Queen of My Heart – Chapter 25

The limo dropped the group off in a secluded, spot near the bluffs a ways from the palace.

Liam surveyed the wooded area. “Drake I trust you remember where the spot is.”

“I see you still have a terrible sense of direction,” Drake teased. “What would you do without me?”

“Why do you think I’ve kept you around all these years?”

“True,” Drake chuckled. “You would literally be lost without me. The site is about a quarter mile west of here.”

“You mean we have to hike through the forest to get there? I did not sign up for this.” Olivia scoffed.

“I don’t want to say I told so, but you probably should have listened to me when I told you heels weren’t appropriate camping footwear,” Riley replied.

“Okay, enough chitchat. We need to get moving if we are going to set up camp before sundown. Let’s go,” Drake commanded.

Five minutes later they arrived at a clearing along the bluffs. Riley looked out over the trees below to the ocean. “This view is spectacular.”

“Stunning,” Hana added. “What do you think Lydia?”

“Almost as gorgeous as you Hana.” Lydia blushed and smiled shyly.

“How sickeningly sweet.” Olivia added. “The view isn’t bad I suppose.”

“Drake found this place, but he has brought me a couple times.” Liam explained.

“Hey, why wasn’t I invited?” Maxwell pouted.

Drake rolled his eyes. “What would you do if I handed you this tent to put up?”

“I’d probably end up sleeping under the stars.”

“Exactly. I didn’t take you for the camping type. We can relax later, but we need to work fast now. Hana, Lydia, Maxwell, why don’t you three go gather some fire wood. The rest of us will start putting up the tents. Olivia, I think you’ll find that more satisfactory than traipsing through the woods gathering sticks.”

“How thoughtful of you Drake,” Olivia said dryly, but then a faint smile crossed her lips. “You are sounding like a drill sergeant. I’m kind of impressed to see this side of you, Maybe you do have some redeeming qualities.”

Liam shook his head. “When are you two going to stop pretending you don’t like each other?” he asked to which both just shrugged their shoulders.

Riley had been camping several times in her life, so figuring out the tents was no problem for her. Olivia seemed to be the type to never back down from a challenge, and she was sharp. You’d never know she hadn’t put up a tent before. The 4 of them made quick work of setting up the campsite, while the other 3 gathered a sizable amount of firewood.

Drake built the fire and got it going right away. He sat down next to Riley overlooking the water. “Now we can relax. Just in time for sunset.“

“Are you sure you don’t have any more orders for us, boss? You take this pretty seriously, huh?”

“Sorry if I’m a little intense with things like this. I guess i just feel responsible for everyone’s safety here. Not just because it’s my job, but because I know how easy it is to get lost, or hurt, or freeze out here if you aren’t prepared. I suppose that’s another thing I learned from my dad.”

Riley laced get fingers through Drake’s. “I love learning more about you and your family growing up. Did you go camping often with your Dad?”

Drake nodded affirmatively. “We didn’t have a lot of money to take fancy vacations, and dad didn’t have a lot of time off, so camping trips were perfect for us. My mom and Savannah weren’t as excited about it as dad and I, but we had fun. Savannah would complain and ask why we didn’t get to go on trips around the world like her noble friends, but when she forgot she was was pretending to hate it, she had a good time. We’d cook over the campfire, hike, fish, swim, play games and just have time together without constant interruptions.” Drake trailed off lost in thought. “You said you used to go camping too, Bennett?”

“Yep, like you, that was part of growing up without a lot of money. Although, we normally stayed at less rustic campgrounds in upstate New York with showers and flushable toilets. I don’t know if you are truly roughing it unless you have to pee in the woods.”

Drake Chuckled. “Do you think Olivia realized yet that there are no toilets or running water out here? She might flip when she does.”

“I think she would do just about anything to be with Liam. I know you two haven’t always gotten along, but for what’s it’s worth, she really does love Liam. He’s good for her, and she can be good for him too. He’ll need someone strong beside him.”

