

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is set a couple years after the Senior, it is just a cute little fluffy glimpse into the future. This is for day eight of the advent challenge ““warm bath”.
Pairing- Chris x MC
Rating- PG-13
Summary- After a rough few days, Savannah gets some much needed relaxation.

“This was an amazing idea,” Savannah signed as she sank into the warm bath, settling against her husband’s firm chest.

“You said you had a rough day,” Chris pointed out, his arms wrapping around her, “and I thought you could use some relaxation.”

Savannah looked around the bathroom, which had been lit with candles, taking in the soft towels that had been set aside for after and the two glasses of wine. There was even music playing. Chris had set the perfect mood.

“This is amazing,” she told him, “just what I needed after the last few days.”

It had a mix of house disasters and just the pressures of everyday life, including work deadlines and a fussy toddler.

“I am sorry I wasn’t here,” Chris told her, placing a kiss on her head. He had just gotten back from a road game, which is why she had been on her own to deal with things for the last few days. She knew he always felt bad when he had to be away, especially when things went wrong.

“You’re here now,” Savannah assured him, “and the last round of edits are turned in, the flood mess is cleaned up, the dishwasher is working again, and Holly is blissfully asleep.” She turned her face to gaze at him. “And you are home.”

“I am,” Chris agreed, meeting her lips in a soft kiss, “and I am here to give you whatever you need.” His voice took on a low tone with those last words and his hands ran temptingly over her naked body under the water.

“I like the sound of that,” Savannah told him, before kissing him again, this time the kiss was deeper and Savannah had a feeling that before long she would be very relaxed indeed.


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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