Quiet Satisfaction

When Adam and Priya entered the temple, they were twenty minutes early.

Priya just sighed.

He looked at her, his neutral face showing just a bit of concern. “What’s wrong, doll?”

“This whole Council thing… It’s so annoying.”

Adam smiled sincerely. “Ah, come on… It has just begun. You’ll get used to it, and be great at it. I just know.”

“It’s not so much the Clans. Just the others.”

Adam’s face darkened. “I swear, if they hurt you-”

Finally, she chuckled, liking how overly protective he was of her, as if she was some kind of treasure. “Calm down, baby.”

It was then that Adam took a seat at the big stone table, managing to sound both angry and happy when saying, “I’m calm… still. Until someone hurts you.”

Instead of sitting down with him, she approached a corner of the room where she noticed a crack in the old wall, unremarkable and plain, somehow hidden, yet big enough for a person to squeeze through. “What’s here?”

He turned to her, eyes focused on the crack. “Uh, a tiny room. I don’t know what it’s for.”

And with that, she disappeared inside. Of course.

“…Priya. Come back out.”

“It’s dark in here,” he heard her say. “And cold.”

Adam chuckled. “What are you doing in there?”

“Come here. I wanna show you something.”

Smill grinning, he asked her, “What could you possibly show me in a tiny, dark, absolutely unnecessary room? There’s nothing there.”

By the tone of Priya’s voice he could tell that she was grinning as well. “Coward.”

Since that word was able to make him do anything, Adam got up, approached the crack and slipped through without hesitation, only to find absolute darkness within a tiny space inside. “…Priya?”

“Here, baby.” Her voice came from the corner farthest away.

He walked towards her, his arms outstretched, but couldn’t find or feel her even when he arrived at the spot he had thought her to be. “Where are-”

“I’m down here,” he heard her say, only a step away, but farther down.

Right when Adam was collecting his thoughts – why the hell was she on her knees? – he felt hands opening his zipper.

“Oh, no.”

“Oh, yes,” Priya said, somehow sounding absolutely horny. Then, she put his dick inside her mouth.

He tensed up for just a moment, before starting to enjoy the sensations, placing his hand on her head gently as she continued pleasuring him.

After moments of pleasure, when she knew he was definitely horny, Priya stopped what she was doing and stood back up. She turned around to face the wall, positioned herself correctly and pulled up her dress, her underwear down, expecting him to know what to do and hoping him to have the guts.

Adam didn’t disappoint. Without a second of hesitating, he managed to find her body in the darkness, grabbed her waist from behind, positioning himself correctly as well, and put his dick inside her, starting to do exactly what she had hoped…

They were busy for many minutes, enjoying themselves in the darkness, their hands alternating with caressing her. These short moments of being intimate together made each forget their surroundings, solely focusing on the pleasure. Just then, as both were breathing heavily, Priya moaning quietly, they heard a voice.

“Let’s just wait for them.”

Adam froze. It was The Baron. Outside. Talking to the others.

“Fuck me,” Priya maoned as he had stopped.

Immediately, his hand covered her mouth. “Shhh,” he told her, gently.

“I can’t believe they’re late again,” Lester complained. “They can never be on time!”

Adam,” Priya said impatiently, her voice suddenly sounding rather angry and demanding than horny. As if she did not care in the slightest that there were people outside, maybe able to listen.

Actually, Adam should have had thoughts about quitting. But he didn’t. The effect she had on him sometimes made him act so unlike him, do things he’d never do without her influence. For example, entering this room and having sex, randomly, in public, while nothing but a wall was separating them from the rest of the Council.

To be exact, the thought of quitting didn’t even cross his mind. Instead, he continued taking her, hard, without regrets.

Priya’s mouth was barely covered when she uttered an “Ahh!”

His hand pressed itself against her mouth. Yet, he continued with his movements. “Shhh shhh… not too loud, sweetheart. They’ll hear us,” he mumbled, gently, enjoying the situation to the fullest, the feeling of power and control he had over it, and the fact that she was unable to stay quiet solely because of him.

A certain amount of uncomfortableness was there, but it was minimized, barely present. As if she made him exceed his limits in the most impossible ways.

Just moments later, both of them were close. She finished, groaning into his hand, he, drowning his groans in her hair. They heard voices, vaguely, but no words. Just noises, random talking. Not enough to remind them of the inappropriateness of the situation.

Finished and breathing heavily, she pulled her dress back down, her underwear on, and he pulled his pants back up, closing the zipper. They took a moment to pause for breath, before they left their hiding place carefully, Adam first, after they had looked out to see that no one was looking at the crack in the wall.

Once out, Adam cleared his throat, Priya by his side.

The others turned around, facing them with wide eyes. The surprise in each of their expressions was clearly visible.

“So,” he asked, in a way that was surprisingly casual, “Can we start today’s meeting or what?”

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