“You might be right.” Drake sighed. “Olivia and I have a complicated history, but I think that’s because she always felt she had to compete for Liam’s attention with me. Liam and I had so many interests in common and we were always together. She probably felt like there was no place for her. She did apologize to me, you know. We will probably still give each other a hard time, but if she makes Liam happy, I will be happy for them.”

“You are an amazing friend Drake.” Riley gave him a brief, gentle kiss on the lips. “Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.”  A comfortable silence passed between them before Riley spoke again.  “It looks like Hana and Lydia are setting up dinner. Shall we?”

Drake stood and held out his hand to help Riley up. The seven friends ate sandwiches Hana prepared while discussing the whirlwind the social season had been thus far. The sun disappeared fully from the horizon, and darkness set in.

“It’s well past time to start drinking. Let’s get started!” Olivia pulled out several purple bottles of wine. “Lythikos Purple Moscato. You won’t find anything better.”

Drake surveyed the bottles skeptically. “I think I might just stick with water.”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, if it’s not whiskey, you don’t want it. I’m surprised you didn’t bring your own flask.” Olivia reached in her bag and tossed another bottle at Drake. “You are lucky we make exceptional whiskey in Lythikos too.”

“I always knew you cared, Olivia.” Drake said with a smirk.

Maxwell walked up between Drake and Olivia and put his arms around them both. “Can’t you all just feel the love between them?”

Olivia removed Maxwell’s arm from her shoulder. “Yes, so adorable. Now let’s not dwell on it.”

“Fine, then I propose a drinking game. How about never have I ever?”

“Maxwell, I don’t think I’m ready now, or ever, to learn the kinds of things about you I might learn in that game.”

“Oh, true. I don’t need to know anything about my sister’s sex life.” Maxwell shuddered. “Okay, who knows another game?”

“How about two, truths and a lie?” Lydia suggested. “Does everyone know how to play?”

Everyone nodded yes except for Hana. “How do you play?”

“It’s easy. All you have to do is think of two true facts about yourself and 1 lie. If anyone guesses wrong, they drink. I’ll go first. I own 10 horses, I’m friends with the Duchess of Cambridge, and I can juggle.

Everyone but Riley guessed the lie was juggling. Riley guessed the horses.

“And the answer is…” Lydia paused “ I do not own 10 horses. I own 20.”

“I knew it!” Riley smiled smugly. “Obviously you aren’t going to say you know Kate Middleton if you don’t, and stating a number is always a giveaway. You all have a lot to learn.”

“Don’t get too cocky now. I bet you won’t guess mine. Olivia tapped her index finger to her lips. “Let’s see, “I’ve turned down three proposals, I dated a now famous football player at university, and I’ve never cried at a movie.

“I’m going with the football player.” Riley guessed. The rest of the votes were split between the other two facts.

“Dammit, Riley. I thought I would get you with the number thing.”

“You know I’m smarter than that, Olivia. Plus you were too vague with the football player. I know you wouldn’t be afraid to drop his name if it were true.”

“Aside from Lord Rashad, and Lord Frederick, who did you turn down?” Liam asked.

“That Italian statesman, Francesco. He didn’t understand the meaning of a one night stand. As if I would leave Cordonia for him. Besides, I’ve kind of been holding out for someone else.” She looked at Liam sheepishly and a knowing smile crossed his lips.

The game continued for a couple rounds and they decided to call it quits before anyone got too drunk. Riley learned that Maxwell once bought a flock of peacocks, thinking it a wise investment for house Beaumont, Drake slept with a professor in college, not knowing she was his professor until classes started 2 days later, Hana likes pineapple on pizza, and Liam once hid a baby squirrel in his room for two weeks before it got out and almost gave one of the maids a heart attack. They all said goodnight and dispersed to their tents.


Hana shyly changed into her pink silk nightgown, trying not to reveal too much. She was head over heels for Lydia already and had never come close to feeling this way about anyone before. Hana had hardly so much as kissed her ex-fiance one time and that was the extent of her experience. She wanted more with Lydia but wasn’t sure if she was ready and didn’t want to let Lydia down.

