
Summary: Kenna, Diavolos, and Jackson are forced to take shelter during a storm. Kenna and Diavolos can’t keep their hands to themselves (as usual). Set sometime after they’re married.

Just a few hours into their return trip to Stormholt, the afternoon sky suddenly turns dark, letting loose with a torrential downpour and loud cracks of thunder and lightning overhead. Normally they would have taken an airship to Fydoria, but it had been such a mild spring that Kenna had suggested she, Diavolos, and Jackson, ride instead. She’s starting to regret that decision as she’s drenched, the rain cold and pounding into them relentlessly.

It’s so loud that she can’t hear Jackson or Diavolos over the storm, though she can tell Jackson is yelling something by the glow of the lanterns and the flashes of lightning. He points off the main trail where she knows there’s an old cabin, and they all turn their horses in that direction.

Kenna is grateful the cabin isn’t too far away, and that there’s a small stable. It’s really not designed for three horses, but they’ll at least be sheltered. She shivers as she and Diavolos rush into the cabin, water dripping off of them and darkening the wood floor.

Diavolos lights a fire in the main room with the wood stacked in the corner, Jackson doing a quick sweep of the perimeter before coming inside, while Kenna searches for something they can use to dry off with.

“Everything looks secure, Your Majesty,” Jackson says, setting their saddlebags in a corner.

“Thanks, Jackson,” she answers, setting a stack of blankets she found in the middle of the floor.

“I found a few more blankets,” Diavolos says, coming out of the small bunk room. “Should be enough to dry off with and sleep on for the night.”

“You two take the bunk room. I can make do out here,” Jackson says, setting up his bedroll.

Diavolos immediately carries a few logs into the bunk room to start a fire in the small fireplace, while Kenna grabs some blankets and follows him.

She swears she hears Jackson mutter, “Gods, please let them be quiet”, but when she turns around and bids him good night, he simply smiles and tells her good night.

Her face is red as she enters the bunk room, closing the door behind her. Diavolos raises an eyebrow. “What’s that look for?”

“I’m pretty sure Jackson just made a comment about hoping we’re quiet,” she says, peeling off her wet clothing.

Diavolos chuckles. “You do get loud.” He watches her undress, his eyes glittering as they roam her body, a grin spreading across his face.

I get loud? You’re the one who traumatized Tevan and your sister when they visited last. And don’t even think about it. Jackson’s ten feet away.”

“Hmm.” Diavolos walks to her slowly, removing his damp clothing. She tries to act nonchalant, she really does, but she can’t help but watch him every time he strips down.

“Don’t even think about it,” Diavolos teases her, grabbing a blanket and drying off. “And if I recall correctly, you were once so loud that Dom couldn’t even look at you the next day without turning red.”

Kenna scowls as Diavolos hands her a blanket. “That was your fault.”

He grins at her smugly. “Yes, it was. And I will take full credit for my wife screaming the castle down because I know just what she likes.”

“I didn’t scream the castle down,” Kenna protests, face flooding with heat again as she wraps the blanket around her.

Diavolos steps closer, tugging at her blanket. “Debatable.”

“What are you doing?” she asks. “I’m freezing, get your own blanket!”

“Body heat,” Diavolos explains. “We’ll warm up faster.”

She narrows her eyes at him. “Really.”

“Yes, really,” he insists, finally succeeding in loosening her grip on the blanket and yanking her in against him.

She can’t deny how good it feels to have his arms wrapped around her, his bare skin pressed against hers. Kenna sighs, pressing her lips to his chest. Her hands wander down his stomach, his muscles clenching under her touch, and she can hear his breathing pick up just slightly as she skims her fingernails over his thighs.

“Kenna,” he says warningly, but there’s a slight smirk on his face. He moves his hands down to her hips and tightens his arms around her.

“What?” she asks innocently.

She can feel him harden against her and slides her hand over him, pumping slowly up and down. He sucks in a breath, eyes closing, and she delights in being able to catch him a little off guard. It doesn’t happen very often.

Diavolos’ eyes are impossibly black when he opens them again. He stills her hand, ignoring her quiet whine of protest. “You gonna be able to be quiet?” he says in her ear.

“Are you?” she challenges him.

He doesn’t answer, instead untangling them from the blankets and lifting her up. She wraps her legs around him, bringing her lips to his neck and sucking and biting his skin.

