remember to water the plant, okay?

summary: soulmate au where you know the last words your soulmate will ever say to you. you don’t know you met them till you lose them*
a/n: *i decided that in this fic they know they’re soulmates, it’s still angsty af so..

Drake always was one of those kids who secretly thought that the idea of soulmates is pretty romantic. He was glad somewhere in the world was this one person who no matter what will love him. The only thing he had to do was to find said person and everything would be wonderful.

Well, at least that was his perspective on the topic before he learned how this whole soulmate thing actually works. And when he did he no longer was a fan of it.

You see, at the age of fourteen Drake has learned that there wasn’t like ‘general’ way that was supposed to help you find your true love. There were hundreds of ways and until you’re eighteen and your mark will show you have completely no idea how will it look. And while his closest friends and family ended up with nice and cool marks he was cursing his with every chance he got. Unlike others, he ended up with his soulmate’s last words they will ever say to him ‘tattooed’ on his arm.

As soon as he learned what that meant he promised himself he won’t be looking for his soulmate. It would be too painful. Living with them, every day fearing it might be the last one. He didn’t want this.

But then Dhalia Cole had to show up and ruin everything. There was no mistake that he was her soulmate – because until she touched him she wasn’t able to see colours. Until they touched she was living in a black and white world. So obviously if he was her soulmate she must’ve been his. And if the circumstances were different he’d be very happy because Dhalia was truly beautiful, smart and witty woman and Drake was more than sure that even if they’d be living in a world without the whole soulmate crap he’d still be head over heels for her.

Despite the fact that they were soulmates Drake really tried not to fall for her what was literally impossible since they were destined for each other. But one thing you could say about Drake is that he sure is stubborn as hell.

Of course, his whole plan didn’t work out as he wanted and before he knew it he was so so gone for Dhalia and there was no coming back from there. And with her, he was happy like never before but at the same time, he was super scared of losing her.

At the beginning of their relationship, Drake didn’t want to show her his soulmark. He didn’t want her to live in fear. Knowing her last words terrified him and he couldn’t even begin to imagine how terrifying it would be for her but Dhalia was as stubborn as he was – if not even more so finally he gave up and showed her his arm with ‘just please remember to water the plants, okay?’ tattooed there.

She tried to joke about it but at this point, he knew her too well to fell for it. He knew she was scared and shocked so for another hour they just sit on the couch cuddled together in silence. Both of them thinking about how much time they have together.

And so after that day, Dhalia decided they should live their life together to the fullest since they had no idea how much time they had left. And that’s exactly what they did…

Until June fifteenth came and became the worst day in Drake’s life.

Just a week earlier Drake proposed. Just two days earlier Dhalia and Drake were celebrating their sixth anniversary. Everything was so incredibly perfect. Everything was supposed to be so incredibly perfect for so many years to come.

They met with Hana, Maxwell, Olivia and Liam to tell the good news. Dhalia was so overjoyed the whole day. She couldn’t stop smiling and Drake wasn’t sure if he’s ever seen her so happy before. And when Dhalia was happy he couldn’t help but be happy as well.

“I can’t wait to finally become Mrs Walker,” Dhalia confessed sitting on Drake’s lap.

“I can’t wait either. Although if you think I will stop referring to you as Cole after we’re married you’ll be disappointed.” He teased with a huge grin on his face.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.” She said and leaned in to kiss him.

Kissing Dhalia was something Drake could never get tired of doing. He loved this girl so much it almost hurt and he just couldn’t get enough of her. Each of their kisses felt like the first one and every one of them just made him love her even more.

Much to Drakes’s disappointment they didn’t have much time for their make-out session because their friends showed up and it was time to make up for the lost time.

“I’ve missed you so much, guys!” Dhalia announced as she got up from Drake’s lap. “It’s been ages!”

“Oh don’t be such drama queen. We’ve seen each other few months ago.” Olivia rolled her eyes as Dhalia came to hug her. “But yeah, I guess I’ve missed you a little too.”

“Aw, I think Liam is rubbing off on you, Olivia. You’re becoming softer with every meeting.” Dhalia teased and went to greet the King of Cordonia himself.