Hana turned around and caught the silhouette of Lydia’s breast in the dimly lit space as she pulled her pajama top down. The outline of her pert breasts was fully visible and her erect nipples poked through the thin fabric of her tank too. She felt a combination of butterflies in her stomach and heat rushing to her core.

“So do you want to sleep separate in our own sleeping bags, or do you want to spread them out so we can cuddle together?” Lydia’s question snapped Hana from her trance.

“Oh…we can cuddle if that’s okay with you.”

Lydia gazed at Hana intently. “We can cuddle, kiss,…something more. Whatever you want Hana.”

Hana didn’t say anything but settled under the covers with Lydia. They snuggled in close and Lydia tucked a strand of hair behind Hana’s ear. “I’m so happy we are getting to spend this time together, Hana. I want you to know what’s happening between us is real for me. I’ve never felt like this before.”

“Me neither, Lydia.” Their mouths were close enough that Hana could feel Lydia’s warm breaths on her lips, and smell her vanilla perfume. Lydia’s lips were begging to be kissed, so Hana closed the distance and pressed her mouth to Lydia’s in a heated kiss.

Lydia pulled away smiling. “You know I wasn’t just saying that to get in your pants…but if you keep kissing me like that…not that I would ask you to do anything you aren’t comfortable doing.”

“I want to do more Lydia, so much…but I’m nervous. I don’t know what I’m doing at all. I’ve never even masturbated.”

“We can just kiss if you want. I never get tired of that. Unless…”

“Unless what, Lydia?”

“I could just show you this time. Let me demonstrate on you. Then you will know what feels good. If you are uncomfortable at any time, just let me know.”

The nervous fluttering started in Hana’s chest again. “Okay. Show me.”

Lydia kissed Hana sweetly. “Lie back on the pillows.

Hana did as instructed and Lydia bunched Hana’s gown up to her waist. She trailed kisses up Hana’s thigh, and she squirmed as electric sparks shot straight to her center with each touch of Lydia’s lips.

“Everything good?”

Hana nodded and Lydia continued. She hooked her index fingers under Hana’s matching pink silk panties and slowly inched them down, looking to Hana for any indication of hesitation, of which there was none. Lydia slid them off completely and tossed them to the side.

“Do you want me to use my mouth, my fingers, or both?”

The color in Hana’s cheeks deepened from pink to red as she bashfully spoke. “Umm…I don’t know. How about both?”

A seductive smile pulled at the corners of Lydia’s lips. She brought a finger to Hana’s entrance, already slick and glistening. She slowly teased a finger inside and Hana gasped.

“Too much?”

“No, it feels good. Keep going.” Hana urged.

Lydia moved her finger in and out, gradually increased the speed. Hana didn’t know what an orgasm was like, but she thought she might find out soon. Lydia slid her finger out, through Hana’s folds, and up to her clit. She rubbed in light slow circles. Hana’s breaths quickened and she arched into Lydia’s touch. Her nerve endings felt like they were about to explode.

Lydia removed her finger and replaced it with her warm, wet mouth. She licked and sucked, and Hana had never experienced a better feeling in her life. She felt something building inside her and knew she had to let go and let it take over. It was like a dam broke and the intense feeling radiated throughout her body. She cried out and her toes curled as she felt her sex contracting.

Lydia moved up to kiss Hana, and Hana tasted herself on Lydia’s lips. “Congratulations on your first orgasm.”

“I never knew what I was missing. I…umm, could try to do that for you now.”

“Don’t worry about it tonight babe. I can take care of myself and you can watch if you want.  Consider it another lesson for you. I have a feeling you might want to be able to get yourself off now that you know what it’s like.


Olivia casually unzipped her dress and let it fall to the tent floor, revealing her deep red lace bra and matching thong. Liam sat on the air mattress with his mouth agape.

“See something you like? I’ve always been told I look good in red,” Olivia teased.