Diavolos sets her down on the edge of the bed, and she can’t help but stare as he kneels in front of her.

“You’ll never fit in this bed,” she murmurs, threading her hands into his dark hair as he pushes her back slightly and leans over her.

“I don’t need to right now,” he replies, pressing his mouth to hers. He leans down, kissing across her chest, his tongue bringing her nipples into hardened peaks. She whimpers as he slips a hand between her legs, his touch light and teasing.

“Shhh,” he murmurs, moving up and kissing her again when she lets out a low moan as he eases his fingers into her. “Gods, you’re wet for me, Kenna.”

Her breath comes in short gasps as he moves his hand, picking up speed, brushing his mouth over her shoulder, then biting. She clenches her hands into his back, trying desperately to be quiet, but he knows just where to touch her, just how to move his hand, to make her come undone. Kenna buries her face in his neck, muffling her cries as she shudders against him.

When he leans back and she slumps back against the wall, his face is smug. She slowly sits up, reaching for him. “Stand up,” she says.

Diavolos grins at her. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He stands, but then pulls her up against him.

“That’s not what I meant,” Kenna grumbles, pushing against his chest.

“I know. But I want to be inside you, Kenna. Now.”

She shivers at his words. Damn his ability to leave her speechless. He makes quick work of unrolling their bedrolls in front of the fireplace, then guides her over to them, nudging her to lay on her back. He props himself up over her, tangling his hand in her hair and yanking her head to the side to bite along her neck and shoulder.

He falters briefly as she slides her hand over him, grunting low in his throat and thrusting his hips into her.

“Roll over,” he groans as she moves her hand faster.

“Make me,” she whispers back, unable to help teasing him a little bit.

Diavolos drops his hands to her hips, lifting her easily and moving her on to her hands and knees. He fumbles for a second next to them, and she looks up curiously as he drops his sword belt next to her.

“You always scream when I take you like this,” he murmurs, and the look on his face makes her moan in anticipation.

“Maybe we shouldn’t-” she starts.

He cuts her off before she can finish, holding her hips tightly and slamming into her.

Oh!” she yelps, Diavolos clapping his hand over her mouth.

“Belt,” he grunts against her, thrusting in and out.

She bites her lip, moaning quietly as she grabs for his belt. She barely has it between her teeth before he pushes against her upper back so she comes down on her elbows. His name is a muffled moan as he picks up speed.

“Don’t scream,” he tells her, the commanding tone in his voice bringing her close again. She closes her eyes, trying desperately to hold on longer.

Kenna can tell when he’s close, his breathing coming in harsh pants, his fingers tightening around her hips. She clenches her muscles, pressing back against him, and he groans, slipping his hand between them.

She comes against him, grateful for the belt clamped in her teeth as she cries out, Diavolos following soon after, her name a quiet groan on his lips. He rests his hands on her lower back, leaning down to press a kiss to her bare skin, then rolls her onto her side and lays behind her, his arm draped over her waist.

“You cheated,” she murmurs as their breathing slows, turning onto her back to look at him.

Diavolos leans down to kiss her. “Cheated how, my love?”

“You didn’t even give me a chance to make you loud,” she points out.

Diavolos smirks. “I’m just better at keeping quiet than you.”

He kisses her again before she can protest, pulling a blanket up over them. “You can try and make me be loud when we get home,” he says with a suggestive grin.

She huffs out a laugh into his chest. “I will.”


The storm clears during the night, though they’ll have a muddy, muggy ride back to Stormholt. Jackson is in a surprisingly good mood while they ready their horses, whistling quietly to himself. He catches Kenna looking at him in amusement.

“What?” he asks, tightening his horse’s saddle.

“Nothing. You’re just in a really good mood.”

“I had a good night’s rest,” he says, shrugging.

Diavolos grins, clapping Jackson on the shoulder. “You saying you don’t normally rest well when you travel with us, friend?”

Jackson rolls his eyes and doesn’t answer, mounting his horse.

“You’re better at keeping quiet than I thought you’d be,” Diavolos whispers loudly to Kenna as they mount their horses.

Kenna flushes. “Diavolos!” she hisses.

“Oh, gods,” she hears Jackson mutter as they head for the trail. “I did not just hear that.”

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