Queen of My Heart-Chapter 4

Summary: It’s the day of the ball and Riley finally gets to meet Liam and also her surly bodyguard.

Riley woke up to a knock on her door. It felt like it was ungodly early, but that’s probably because it was back home, and she hadn’t slept much last night. She opened the door to find Maxwell, Bertrand, and Kat.

“Wow, you are all here bright and early. What’s going on?”

“Riley, it’s 9am already! We have a lot of work to do before the ball tonight.” Bertrand sounded stressed, but Riley was beginning to wonder if being tightly wound was just his baseline. “I wanted to start two hours ago, but Kat said I need to let you sleep in.”

“9am is sleeping in? And what kind of work do you mean? The ball isn’t until this evening. I think there is plenty of time to get myself dressed and ready.”

“Don’t tell me I have another Maxwell on my hands. You two are clearly siblings. Riley you are representing House Beaumont and have a lot to learn. The other women have had years of training in etiquette and other courtly disciplines. We can’t have you out there looking like a fool in front of the whole world.”

“What Bertrand means to say,” Maxwell interjected, “is that we don’t want you to feel out of place tonight among the other women. We just want to teach you some basics, so you feel comfortable.”

“Thanks Maxwell. I’ll choose to take it as a compliment that Bertrand compared me to you.” Maxwell smiled while Bertrand rolled his eyes.

“Okay then, it sounds like I have busy day ahead of me. Kat, you mentioned on the phone you would take care of my gown for tonight. Is that correct?” Riley asked.

“Yes, that is one of the reasons I am here right now. We have spoken to designer Ana de Luca, and she has offered to give you her entire spring collection. We told her your story, and she’s as excited about you as we are and thinks it will be good exposure for her brand.”

“Shut up! I’d have to work for like 3 months to be able to afford one of her pieces.”

“Riley, watch your manners. It’s not polite to tell Ms. Feinberg to shut up,” Bertrand scolded.

“Relax Bertrand.” Maxwell laughed. “She wasn’t actually telling her to shut up. She was just pleasantly surprised.” You’ll have to excuse him Riley, he’s not well-versed in American slang or figures of speech.”

“I am honored and humbled by the generous offer. I will wear the garments with pride. Is that better Bertrand?” Riley teased.

“I suppose there is hope for you yet,” Betrand responded.

Riley turned back to Kat. “You said that was one of the reasons you are here. What else is there?

“A couple things. We will need to go over your contract, and after you get dressed and go through hair and makeup, we will get some pre-ball interviews. We’ll ask you some questions, so the audience can get to know you better. You will talk about how excited you are to meet Liam, et cetera. Similar to what you’ve probably seen if you’ve ever watched any of our other shows.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize I would have to sign a contract. I guess that makes sense.”

“Trust me Riley, it is standard procedure and protects both you and us. You will know all of the expectations up front.”

Betrand spoke up again, “Riley, if you don’t mind, I would like to be there when you go over the contract.”

“I would actually like that, Betrand. You seem like the type that wouldn’t let any details go unnoticed. Just let me get dressed and I’ll meet you out in the hall.”

Riley made herself presentable and followed Kat and Betrand to the palace guest house that was functioning as the television production office for the show. Jo was inside when she arrived.

“Good morning Riley,” Jo greeted.

Riley looked around. There were cameras and equipment all over the place. Production crew members were scattered throughout the house preparing for the show. In the great room, there was a large wall covered in more television screens that Riley could count.

“Good morning. What’s with all the screens? Are there really that many camera’s going at once?”

“Actually, there’s way more than that. We have several camera operators for the planned events, but we also have camera’s set-up throughout the palace. Basically the only areas off-limits and not under surveillance 24/7 are bedrooms and bathrooms. And those are only off limits if the doors are closed,” Jo explained. “Also remember that even if we can’t see behind a closed door, we can see who goes in and out. Any and all footage is fair game for the show.”

“Noted for future reference. Any other words of advice?” asked Riley.

“Pretend the cameras aren’t there. It will be hard at first, but it’s really awkward and unusable footage when you look directly into the camera for anything other than an interview.  After a while you won’t notice them. Why don’t you have a seat with Kat and go over the contract. She can answer any questions that you might have.”