“No…” Liam fumbled, “I mean yes, red is very..flattering on you. I was just a little surprised to see you standing there half naked.”

“I was looking for my pajamas, unless there’s a reason you don’t want me to put them on yet.” Olivia knew exactly what she was doing, but she was trying to play coy.

“Why don’t you come over here and we’ll talk.” Liam patted a spot next to him on the mattress.

Olivia obliged, feeling a little defeated. It sounded more like “I’m going to let you down gently” than “come over here and fuck me.”

Liam wound his arm around the small of her back and ran his fingers on his other hand through her crimson locks. “ “Liv, you are gorgeous…breathtaking. You can’t even imagine how much I want you right now.”

Olivia listened, becoming more hopeful, but bracing herself to hear the “but”.

“I just want to make sure we are both ready for this and what it means. If we do this, I don’t know if we can ever go back to just being friends. I’m falling for you Olivia, but if you have any doubts at all, I don’t want to go any further.”

“Liam, I’ve been in love with you as long as I can remember. I’ve turned down all my suitors because of you. I’ve been ready for this for years.”

Liam’s face brightened. “Good. That’s what I was hoping to hear.”

“Enough talking.” Olivia stripped off Liam’s shirt and pushed him back on the mattress. She sealed their lips together in a searing kiss.

Before Olivia knew what was happening, Liam flipped Olivia on her back. “You are always trying to control everything in your life. Let me lead the way. I want to see you lose control.” Liam kissed her again, parting her lips with his tongue.

Olivia moaned into his mouth. “Take me Liam. Make me yours.”

A low growl emanated from Liam’s throat. He unhooked her bra and discarded it to the side. His eyes flashed over her milky white skin before he cupped her breasts in both hands. He took one pink bud and the the other in his mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue, eliciting moans that grew louder each time.

Liam undid his belt and shimmied out of his pants, while Olivia tried to take off her thong. Liam playfully slapped her hand away. “No, no. I said I’m in control, remember? Let me.”

Liam started to remove the small bit of lace fabric at an agonizingly slow pace. Her sex was aching for him, and he knew it. “You are so mean.”

“So eager. You want me right now, do you Olivia?”

“Yes, please Liam. I can’t wait any more.”

Liam flashed a devilish grin. “You’re lucky I don’t want to wait any more either.” He kissed her once more and pulled off his boxer briefs, and Olivia couldn’t help but be in awe. His length was average or slightly above, but he was so thick. All the times she tried to picture his cock from the outline through his pants didn’t compare to what she saw now.

Liam moved his head between her legs a licked her dripping wet center. She bucked her hips into his mouth, wanting more. God Olivia, you taste so sweet. He teased her with his tongue until she was dangerously close to the edge.

Liam moved his head away, and she groaned in displeasure, but then he quickly replaced his mouth, sliding his hard length easily past her slick folds. “Oh Liv, you feel amazing.”

He filled her up completely. The friction inside and out as they moved together was too much and not enough. She wanted more. She dug her fingers into his ass, urging him to go faster, deeper. He was no longer showing the restraint he had before. He gave into her wordless demand, pumping in and out harder and with increased speed.

“Oh, yes, Liam!” She cried out as she came undone beneath him. Olivia trembled as she came down from her high, as Liam got closer himself, her sex gripping him with every pulse. Liam groaned loudly as he spilled inside her.

Liam rolled off and turned to face Olivia, cupping her face in his hands. “That was incredible. I wouldn’t change a thing.” Olivia kissed him, but didn’t say anything more because Liam already knew she felt the same.


Drake was the last one to head to bed, as he stayed to make sure the fire was completely out and all the food was put away so there would be no creatures visiting during the night. He had barely stepped inside and zipped up the tent before Riley threw her arms around his neck and crashed her lips against his.

He pulled away after a moment and took a step back to look at her. She was already out of her dress, revealing some sort of black lingerie. Drake didn’t know what to call it, but all that mattered to him was how fucking hot she looked in it. It was a short, form-fitting, strapless dress type thing. Her breasts were pushed up and almost spilling out of the cups.