“Cons of being married to him,” Olivia said but she couldn’t hide the smile.

“I truly think this is not a bad thing.” Hana interrupted the conversation between them.

“I totally agree with you, Hana but you know Olivia.” Dhalia joked and after she greeted everyone she came back to Drake whose arms almost immediately find their way around her waist.

“So… What are we doing today? Any special plans? Because I’ve heard there’s an amusement park somewhere here.” Maxwell said with visible hope in his voice.

“We didn’t really plan anything, to be honest, so I guess we can check it out,” Dhalia said taking Drake’s hand in his. “But before we do that. There’s actually something Drake and I would like to tell you.”

“Are you pregnant? Am I gonna be an uncle?” Maxwell was first to make assumptions.

“Not exactly.” Dhalia chuckled and without another word lifted her left hand to show them the ring.

“You’re getting married!? Oh my god! Guys, that’s incredible!” Hana immediately made her way to hug both of them. The rest of their friends was quick to follow.

“I’m very happy for you. You both deserve each other.” Liam smiled.

For the next few minutes, Dhalia and Drake were forced to tell how did it happen and Maxwell didn’t allow them to skip almost any detail of the story.

“Now we have to celebrate! First the amusement park then we’re going to our favourite bar for drinks!” Maxwell ordered not giving the rest of the group much of a choice. And when they were there he decided that for now, girls should go their way and so should boys.

They met again after about two hours and explore the rest of the place together. When they were passing by a photobooth Hana proposed they should take a group photo and even tho Olivia and Drake were not really up for that – they truly didn’t want to get stuffed in that tiny booth – eventually they gave up and somehow all six of them succeed to fit in and took some photos.

Later that afternoon they figured it’s time to go for a drink. The sun was making its way down as they were getting closer and closer to their favourite pub. The whole day was just perfect but as Drake soon found out nothing can be perfect for too long.

Dhalia has stopped for a second because she saw a cute dress and was about to go inside to try it on but then out of nowhere some huge masked guy appeared in front of here and before anyone could react she felt a terrible pain in her stomach. And when she looked down there was a knife and blood stain getting bigger with every second. As she fell down to the ground she heard Drake calling her name.

He ran to her as fast as he could with both Hana and Olivia by his side as Maxwell and Liam rushed to get the guy in the mask. Dhalia was bleeding horribly fast and Drake was terrified. He knelt beside her and lifted her. After a few seconds, he felt like his arm was burning and that’s when tears started running down his cheeks because he knew exactly what that meant.

“No… no, please. Cole, c’mon. You’re stronger than this.” He begged as Olivia was calling the ambulance. “You can’t leave me like this. Please. Cole, I can’t live without you.” He cried and with every word his arm was burning more and more but it was still nothing compared to the pain of his heart slowly breaking.

“Drake, hey, Drake look at me,” Dhalia said in a weak voice. “I love you, okay? You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” She cupped his wet cheek. “But we both knew this would happen eventually.” She smiled sadly.

“No, not like this, not so soon. please, Dhalia, don’t leave me, please.” Drake was never the emotional one but seeing his soulmate, the love of his life slowly dying in his arms broke him like nothing else could ever break him.

They were supposed to get married, start a family together. There was so much life ahead of them and now he was supposed to live without her? Without her laugh? her kisses? her very lame jokes he secretly loved so much?

At this point, his arm was burning so much he had to clench his jaw in order not to scream. Tears were streaming down his face he could barely see and his heart was broken into million pieces.

“Hey, it will be fine, okay? You will be fine.” Dhalia whispered tears in her eyes as well. “You’re stronger than this,” She smiled again. “I love you, always and forever Drake Walker.” She pulled him into a weak kiss. “Just please remember to water the plants, okay?” She let out a very weak laugh and closed her eyes as her head hung lifelessly in his arms.

“No, no no no no… No! Wake up! Dhalia please wake up!” He cried. He didn’t even notice that as soon as life left Dhalia’s body his soulmark stopped burning and disappeared as well. “Cole, I’m begging you, please come back to me. I’m not ready to lose you.”

But there was nothing he could say or do to bring her back. It was too late.

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