Kat led Riley and Bertrand to her desk and handed Riley a thick packet of paper with small type. “I know it looks like I lot, but I will hit the important parts. A lot of it is industry standards and not specific to the show.” Kat read through a bunch of the points in the contract that all seemed reasonable. “And now, here are a couple of the most important things for you to know. First, You are not able to communicate with anyone outside of the show for the duration of your time here. This means you have to give us your cell phone and any other electronic communication devices – laptops, tablets, etc. The shows often air several weeks after filming, so we can’t risk your friends and family leaking information, no matter how much you trust them. We will give them the number to our emergency line that is staffed 24/7 in case there is any reason they must contact you before you leave the show.”

Riley wasn’t prepared for that, but she had watched enough reality shows to know this was common. “I get it.”

“The second thing is something unique we are offering to you. This is not in the contracts for the other women.  We will pay you $35,000 for each episode you appear in, and we will match that amount for House Beaumont as well. We heard through the grapevine that there might be some financial troubles there.”

Bertrand’s face reddened. “We are doing just fine, but we wouldn’t turn down your kind offer.

“$35,000? Per episode? That’s almost as much money as I make in a year!” Riley wasn’t sure what to think about this offer. “Why me, and not the other women?”

“Like we said yesterday, we think you are the key to making this show a huge success. Consider it an incentive to give it your best shot with Liam. But you also must know, that if you leave voluntarily or breech your contract at any time, you forfeit all of the money for yourself as well as House Beaumont. Any if you make it to the finale, you each get an extra $500,000.”

“I don’t want to seem like I’m only staying to get the money. I don’t know if I could agree to this in good conscience.”

“I thought you might say that.” Kat handed Riley a much smaller 2 page document. “We are willing to let you sign our standard television waiver just for tonight. Go to the ball, meet Liam, and then let us know what you think tomorrow. If you like him as much as we think you will, the money won’t even be a consideration…just a bonus. Bertrand, you are welcome to have your lawyer look over the full contract as well.”

“I think that seems fair. What do you think Betrand?”

“Oh..um,” Bertrand paused, seeming to be surprised at his sister already trusting him as an adviser. “As long as my lawyer says the contract the contract looks good, and you get a good impression of Liam of course, I say we have a deal.”

“Great!” exclaimed Kat, and she handed Riley a pen to sign the waver.


Riley spent most of the rest of the day preparing with Maxwell and Bertrand. Betrand was trying to throw years worth of training at Riley, but Maxwell reeled him back in, helping Riley learn the most important things, like how to greet members of the Royal Family and other nobles.  She went to hair and makeup at her assigned time and was seated next to a gorgeous woman with warm brown hair and deep brown eyes. How am I supposed to stand out with women like her on the show?, Riley thought to herself.

The woman turned to Riley and smiled brightly. “Hi, I’m Hana.” Not only was she gorgeous, she seemed very sweet as well.

“Hi, I’m Riley.”

“Oh, Riley! I’ve heard a lot about you. You are quite the topic of conversation here at court.”

“I’m assuming that’s not a good thing.”

“Don’t worry,” Hana assured her. “The others are just concerned a newcomer will come in and steal Liam away, as if they have more of a claim on him than you or I. Personally, I am glad to have another outsider here. I think we could be great friends.”

“Does that mean you aren’t from Cordonia either?”

“That is correct. I am from China, but my mother has family ties to one of the Cordonian houses. Most of these women have been to social functions together throughout the years and have know each other since childhood.”

“I know we just met Hana, but I think you are right. We will be great friends.


It was almost 7pm; time for the ball to begin. Riley was so nervous she could puke. She had managed the on camera interview just fine, but it was only her and the camera, with Kat asking questions off screen. Now she was going to make her big debut and meet Liam and all the other women, and she was not coping well.

“You need to get yourself together Riley!” She scolded herself. Suddenly, she remembered the mini bar in her room. “Perfect!” She kept on talking to herself. “Just one shot to calm my nerves.” She rummaged through the cabinet. “Vodka – no, Tequila – eww, no, Whiskey – eh, it’ll do.” The shot burned as it went down.

