
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine, I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This was inspired by the image of Diavolos flopping onto Kenna’s bed during the airship scene in Chapter 8. He just looked so comfortable there and it was so damned sexy. This is set right after Kenna and Diavolos’s wedding.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna and Diavolos travel to Lykos and reminisce about their first kiss and how it left them both wanting more.

Words- 1338

“This is almost nice,” Zenobia said, glancing around the airship. Kenna and Diavolos were accompanying Adder and Zenobia back to Lykos so that they could be present to the people as their king and queen. “I can’t believe you got to travel on one of these last time and I had to ride with Father.”

The comment was directed at Diavolos who just shrugged. “I also had to fight a dragon, which I didn’t see you volunteering to do.”

Zenobia sniffed. “Details.” She waved her hand. “I’m going to check out my room.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Diavolos said suggestively, coming up behind Kenna. “I think you should show me our room.”

Kenna heard Jackson groan and Adder laugh, but she ignored them and focused on her husband. “I could do that,” she agreed, wondering if there would ever be a time she wasn’t desperate to be alone with him.

They climbed up the ladder to her room and then Diavolos immediately flopped onto the bed.

“Some things never change,” Kenna laughed, remembering the night of their first kiss. “I remember how comfortable you looked on my bed,” she mused. “Too comfortable… It made me want to join you.”

“It was all, I could do not to pull you down with me,” he countered, doing just that.

Kenna let out a little squeal as she landed on top of him. “What would you have done with me?” She asked curiously.

“First, I would have done this,” Diavolos said, pulling her towards him for a kiss and then he grabbed onto her hips and rolled them both so she was underneath him, pinned to the bed.

“We did kiss that night,” Kenna reminded him, running her hands over his shoulder.

“Yes, but it left me wanting more, so much more,” he told her, nipping at her throat.

“Careful,” she warned even as the gesture sends thrills of pleasure done her spine, “no marks.” She didn’t want any awkward bruises when she met the nobles of Lykos.

“At least nowhere anyone can see,” Diavolos promised as his hands worked at the straps of her armor, as Kenna fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. “I went to bed that night aching for you,” he continued, once their clothing had been discarded, as he continued to kiss and bite his way down her body.

“Me too,” Kenna admitted. Sleep had not come easily to her that night, instead, she had been tormented by the memory of Diavolos’s lips against hers, his hands on her waist. She’d tossed and turned picturing his mouth and hands exploring her body, imagining what he would look without his clothes and how it would feel to run her hands over his smooth muscles or to kiss her way down his chest… By the time he had taken her in that field, she could barely think straight from wanting him so badly.

“All I could think about was touching you,” Diavolos confessed as he grabbed her hips with his hands, “tasting you.”

He buried his head between her thighs and Kenna bit her lip. It was a small ship and sound carried. She needed to remember that. Diavolos licked and sucked at her until she thought she might go mad with wanting.

“Diavolos,” she whined, arching her hips towards him.

“So impatient,” he said against her thigh and she knew he was smirking, but a moment later, he gave her what he wanted. His tongue filled her, going nice and deep, the way that was guaranteed to send her over the edge. He brought one hand to help, flicking her clit with his thumb as his tongue worked his magic and his other hand continued to grip her hip, holding her in place. She bucked against his mouth, desperate for more, as the waves of pleasure hit her.

“All night, I kept picturing you like this,” he told her, kissing his way back up her body, “thinking about what it would be like to bring you pleasure, to hear you moan and know I was the reason. To make you mine.” He kissed her mouth then, a deep, possessive kiss.

“Do you want to know what I thought about?” Kenna asked, pushing him onto his back and climbing on top of him. “I wondered what it would take to wipe that smug smile off your face,” she told him as she trailed kisses down his chest, while her hands went lower, which had him breathing rapidly. “I wondered what kind of noises you’d make when I did this,” she said, lowering her mouth down on him and delighting to the groans he emitted as she worked him with her mouth and hands, licking and sucking and caressing until he was pulling at her hair frantically.

“Kenna…” It was a low moan, almost pleading and Kenna pulled back and smiled at him. “I wanted to hear you say my name like that,” she confided, moving back up and brushing her lips against his.

Diavolos quickly deepened the kiss, his lips rough and demanding, his hand twisted in her hair pulling her close to him. “What else did you want?”

“This,” Kenna said, lowering herself onto him, as she looked deep into his eyes and saw seeing the need there, the same need that was coursing through her.

She wondered if she would ever truly get enough of him. She’d had other lovers before him, had understood passion and need, but nothing like what she felt for him. From the moment she had seen him in the dining hall of Lykos, Kenna had felt an intense attraction to Diavolos and it had just deepened with every moment she had spent with him until she thought she was going to combust from wanting him so badly.

Diavolos grasped her hips, thrusting up into her. She moved against him, taking everything he had to offer, her hands gripping his shoulders. She gave out a little gasp as he pulled her tight against him and sat up, rocking them back and forth as he did, his arms like a vice keeping her in place. She dug her nails into his back as he continued to move inside her, his lips trailing kisses along her neck and shoulder as he did.

Just when she didn’t think she could take anymore, he flipped her onto her back and quickened his pace, pounding in and out of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, desperate to pull him close as possible.

“Just like that…” She encouraged, “oh… Oh…” She bit into his shoulder to stifle her cries, knowing it’d leave a mark, but not caring. His shirt would cover it and she had to admit, she liked the idea of marking him as hers.

He tangled one hand in her hair, pulling roughly before collapsing against her. “That was what I wanted to do with you that first night in this room,” he said when he rolled off of her.

“It’s what I wanted too,” Kenna admitted, “even though I told myself that wanting you was a terrible idea.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “Kissing you was an impulse that I told myself I couldn’t repeat, but I kept thinking about you, wishing we had ended up on this bed together.”

“I might not have let you out of it though,” Diavolos teased, “and we had a dragon to fight the next morning.”

Kenna laughed, “I think that was why I let you walk out the door. That and the fact that I wasn’t ready to admit how badly I needed you.” She placed a teasingly kiss on his lips. “Just to let you know, I’m not letting you leave this time.”

“Is that so?” He smirked. “So we’re just going to stay in here until we reach Lykos?”

“Do you object to that plan?” Kenna asked, trailing kisses down his neck and shoulders as he ran his fingers through her hair.

“No,” he assured her, “no objections at all.”

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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