Quiet Night In

Author’s Note: I don’t know where this idea came from … well, maybe a little since I can relate to Jessica this week. 😊  It fits perfectly with the theme for the @Choices-September-Challenge day 8 prompt of ‘Cozy Night In.’  Thanks for reading – I hope this makes you chuckle. 😁


Seth was perched on the edge of the couch, deeply engaged in his RPG game action sequence, when he noticed Jessica enter through their front door out of the corner of his eye.  “Hey Babe!” He called distractedly, eyes never leaving the screen as he twirled his thumbs over the controller.  She grumbled a hello as she dropped her stuff on the floor aggressively and marched past him towards the kitchen.  He heard the fridge open momentarily before it slammed closed again, then heard the stomping of his petite girlfriend’s supposedly ‘tiny’ feet exit the kitchen and venture towards their bedroom.

About ten minutes later Jessica ventured out into the living area again and plopped herself down on the couch beside Seth with a huff.  She crossed her arms and leaned back against the cushions, pulling one knee to her chest.  Still no speaking though … and the fact that his normally bouncy girlfriend was silent was definitely a sign that something was up.  He pressed pause on the game and scooted back into the couch, resting a hand on Jessica’s raised knee to stroke it thoughtfully.  He studied his girlfriend’s attire, trying not to chuckle at the mish-mashed comfy ensemble she was sporting.  Only minutes ago she had been polished and sophisticated when walking through the door and now … Baggy grey joggers, one of his loose Ohio U tees draped sloppily over a lacy hot pink bralette, her hair piled in some kind of messy knot on her head.  Whatever was going on, he knew it couldn’t be good.

“Wow, already wearing your quitters at 5:30 … big plans tonight, Iowa?” He smirked playfully until she gave him a death stare that quickly scared away any humor he had been feeling.

“If by big plans you mean laying on the couch all night and watching girly movies while my uterus attempts to expunge itself … then yes, I have big plans.”  Jessica’s normally pleasant sarcasm was replaced by a scowling grumble, her brows knitted and eyes narrowed.

Uh oh, Seth pondered … here we go again.  He took a deep breath, trying to mentally reset and prepare himself for his monthly tiptoe-around-the-girlfriend’s-fragile-emotions ritual.  “Oh, I see …” he started, “Well you came to sit by me … did you want to talk or are you just trying to steal my tv?”  He wanted to laugh at himself, but the pointed glare she gave him told him better.  He froze in place, game controller still in hand, waiting for whatever she was about to unleash …

But slowly her glare faded, her eyes softening to a pained and vulnerable expression.  “Ugh, I’m sorry Seth … that wasn’t fair.  I just …” she inhaled and exhaled, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples. “I just feel like my lady bits are being ripped from my body and I have a horrible migraine.”

Seth sighed in relief as he watched the aggression drain from her face, then started to rub her shoulders comfortingly.  “I’m sorry, Iowa.  Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

Jessica moaned while his strong hands kneaded her tense muscles.  “Mmm … I was just hoping to have a quiet night in with you on the couch.  Is that okay?”  She looked over her shoulder with the sweetest pouty face and Seth knew he’d never be able to say no.

He gave her an affectionate smile, his heart warming at the vulnerability in her plea.  “That sounds great.  I’ll go pick up Mr. Chow’s and we can watch whatever you want.”  He leaned over and turned off his game, switching over to cable and handing her the remote.  He gave her a quick peck on the forehead and stood up, making his way around the coffee table as Jessica settled into the couch cushions and flipped through the channels.  “Oh, hey Jess?” Her eyes flitted to his curiously.  “Would ice cream help?”

Jessica’s eyes widened and the biggest Cheshire-cat grin spread across her face.  “Have I told you lately that you’re the bestest, sweetest, most wonderful boyfriend in the world?”

Seth chuckled and stood up a little taller with pride.  “I’ll take that as a yes then.  Chocolate chip cookie dough?”

Jessica nodded, smiling with approval.  “Yes please.  Thank you.”  Then her attention was back on the tv, trying to decide which sitcom to occupy her time with.

Seth picked up the keys to his limo and opened the door, trying to slip out inconspicuously so as to not disturb the recently-contented menstrual monster.  He was just about to close the door behind him-

“Hey Seth!”

He poked his head inside.  “Yes?”

Jessica gave him the most saccharine of grins, her eyes beaming at him.  “Since you’re going to the store, can you pick me up some tampons while you’re there?  Super plus, please.”

Seth groaned internally, but he steadied his expression and just responded with a slight smile.  “Of course Babe.  I’ll be back soon.”  He pulled the door closed behind him and locked the door with his keys, then stood frozen in the hallway before finally allowing the scowl to find his face.  By God he loved this woman, but he really hated this time of the month.


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