Moments later there was a knock on her door.

“Hey Riley, Bertrand and I are here to escort you – Woah, you look amazing! I’m afraid to admit that you have now taken my title as the best looking member of the Beaumont family.

Riley had selected a deep red, satin, a-line ball gown with a beaded and sequined bodice and a plunging neckline. Her black-brown hair cascaded down past her shoulders in loose waves. “You think it’s approriate for the ball?”

Bertrand chimed in. “As your brother I’d prefer you were wearing a somthing a little less…revealing…but you really do look lovely Riley. Liam would have to be blind not to notice you.”

“Aww Bertrand. I think that’s the first time you have complimented me.”

“Savor it Riley, it might be the only one you get for a long time,” Maxwell teased.

“Enough you two. Let’s go before we are late.”

“Ahhh, there’s the Bertrand I know and love. Shall we Riley?” Maxwell extended his elbow to Riley. She giggled and hooked her arm in his.

Kat was waiting for them outside the ballroom doors. “Riley, you are going to wait out here for a bit longer. We are starting with Liam greeting each woman as they walk in, and we are saving you for last. A few are already inside, so it shouldn’t be too long.

Riley watched as the rest of the women were called in one at a time. She didn’t fail to notice some of the unkind looks they gave her as they passed by, but sadly she wasn’t surprised.

“Riley, you’re up.” Kat waved her over. Maxwell and Bertrand will wait out here, and will come in later off camera.

Riley took a deep breath as the ballroom doors opened. As soon as she stepped through she saw Liam standing there in his royal uniform suit. Seeing him up close for the first time literally took her breath away. The pictures had not done him justice. Her heart started beating faster as she approached. She was almost flustered enough to miss Liam’s jaw dropping a bit before quickly snapping shut, as if suddenly realizing how awestruck he was.

Liam cleared his throat. “You must be Lady Riley.”

Riley curtsied as she had been instructed to do. “It’s a pleasure to meet you your–”

Liam cut her off. “No need to be formal with me. Please just call me Liam.” He smiled and lit up like the sun. He was so handsome she could hardly look at him directly. “I would love to get to know you better, but first I have an announcement to make. Please excuse me.”

Liam went to the front of the room, and Riley found a seat at one of the tables. She looked around taking everything in. Along the wall closest to her, she saw a man in the same type of suit Bastien was wearing last night. She assumed he was another guard, but upon closer inspection, she realized it was the guy she saw with Liam last night! And just as with Liam, the view up close was even better than from afar. But whereas Liam’s eyes were warm and inviting, his were dark and intense. Liam was polished and classically gorgeous, while he was more ruggedly handsome, with a slight stubble shadowing his face. His longer brown hair fell across his forehead. He was staring straight ahead, but every so often he glanced in her direction.

Before Riley could think anymore of it, Liam commanded the crowd’s attention. “Good evening everyone. King Constantine, Queen Regina, and I would like to welcome you all to the start of the social season. I’m excited to get to know all of the lovely women here tonight and hope to find the one I will share my life with. Now as I invite you all on the dance floor, I would like to ask Lady Riley Bennett to share the first dance with me.

There were gasps and murmurs from the other women in the crowd. Riley was so shocked she wasn’t sure if she heard him right. Liam looked towards her and she she mouthed ‘me?’ and pointed at herself. Liam nodded and smiled that same smile she was learning could melt her every time.

Liam met Riley at the center of the Dance floor as the music began to play. “May I have this Dance Lady Riley?” .

“I’m not sure why you chose me first out of everyone, but yes, I would love to dance with you.”

Liam clasped her hand in his, and placed his other hand lightly on the small of her back. He led the dance so expertly that Riley didn’t even have to think about the fact that she didn’t know the steps.

“Did Jo and Kat ask you to do this?” Riley inquired.

“What do you mean?” Liam asked with a confused look on his face “No. They told me I would like you, but you stood out to me above all the others.”

“Is that because I’m so out of place here?” Riley averted her eyes shyly.