“Damn, Bennett. I had no idea you had that hiding under your dress.”

Riley twirled around giving Drake the full view. “You like it?”

What wasn’t there to like? He body was perfect in his eyes. Her ass, her hips, her breasts – he loved all of her curves no matter what she was wearing. The soft glow of the lantern only enhanced her beauty. He pulled her flush against him. His cock was already hard and throbbing. “What do you think. Does it feel like I like it?”

Riley twisted her fingers through Drakes hair and kissed him hungrily. “Mmm,” she moaned into his mouth.

Drake broke the kiss and brought a finger to her lips. “Shh.” I put our tent as far away from everyone as possible, but you still need to be quiet. I realize from previous experience this may be a problem for you,” Drake said with a smirk.

Riley hit Drake’s chest playfully. “I can’t help if you make me feel so good. It’s all your fault really.”

Drake stripped of his clothes and guided Riley down onto the mattress on top of him, her legs straddling his torso. “I’ll try harder to be just average for you then.”

“No, no, I’ll be quiet. I promise! Besides, I don’t even think it’s possible for you to be just average.”

Drake loved how responsive Riley was to his touch. How he could tell how turned on she was by the noises she made. He had no intentions of holding back, so he’d just have to make her be quiet if she couldn’t comply. He slid his hand up her leg, expecting to feel the fabric of her panties when he met the apex of her thighs. Instead his fingers grazed her wet and ready entrance. “Look’s like someone doesn’t want to waste any time. In that case, I think I need to taste you now.” Drake pushed her chemise up to her waist and lifted her by the hips over his face. He put a finger to her lips again. “Remember to be quiet.” He started licking with broad strokes through her folds to her most sensitive place.

Riley looked into Drake’s eyes, telling him what she couldn’t say out loud. She needed more and he was happy to give it. He loved the taste of her and could lick her pussy all day if she’d let him. He pulled down the cups of her lingerie freeing her breasts. He twisted her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers causing her to grind down with more pressure on his mouth. She was succeeding in being quiet but he could tell from movements and pained expression she was getting close. He worked his tongue faster on her clit and Riley let out an accidental yelp as she came.

“You almost did it, Bennett.”

“Sorry, I guess you shouldn’t have made me come.”

Drake swept Riley’s sweaty, matted hair from her face. “What fun would it would be if I didn’t?”

Riley bent down to kiss Drake and then swiftly moved to grab the base of his shaft and lowered herself onto him. She was so tight and wet, and he could still feel the remnants of her orgasm pulsing through her core. She started slowly and then picked up speed. He was so turned on seeing her this way – taking charge, her tits bouncing as she rode him, but he also wanted his chance to be in control.

Drake flipped Riley over and growled in her ear, “Get on your hands and knees.” Riley obeyed and Drake plunged back into her sex. He reached around to finger her clit and she let out a loud moan. “I see this might be a problem, but I want to make you come again.” He clamped his other hand over her mouth.  “Now we should be okay.”

Riley continued to vocalize muffled grunts and moans into Drakes hand, indicating she was close to falling over the edge again. Drake picked up his pace and she bit down on his hand and screamed, her sex contracting around him as another orgasm ripped through her. Her excitement was enough to do him in as well, and his cum shot out inside her.

After they cleaned up and got ready for bed. Riley laid wrapped in Drake’s arms, her back against his chest. He loved her and he wanted to let her know, but part of him was afraid it was too soon. Maybe it would be easier like this, when he couldn’t see her face, just in case he freaked her out. “I love you, Riley” he whispered in her ear, wondering if she was even still awake to hear it.

Riley turned over, an unreadable look on her face. “What did you just say?”

He took a deep breath to gain the courage to say it again. “I said I love you.”

Riley’s face lit up like the sun and she kissed him deeply. “I love you too, Drake Walker.” All of Drake’s fears subsided and he was completely content as he drifted off to sleep with Riley in his arms.

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