine is still the king and no matter what, I am sworn to confidentiality. There have been discussions for awhile now, but he only made the demands earlier this week.”

Riley squeezed Liam’s hand. “I know this is a lot to take in, but we think there is something we can do. But first I need to know, are you considering choosing Madeleine…for your own reasons?”

“Absolutely not. I don’t care if she wants to be queen. I want to marry for love, and right now, that is leading me towards Olivia.”

“Good. We need to go after Madeleine, and it may not end well for her reputation depending on what we find,” Riley explained. “I hope it doesn’t come to that, but we cannot control what the show puts out. And if you are serious about Olivia and against marrying Madeleine, it may be the only way.”

“I think we need to try,” Liam agreed. “Bastien, I trust you can have the security team figure out where Madeleine has been going. I know I’m not King yet, but I will be soon, and I would like to be able to keep you on as head of the guard.

“Heh,” Drake chuckled. “Look at you Liam, already playing the part. Bastien, I hope you will do this for me too.”

Basiten shook his head in agreement. “I’ll see what I can do. How much time do we have?”

“Kat said someone will have to go at each elimination ceremony. There is one today, so I know we won’t have anything yet. But since Hana and Lydia’s footage implicates them both, they won’t show it until they both are out of the running.” Riley looked to Liam. “Would you be okay eliminating one of them?”

“Yes. I am closer to Hana, so it would make most sense for Lydia to go. That gives us at least a week to figure things out. Until then, we continue on as usual.”


Lydia, Sophia, and Charlotte were eliminated at the Apple Blossom ceremony leaving Riley, Hana, Penelope, Kiara, Madeleine, Olivia. This would be the last week of the normal date format. Madeleine got the solo date with Liam as planned. The group date was going to be a tea party with Queen Regina and King Constantine so they could get to know the remaining prospects better. Hana and Riley met in their usual garden spot to talk before the event.

“This tea party is such bullshit. What’s the point of trying to impress the King and Queen when they already have their minds made up?”

“I know, Riley.” Hana agreed. “It feels like I’m wasting my time, but I’m also afraid to leave. Even if it doesn’t come out on the show, I’m going to have to come out to my parents at some point…unless I want to be miserable in a marriage to a man I don’t love. At least while I’m still here, I can suspend reality a little longer.”

“I’m sorry Hana. Neither of us is in a good position here, but I can only imagine how scary it would be to know your family probably won’t accept you for who you are. Let’s hope they can get something good on Madeleine, so neither of us has to worry about things coming out before we are ready.”

“Speaking of being ready, it’s probably time for us to head back to get dressed for the party.” Hana hugged Riley. “I’ll see you there.”

Riley picked out a blush colored floral knee length dress with a floral hair piece to match. It screamed afternoon tea to her more than anything else when she perused her rack of Ana de Luca frocks. She was thankful every day that she wasn’t stuck wearing her little black dress to all the events.

Drake escorted her to one of the palace ballrooms that was transformed into a floral wonderland. There were colorful vases of fresh cut flowers atop tables covered with floral tablecloths not all that different from the dress Riley was wearing. Maybe she could blend in with the scenery to avoid Constantine and Regina.

Madeleine saw Riley upon entrance and walked up to greet her. “Riley, I thought you wouldn’t make it past the first night, and look at you, all dressed up and acting like you belong here.”

“It’s nice to see you too Madeleine.” Riley tried not to scowl. Madeleine had a knack for catching Riley when the film crew members were all busy elsewhere. She knew enough to be more diplomatic on camera.

Madeleine yawned, and Riley was fairly certain it was just for show. “I’m so tired from my date with Liam yesterday. We were up all night. But enough about that, there are more important people to talk to here than you.

Hana and Olivia were waiting in the periphery. Olivia had also been updated on the plot to get Madeleine chosen as Liam’s wife.

Hana frowned. “Madeleine is just awful…and I usually like everyone.”

Olivia scoffed. “I hardly like anyone, but even Drake’s company is preferable to hers. Hell, I’d rather talk to Neville and Rashad than engage in conversation with Madeleine. Speak of the devils, look at them all over Lydia and the other fresh meat. I think they need to set their sights a little lower.”

