Restless Nights

Restless Nights
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the third of my 400 followers contest stories. This one was s a request for K who wanted Drake x MC angst and NSFW, which I could work with. This is set immediately after Book Two, Chapter 3.

Pairing- Drake/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Unable to sleep, Amelia goes to Drake’s room.

Words- 1630

After Maxwell and Bertrand leave, Amelia spends the next hour trying to sleep, but instead, she just ends up tossing and turning. There are too many thoughts running through her mind. All about the same person.


She can’t get the image of him at the barn-raising out of her mind. No wonder Kiara had practically drooled, it had taken all of Amelia’s willpower not to grab him and kiss him. And then the spa… Where she had kissed him. A kiss that left her hungry for more. Just like all their kisses did.

He was all she could think about. She couldn’t focus on clearing her name or how she was going to let Liam down gently, not when all she could think about was Drake.

He’s probably nearby. A little voice pointed out, tormenting her.

Amelia groaned, remembering that infamous first trip to Applewood and how he’d told her that Liam arranged for him to have the room next to hers, for her protection. She wondered if that was still true. Probably, given that Liam seemed to think she was in mortal danger or something.

This is a bad idea. A different little voice warned her, but Amelia ignored it, grabbing her robe and putting it on. She very carefully slipped into the hallway, trying to be quiet as possible. She knew which rooms belonged to Maxwell and Bertrand and neither of them was in the room directly next to hers, the one that shared a wall.

Before she had a chance to change her mind or figure out what she would say if she was wrong, she knocked on the door lightly. There was silence and then she heard cursing in a familiar voice and she knew that she had the right room.

Drake flung open the door, looking annoyed. “Grant?” He asked, immediately concerned. “Is something wrong?”

“Can I come in?” She asked, evading the question.

“Of course,” he stepped aside to let her enter and then locked the door behind them. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” Amelia assured him, “I just… I need you, Drake.”

“Grant,” he groaned.

Before he could say anything else, Amelia wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. He let out another groan and then kissed her back hungrily, his arms pressing her tight against his body.

“We shouldn’t…” He protested weakly as they broke apart for air.

“Why?” Amelia demanded, keeping herself pressed against him. “The social season is over. Liam is engaged to another woman, there is no reason we can’t be together.”

“It’s not that simple,” Drake reminded her, “I just… You deserve better than this.”

“I need you,” Amelia told him, “I can’t think for wanting you, can’t sleep, can barely function. All I can do is think about you, imagine your hands on my skin, your mouth against mine, our bodies…” Her words were cut-off by Drake’s mouth covering hers in a hot, possessive kiss.

“Damn it,” he muttered, “I can’t resist you.”

“Good.” Amelia said, running her hands over his bare chest, “because I don’t want you too.”

Drake pushed her robe off her shoulders, revealing the camisole and boy shorts that she slept in. “Look at you…” He whispered in awe, before tugging the shorts down around her hips. She stepped out of them willingly, pulling the camisole over her head as she did so.

She smiled at the look on his face as he took in the sight of her. It made her feel wanted, but more than that it made her feel cherished because he looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

“You’re not exactly hard on the eyes either,” she commented, giving herself a moment to admire the sight of him in nothing more than a pair of boxers, before reaching forward and pushing the boxers down. She reached over and cupped him in her hands, running her hands over him, loving the way his breath caught and he groaned her name.


She knelt, prepared to take him in her mouth, but he pulled her back up.

“Later,” he promised her, sweeping her off her feet, “right now it’s my turn.” He carried her to the bed, placing her down gently on the edge and then kneeling between her legs. He placed gentle kisses up her thighs while working one hand in between her legs to tease her. His other hand moved upwards, caressing her breasts and teasing her nipples into hard points.

“Drake,” Amelia moaned, tossing her head back in pleasure. His mouth moved from her thighs to her center, covering her, his tongue going deep and the waves of pleasure got stronger. He kept going, pushing her until she didn’t think she could take any more and then she came, spasming against him.

