
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Note- This is day fourteen of the advent challenge “not a creature was stirring” and is set between Books 2 and 3 of TC&TF. Unless specifically mentioned, all my fics fit together, at least loosely, and this is no exception, fitting in with most of my other Kenna and Raydan fics.
Pairing- Kenna x Raydan
Rating- PG-13
Summary- After the invitation from the Iron Empire arrives, Kenna finds herself restless.

Kenna was restless..

A week had passed since Luther’s surrender. A week that had left Kenna with more questions than answers. From Luther’s disturbing new about his retreat, to the mystery of Dom’s whereabouts and now finally, the letter that had arrived that very morning.

An invitation to visit the Iron Empire.

Kenna paced the borrowed chambers, she would never consider this her castle even if it had been claimed as such from spoils of war. She had expected defeating Luther to be the end. She had avenged her mother and freed the kingdoms from tyranny but now she had to consider that there might be another enemy out there, one who possibly posed an even bigger threat and she had no idea what she was supposed to do next.

She had to accept the invitation, she knew that. But she didn’t know what the result would be or what she hoped it would be. Kenna gave a frustrated sigh and moved towards the door, needing fresh air.

The castle was eerily quiet. There were guards on duty, of course, but they were out of sight and everyone else appeared to be asleep, which was unsurprising given the late hour. Kenna knew that several people would object to her going outside the castle on her own, but she didn’t care.

She needed the fresh air.

She found her way down to the beach. It seemed so much more peaceful now, no evidence of the brutal battle that had taken place only days earlier. But wasn’t that always the way? The blood was quickly wiped away, but the damage was already done.

“You seem very pensive.”

Kenna jumped slightly, then turned to see Raydan watching her.

“How did you know I was down here?” She asked him, “I thought everyone else was asleep.”

“Sleep does not come easily to me,” he admitted, “and I heard a noise in the hall and went to investigate. I didn’t want to startle you, but it appears I failed.”

“You need to start making more noise,” Kenna chided teasingly.

“A noisy spymaster is not a particularly effective one,” he reminded her and then quirked an eyebrow, “do you care to share the thoughts that led you here? Or would you like privacy?”

“Just thinking about the invitation from the Iron Empire and what it might mean,” Kenna admitted, “and feeling foolish because I never thought past defeating Luther, despite the fact that it was the Iron Empire that started all of this.”

“Not foolish, just focused on your goal,” Raydan told her, “and you have achieved if. Luther is defeated, the Five Kingdoms are free. Now you must consider next. But you have time to do so and you have resources and council available to you.”

“Including a very capable spymaster,” Kenna agreed with a smile, “you’re right. I don’t have to decide this alone, not when I have so many people at my side. I am very lucky.” Her eyes searched Raydan’s, wondering what message he would get from her words and what message she wanted him to get.

“No luck involved, you have earned our loyalty and devotion,” he told her, his tone warm and intimate. He offered her a hand. “May I escort you back into the castle or do you wish to stay here longer?”

Kenna took his hand. “I am not sure I could sleep yet.” She told him, her lips curving into a secretive smile, “I am still very wound up. I need to release some tension, any suggestions?”

Raydan met her smile with one of his own, “one or two,” he murmured in a low, seductive voice, “but I think they are better discussed inside.”

“Then lead the way,” Kenna told him, falling in easy step with him, enjoying the silent world around him and the comfortable ease of his company, some of her burden slipping from her shoulders as she let herself enjoy this moment.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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