“Look at me Riley,” Liam pleaded softly. “You look stunning tonight, and you carry yourself with more poise and confidence than most of the women here. There’s an energy about you I’m drawn to. That is why I picked you.”

Riley was speechless. Damn, he’s good. How is he even real?  She thought to herself. She was so weak for him already.

As the song was coming to a close, Riley noticed that the guard, Liam’s friend or whoever he was had moved to the edge of the dance floor. He was alternating between scanning the room and watching them dance.

“Liam, who is that man over there?” Riley asked motioning her head to the side of the dance floor.

“Oh, they must not have mentioned that you will have a guard assigned to you. Since the Beaumonts did not have a chance to set up security for you, I took the liberty of assigning you one of my own guards. There’s no reason to think you are in any danger, but there have been a number assassination attempts on our family in the past several years. You can never be too careful. Drake is not only one of my best guards, but my best friend as well. I trust him with my life…and yours. I hope this doesn’t scare you off.”

“No, it makes sense. The U.S. President and his family always have secret service agents with them. I guess it just hadn’t occurred to me that I would need a guard as well. He looks….” Riley searched for the right word. “Surly.” He’s hot too, but definitely surly. She was thankful she didn’t say that last part out loud.

Liam laughed warmly. “Drake doesn’t open up to many people, but I assure you he’s a softie at heart. Just don’t tell him I told you that.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” Riley assured him.

“As much as I would love to dance with you all evening, I don’t think the other women or the producers would be too happy about that. I don’t know if we will get any more time together this evening, but I look forward to getting to know you better.” Liam lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her softly, his warm and delicate touch sending a tingle of electricity up through her arm.

“Thank you Liam, I look forward to getting to know you as well.” As Riley took leave of the Dance floor, she noticed the camera trained on her. She had been so absorbed in Liam that she truly did forget about the cameras. Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to ignore them.

Liam had been right that he wasn’t going to get any more time with Riley, and she understood, even if she didn’t like it. It was okay though, because she found Hana and hung out with her and a few of the other women for the rest of the evening. She probably had a glass of champagne or two too many, but she was keeping composed enough not to look like a fool on camera, at least she hoped.

The ball ended and the crowd started to disperse. Drake approached Riley. “Lady Riley, I’m you guard, and I will be escorting you back to your room when you are ready.” His expression remained stone-like.

“That doesn’t seem necessary. I know how to get there.”

“Trust me, I’m just following orders.” Riley sensed a hint of an edge to Drake’s voice.

“Well then, lead the way.”

Most people would probably be put off by Drake’s steely demeanor, but Riley liked a challenge. She prided herself on getting just about anyone to warm up to her. And in her current tipsy state, she was determined to make conversation on the way back to her room on the opposite end of the palace.

“So Drake…before you ask Liam told me you name…how long have you known Liam?”

“I mean no offense, but I’m hired to get you safely from point A to point B, not to make conversation or be you friend.”

Well this would be tougher than she thought. He was so different than Liam. Riley wondered how they had become become best friends. But then she remembered seeing them out in the courtyard the night before. He had actually smiled and laughed, and seemed to genuinely be having a good time. She wanted to get to know that side of him, for Liam’s sake of course. It was important that Liam’s best friend get along with her, Riley told herself.

“Well, why don’t I tell you about myself then. “I’m from New York. I was a waitress, but I plan to go back to grad school –

Drake stopped walking and interrupted her. “As much as as I’m enjoying our conversation, Drake said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, “we have arrived at your destination.”

“You are a tough one Drake, but I will get you to like me, just wait.”

“Sure. Before I go, I’m required to tell you that there is an intercom system in your room that links back to the central security office. If you ever find yourself in imminent danger or you see something suspicious, they will send me or another guard on duty to you. And I stress this is for emergencies only. No asking me to fetch you food and drinks. I am not an errand boy.”

“I know you don’t know me Drake, but do you honestly think I would ask you to do something like that?

“Hey, there are plenty of women here that would consider being out of wine an emergency.”

Riley laughed. “And that is why I will probably find many of these noble women as insufferable as you do.”

“Heh.” Were Riley’s eyes deceiving her? Did Drake just crack a smile? “Goodnight Riley. I will see you tomorrow.”

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