“Reunited” – Kenna x Raydan (NSFW)

Summary: Kenna returns from a trip to Lykos and her husband, Raydan, is eager to show her how much she has been missed.

Kenna stretched out the her neck as Stormholt finally came into view in the glow of the setting sun. The trip from Lykos had been long and she was anxious to get home. She’d been gone for nearly a month and although Kenna was anxious to be able to sleep in her bed, she was even more anxious for the man in her bed. Kenna knew Raydan had had to stay behind, but she hated traveling without him and the nights alone were always the hardest. On many of the nights she’d collapsed, sweaty and spent from the work of her own hands, but it was never the same, never enough.

When she finally entered Stormholt, Kenna was a little disappointed to find that Raydan was not among those who welcomed her at the gates. She scanned the crowd for her husband but was forced to realize that he was, in fact, not among the others.

“Something you need?” Jackson asked, noticing the queen’s furrowed brow. Kenna shook her head.

“No, I’m just tired,” Kenna said. Jackson nodded his head in agreement.

“Is it just me, or does Lykos get a little further away each time we go there?” he joked. Kenna laughed.

“Next time we head out, it’ll be on the other side of the sea,” she agreed. “You should turn in early, I know you’re probably exhausted.”

“What about you?” Jackson asked.

“I’m planning on doing the same,” she said. “I’ll have food sent to your room if you’d like.”

Jackson nodded and bid her good night, ambling off towards his quarters. Kenna made her way into and through the castle corridors, but still there was no sign of Raydan. Finally, she reached their bedroom. Kenna pushed open the door and glanced around eagerly and saw … no one. The room was empty. Disappointed, she shut the door and began to remove her clothes.

“Why don’t you let me do that?”

Raydan’s voice was soft, his breath warm against Kenna’s neck. She smiled.

“And where have you been?” she asked. “Why weren’t you downstairs when I arrived? I’m sure someone told you we were coming.”

“They did,” he agreed, gently sliding aside the shoulder of her dress to reveal her shoulder, brushing his lips against her skin. “But I decided I had to wait for you here.”

“And why is that?” she asked, pressing her back against him. She loved the feel of his body against hers, strong and lean, the way his skillful fingers undid the back of her dress and began to unlace her corset.

“Because I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands to myself the moment I saw you,” Raydan murmured as he slid her dress to the floor. He removed the corset and the rest of her undergarments, replacing them with his hands. When he pulled her close to his chest, she felt her skin against his.

“This reminds me of our first night together in the tent,” she said as Raydan brushed her hair aside and trailed a line of kisses down her neck, his lips falling softly between her shoulder blades. Kenna turned around and looked at him for the first time, cupping his face in her hands.

“Hello, my love,” he said with a smile.


Kenna kissed him, softly at first, but soon their kisses grew more insistent, her fingers knotted in his long dark hair. He swiftly picked her up and carried her to their bed and laid her down upon the sheets. She felt like he was melting into her, his lips, his tongue, the weight of his body against hers.

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed this,” Kenna whispered between frantic kisses.

“Actually,” he said as he lowered his mouth to her breasts, swirling his tongue around her nipples until they grew hard, “I do. You really shouldn’t stay away so long.”

Kenna pushed him down onto the bed and rolled on top of him, her hair falling in her face as they kissed. She felt Raydan’s hands caress the curves of her body, his touch strong and attentive. Kenna sat up, straddling him as she pushed her hair back from her face. Raydan’s eyes drank in the sight of her and he took a firm grip of her hips, guiding her down onto his hard length. Kenna closed her eyes, gasping at how good it finally felt to be filled by him again. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her as she began to move on top of him, up and down as she clutched at his shoulders. She began to slip a hand down between them, her fingers heading for her center, but Raydan stopped her. Instead, he pressed his thumb to her as she continued her rise and fall along his length.

“I think you’ve had to do that for yourself for far too long,” Raydan murmured with a mischievous grin.

“How–” Kenna started to ask, but her words were forced into a moan as he moved his hand against her, pulling her closer towards a climax that was fast approaching.

“You haven’t been the only lonely one,” Raydan said, his voice gruffer than before as the fingers of his free hand dug into her back. The thought of Raydan, alone in their bed, pleasuring himself to fantasies of her the way she’d done of him was intoxicating. Kenna moved faster atop him, unable to contain herself until finally she shuddered and cried out as he thrust up into her. As she still trembled atop him, Kenna felt Raydan’s own undoing inside of her, warm and strong and right.

Breathing heavily, they clung to one another, their skin glistening from their desperate reunion.

“We don’t have anywhere else we have to be tonight, do we?” Kenna asked.

Raydan shook his head.

“I don’t think so … although I’m admittedly not thinking very clearly at the moment,” he said, burying his face in her neck and kissing her there.

“Keeping a clear head is supposed to be essential for a spymaster,” she teased. “It seems royal life has weakened your skills.”

“You are my only weakness,” Raydan said, looking back up at her. She kissed him gently, the sort of kiss that seems to go on forever. Kenna could get lost in a kiss like that. She had, in fact, done exactly that a great number of times.

“Am I to take that to mean that you won’t be strong enough for a continued reunion?” Kenna teased. Raydan grinned.

“Not at all,” he said. “I’m going to spend the rest of the night–and possibly a good portion of tomorrow morning–demonstrating all of the things I thought about doing during our long and unfortunate separation.”

“My, it’s good to be home,” Kenna said, smiling down at her husband.

“It’s good to have you home.”

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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: https://lolablackwrites.tumblr.com/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilyreganwrites

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