“Not to mention Lydia is..um…spoken for,” Hana said with a blush.

“Oh, Hana,” Riley laughed. “You are too adorable. But for now, it’s time to go try and pretend to win over the King and Queen. Looks like Kat is calling you over.”

“Ugh,” Olivia groaned. “Madeleine has her paws all over Liam. I’m going to go interrupt.”

Riley looked around the room and noticed Kiara talking to Drake over by the desserts. She wasn’t jealous per se, but she decided it wouldn’t hurt to join the conversation.

“Hey, you two.”

“Oh, Ben-, Lady Riley, hello. Kiara was just telling me she was giving Savannah French lessons before she left.

“Oh, that was nice of you.” Riley could see the wheels turning in Drake’s head. Was Savannah planning her departure in advance?

Kiara laughed nervously and her cheeks reddened. “Well, I should go somewhere else. See you both later.”

“That was weird.”

“Are you really still oblivious Drake? She was overtly flirting with you. I think she was disappointed I crashed the party.”

“Wait, are you jealous Bennett?” Drake’s lips curved into a smile.

“No, I just think it’s funny how clueless you are…but you you do know you are mine right?” Riley smirked. “I hope I’ve made that clear enough.”

“Crystal clear. Hopefully you’ll get a chance to show me again soon, but it looks like you are being summoned now.”

Riley turned and saw Kat calling her over to Constantine and Regina’s table. “Wish me luck. I’m going to need it.”


Drake met up with Bastien on the other side of the room while Riley sat with the King and Queen. “Did you find anything out yet, Bastien?”

“Unfortunately not. Madeleine has not left her room any night this week, aside from her date with Liam.”

Drake ran his hands through his hair and let out an exasperated sigh. “We’re running out of time. The next elimination is in 2 days.”

“I’m aware Drake, and we are doing all we can. If something is going on, we’ll find out. Just go back to business as usual and I’ll let you know when I have more information.”

Drake reluctantly went back to his post and endured the rest of the party. Liam discreetly ushered Riley and Drake out the back doors where they were met by Olivia, Hana, and Maxwell.

“Any news Drake?” Liam asked hopefully.

Drake nodded his head towards Maxwell. “Since when is he in on all of this? Should we be talking about this in front of him?”

“Liam told me earlier…with Riley’s blessing of course,” Maxwell answered. “I should have known something was going on between you two when you showed up at our estate that night. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Bertrand yet. I don’t think he could handle any more stress right now.”

“Fine. There’s nothing to tell. Bastien said we just have to wait.”

“Not quite the news I wanted to hear,” Liam admitted and then a smile crossed his face. “Why don’t we all get away tonight and get our minds off of everything… just for one night.”

“How are we going to swing that with the constant surveillance? Riley asked.

Liam shrugged. “At this point, what more can they do to the three of you ladies? I was thinking we would go camping. Drake makes an excellent guide.”

“Ew,” Olivia shuddered. “Sleeping in tents with bugs? Peeing in the woods? Count me out.”

Liam moved closer to Olivia. “I was looking forward to sharing a tent with you.”

“Forget what I said. I suddenly love camping.”

“Can I ask Lydia to come?” Hana inquired.

Liam nodded. “She knows everything that’s going on, so I don’t see a problem with it.

“So unless I’m sharing a tent with Riley and Drake, it looks like I’m all alone.” Maxwell mused.

“Sorry, strict limit of 2 per tent,” Drake jumped in quickly. “Bring your teddy bear.”

“It’s not a teddy bear, it’s a stuffed hippo, thank you very much.”

“Great, I will arrange the transportation. Drake, why don’t you gather all the supplies with Riley,” Liam instructed.

“I’ll bring the food.” Hana offered. “Want to help Olivia?”

“How about I’m in charge of the drinks. I know I’ll need some.”

“What about me?” Maxwell asked.

“I think it’s enough to ask you to get yourself ready,” Liam laughed and the rest of the group followed. “Let’s meet outside the front doors at 4pm, and we’ll go from there.”

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