Rescue Me

Rescue Me
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is my entry for Day 4 of my January Writing Challenge: getting locked out and needing to be rescued. This one is Chris x MC and was requested by @ifyouseek (this was a popular request and I will be writing several more stories with this prompt in the future). This is set at some point in The Sophomore Book 2.

Pairing- Chris/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Savannah locks herself out of the house and Chris comes to her rescue.

Words- 590

I stood on the porch, digging through my purse for my keys. I’d had a very long day and just wanted to go inside and collapse on my bed. Except I had no keys. I sighed. Of course.

I looked at the door and knocked, though I was 99% sure no one was home. Of course, no one answered, which was what I expected.

Becca was working, Chris had a meeting with Arjun, Kaitlyn was out with the girls in the band checking out a potential venue, and Zack and Abbie both had late class.

I sighed and collapsed against the porch, actually debating breaking a window. There was so much wrong with the house that one window wouldn’t make a difference, right?

I pulled out my phone and texted Chris. I’m locked out. I forgot my keys.

I knew he probably wouldn’t see it until his meeting was over, but he was probably still the most likely to be the first one home. I debated texting Kaitlyn to see if she could come back or making arrangements to meet Becca at Uskea, though I could only imagine her reaction and I didn’t feel like dealing with her sass today.

Before I could make a decision, my phone beeped. On my way.

What about your meeting? I typed back.

Rescheduled it. You’re more important.

I smiled and put my phone back in my purse. I pulled a book out of my bag, figuring I might as well catch up on some reading as I waited.

It wasn’t long before Chris’s car pulled up and he hopped out. “Your knight in sweaty armor has arrived,” he teased, giving me a quick kiss. He unlocked the door.

I sighed. “Thank you. I can’t believe I forgot my keys. And of course, it had to be on a day like today.”

“Rough day?” Chris asked sympathetically.

“Just long,” I told him.

“Well, why don’t you tell me over dinner?” Chris suggested, “we can go to that café you like and have a bite to eat.”

“Don’t you have to get back to Arjun?” I asked, assuming he’d just asked Arjun to wait for him while he ran home but had to go back to campus.

“Nah, we rescheduled for tomorrow,” Chris told me, “so I’m all yours.” I

felt bad for making him cancel his meeting, but I felt a rush of love at the way he’d put me first. I remembered last year and all the fights we’d had over how he’d put his student council duties ahead of our relationship. We’d come a long way since then.

“I love you,” I told him, wrapping my arms around him.

“I love you too,” Chris said, kissing my forehead. “So how about it? Are you up for going out or are you too tired?”

“I’ll never turn down a chance to be with you,” I said honestly. I was tired, but I really appreciated the effort Chris was making and I wanted to meet him halfway and a date night did sound really good.

“Go get your keys and then we’ll go,” Chris said.

“What are you planning on making me find my own way home?” I teased, but I complied.

A minute later, I emerged, keys safely in my purse. “All set.”

Chris offered his hand and I took it happily as he led me to his car.

The day might have started out long and unpleasant, but it was definitely looking up, thanks to the most amazing boyfriend in the entire world.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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