“Oh Drake,” she whimpered, pulling him up until his face was level with hers. Their mouths met in another desperate kiss as they fell back onto the bed, him on top her of. She loved the weight of him against her, but she wanted more.

“I need you,” she told him again, “I need you inside me.”

“I need that too,” he admitted, pulling away from her long enough to grab a condom from the nightstand drawer, someone was prepared, and then a moment later he was positioning himself above her, easing himself into her with surprising gentleness. He began to move slowly, deliberately. Amelia wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer and arched her hips up forward, trying to get him to move faster.

“I’ve waited a long time for this,” Drake reminded her, placing kisses along her neck and shoulders, “I want to savor it.”

He sped up a little bit, but not nearly fast enough for her liking. But she matched her pace with his, basking in the feel of his body against her, of his muscled back under her hands. After what felt like forever, Drake finally sped up his pace, his control obviously waning. Amelia met him eagerly, her legs pulling him tight against her, her hips arching against his. He felt so good and it wasn’t long before she was falling over the edge again and she felt him going with her, felt him tense against her.

Afterward, they stayed there for a long moment, his body pressing hers into the mattress, but finally, he rolled off of her onto his back. There was a long moment of silence.

“Drake?” She asked after a moment.

“We shouldn’t have done that,” he said finally, in a low voice.

Amelia was hit by a wave of hurt and shame. She knew that she had been the one to instigate it, she had knocked on his door in a robe after all, but… She had thought that what had just occurred would be enough to erase his doubts, to show him that they belonged together.

She moved to climb out of the bed, but he stopped her, his hand circling her wrist. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he told her. He let go of her wrist and ran his hand through his hair as he sat up. “I just meant… I wanted our first time to be different. I wanted to be able to spend the whole night holding you, making love to you. I wanted there to be nothing in the world between us.”

“Oh…” Amelia said quietly.

“But I’m never going to regret being with you,” Drake assured her, looking into her eyes, “I just… You deserve more than this.”

“All I want is you,” Amelia told him, wondering how many time she’d have to say it before he believed her. She got up out of the bed and grabbed her clothes, dressing quickly. Drake watched her but didn’t say a word.

“So what happens now?” She asked him, unable to keep the bitterness out of her voice. “Do we just forget tonight ever happened?”

“No!” Drake told her, getting out of the bed. He pulled her against him and she was very aware that he was completely naked. “I can’t do that, can you?”

“Of course not.” Amelia told him, “I’m not a robot.”

He sighed. “I know… I know this hard on you. I just… I want you to be safe, I want to do right by Liam and I want to do right by you. Can you give me that, please?”

Amelia nodded. “Alright.”

She hated it. Hated having to hide her feelings for him. But at the same time, she couldn’t argue with his pleas or with his reasons.

“Just promise me that when this is over we’ll be together,” she said quietly.

“Once this is over if you want me, I’m yours.” He promised and she tried not to be annoyed by the qualifier. If. Even after what had just happened, he still didn’t really trust that she would choose him.

“I guess I should go back to my room,” she said after a moment.

Drake nodded and let her go.

Amelia looked at him, wanting to press her lips against his in a kiss or make some teasing comment, but neither felt right, instead, she grabbed her robe and pulled it on and then headed for the door without another word.

Once she was back in her room, she collapsed on her bed. That hadn’t worked out the way she wanted. Not all. Oh, she had sated the physical ache, at least for now, but she was left with this deep emotional ache and the realization that she loved him. She was in love with Drake Walker.

She just had to figure out a way to make him see that. To help him see that he was the only one she wanted, for now, and forever.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “Restless Nights”

  1. This is so on character! I’m dying. I 100% believe that this is how it would have went down if Drake and MC hadn’t waited for things to be completely over with Liam.
    I loved everything about this, and will now reread it until my eyes bleed! Thank you for this!

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