Ringing in the Changes

Summary: Jess is ready for a change in her relationship status, and hopes that Blake feels the same way.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 42 of #ChoicesCreates: Changes

Jess reached for her phone as she heard the text notification. As she opened the message, she saw that Violet had sent her a picture of Amelia. Amelia was growing so fast. Violet and Chaz were enjoying life together, traveling all over the Pacific on the Pearl of the Sea.

Jess thought back to the time that she thought she was pregnant. If she had been, her child would be about Amelia’s age. Although she had freaked out at the thought of having a baby at first, she had actually felt disappointed when she found out that she wasn’t pregnant. She had pictured herself with Blake, happily raising their child together. Of course, she wasn’t sure that he would have been the father, but she had hoped the baby was his. And he had been so supportive. It had made her realize the true depth of her feelings for Blake.

She was so glad that she and Blake were in the same place again. Having a long-distance relationship had been challenging, but they had made it work. He was worth the effort. She had missed him so much when they were apart, though. It was good to be able to spend time with him regularly. And she was happy to be working with Nicole and Audrey. Still, she felt like she wanted something more. Violet had her happy family. Katie and Leo were having twins. Alex and Elena were getting married soon. She knew that Blake was the one for her, and she wanted to spend her life with him. But was he ready for that kind of commitment?

That evening, she went over to Blake’s place and enjoyed a delicious meal that he had cooked for her. Afterward, they cuddled together on the couch. She wondered if she should share her thoughts with him. What if she didn’t get the response that she was hoping for? But in a good relationship, people should be able to communicate. She took a deep breath, then looked at Blake.

“Do you ever think about the future?” she asked as she placed her hand on top of his. “I mean, our jobs are going well, we’re in the same place now. Do you see things staying this way? Or do you see anything else?” She hoped he knew what she was getting at. She didn’t really want to come out and say “Do you want to marry me?”

“I think we’ll be successful in our careers. And I definitely see us staying in the same place.” He smiled at her.

Oh no, he doesn’t get it, she thought. “So much has changed since we met on the cruise. Katie and Leo are married and having twins, Alex and Elena will be married soon, Violet has a daughter. I wonder what else might happen.”

Blake was silent at first, and then he turned to her and gazed into her eyes. “I’ll be right back, OK?”

Jess watched Blake as he left the room. Had she made a mistake asking him about the future? Did he need to get away from her for a moment? She wasn’t sure what to make of his reaction. After a few minutes, he came back and began walking towards her. As he reached the couch, instead of sitting, he bent down on one knee and reached for her hand.

“Jess, I love you. Will you marry me?” He held out a yellow and white gold patterned ring with a diamond in the center.

“Yes!” she squealed. She threw her arms around him and kissed him, then pulled back. She held out her hand and he slipped the ring on her finger. She grinned broadly as she looked down at her hand, admiring the ring. “It’s so beautiful!”

“It belonged to my grandmother. It’s mokume gane. That’s an ancient Japanese metalworking technique.”

“That makes it even more beautiful.” She pulled him closer to her. “I love you, Blake.” She kissed him again. “We should celebrate.”

“I’ll get us some champagne.” He stood up.

Jess stood up as well. “Bring it to the bedroom.”

Blake smiled and nodded. He grabbed a bottle of champagne and two glasses, and they headed to the bedroom to celebrate their engagement.

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