
DISCLAIMERS:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except for the characters I create for the storyline. This story will have NSFW or explicit material in later chapters but I will make sure to give warnings at the beginning.

Summary: The boys land in New York.  They make their way to the hotel and plan the activities that they will do during their stay. While at breakfast, Liam sees the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes. He is unaware of the treachery that is brewing back home.


Monday, New York


Liam jolted awake as their plane landed.  As they deplaned he smelled the air, it was truly different. Breathing deep, he felt the familiar buzzing in his gut.  What will this trip bring him?  Their car is waiting and once their bags are loaded they make their way to the hotel. The hotel was the epitome of luxury. Drake had booked them a 2190 sq. ft room that had one master with a king-sized bed, and he and Max would share a room with two queen size bed.  Once they arrive the dedicated team of host were awaiting them.

“Welcome, your Majesty, I am Phillips, the hotel manager.  I hope that your stay with us is exceptional.” the manager says.

“Thank you for your gracious welcome, but please call me Liam, my friends and I would like to keep a low profile. We are here for several days, and just want to enjoy what the city has to offer.”

“As you wish, Liam, sir, there is someone to unpack for you and your personal butler will inform you of the housekeeping schedule, and the VIP White Glove Service at the Madison Baccarat Boutique.  Per your request, you will be only guest on your floor. Follow me and I will show to your room.” he turns to a younger man, “Matthew please make sure their bags are taken straight up in the service elevator.”

Turning back to the Liam and company, Phillips says, “Gentleman, if you would please follow me.”


As Liam was ushered through the suite by the manager of the hotel. He marvels how much he felt that he was in France, he did not think that he would see such opulence in an American hotel. To be honest, he did not think that Drake would chose such accommodations. His master bedroom, decorated with rich warm tones, had floor-to-ceiling windows, an expansive bathroom with white marble surfaces and a deep freestanding soaking tub and a glass walled shower. On the hooks in the bathroom he found soft Italian cotton robes. There is a walk-in closet and sitting area.


The suite also has a living room, dining area, butler’s pantry and powder room. The second bedroom is home to two double beds and a full bathroom that Maxwell was already annoying Drake about which bed was his preference. He felt right at home. The entire suite was controlled by a small remote that you could change the in-room lighting, climate, and entertainment. It also had a direct connection to housekeeping, valet, concierge, and in-room dining. Maxwell declares that he would be in charge of the remote; Drake reminds him that if he breaks anything he would have to explain to Bertrand what he did. Maxwell quickly relinquishes control.


After dinner, the trio discuss what they wanted to do during their stay.  Maxwell of course suggested that they hit the nightlife and go dancing every night.

“Come on guys, this will be the last time that we can go to nightclubs freely, so I say we dance the night away every night” Maxwell tries to compel Liam and Drake.

“As fun as that sounds Maxwell, I do not want to get the same reputation as Leo, so how about we go Friday night since we will be leaving Saturday morning. Less time to cause a scandal.” Liam counters. “Though, I have always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty myself.  I don’t want us to pack too much in the next four days, remember when I get back, Sunday night is the Masquerade Ball to kick off the social season.  I would like time to rest and have the quiet moments that maybe nonexistent once we get back.”

“Why don’t each one of us take a day, and plan out the rest of the week?” Drake suggests. “I think that we should do something light, like go to the One World Observatory, and take a bus tour around the city for starters.”

“Good idea Drake, let me get my laptop and we can search for other things to do.” Maxwell runs to the bedroom and retrieves his laptop. “Ok, let’s see what we can find.” Maxwell types something in the Google search bar. “Guys, I just got us tickets to see the Lion King on Broadway on Thursday night!”

“The Lion King, are you serious Max?” Liam scowls furrowing his brows.

“Oh, I think it is fitting myself” Drake chuckles. “Ok, so tomorrow and Thursday night are planned.”

“Oh look, there is a one-day trip to Washington, DC from here, and we will be back in plenty of time to have dinner before the show.” Liam suggests knowing that Drake had no intention of leaving New York and it would take him some time to get everything cleared with Bastien.

Drake didn’t try to contain his annoyance, “Fine, now Thursday is completely booked. I will call Bastien later tonight to have him set everything thing up. So, I guess that I am choosing what we do on Wednesday then,” he takes the laptop from Liam, “Oh look, there is a Boroughs Tour: Brooklyn, Bronx, Harlem, Queens & Coney Island, that sounds up my alley, and we will get to eat on the boardwalk. I love street food.”

“Ok, that just leaves to planning Friday.” Maxwell states. “I still want to go to a nightclub on Friday night, how about we go to the Kismet.”

“Fine, but I am picking the place we get drinks and dinner, before we go there.” Drake grunts, he was hoping to avoid a loud place like that. “So, Liam looks like you can plan what we do after breakfast and lunch.”

“Well, I heard about this restaurant named Sarabeth’s it looks like it has great rating and serves food that I think each of us will enjoy. Then we can go to the Empire State Building, the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.  That will cover us until lunchtime, we can come back and relax before dinner and the club.” Liam realizes that they did not leave any room for taking the Statue of Liberty tour, but his friends seem to like the plans that they had just made; he did say he wanted to take it easy, so he is content.


Once the itinerary has been finalized, Drake fixes drinks; conversation is light and full of laughs, how Liam has missed this, just being able to be with his friends and just breathe. No crown, no worries just them. As the night wears on their traveling starts to catch up with the trio, even though Liam napped on the plane, he is still very tired. He bids Drake and Maxwell good night and retires to his room.  He takes a hot shower, dries off and climbs into bed naked, as he was too tired to find sleeping pants. He relishes in the coolness of the soft, bamboo sheets on his skin.  Sleep takes him quickly.


It is almost midnight by the time Si gets home from work.  She goes to the Kitchen and pours herself a glass of Merlot. After taking a sip, she turns on some light classical music and decides to take a bath.  She goes into her bathroom and fills the deep claw-foot tub with hot water and her favorite jasmine and fig scented bubble bath. She drags a stool closer to the bathtub and sets her wine glass down. She sinks down and lets the heat ease away all the tension of being on her feet all day.  The new girl has never served before and is a little intimidated. Si remembers her first day there, how Daniel didn’t think she would last the week. She takes another sip of wine and relaxes.

After the water begins to cool, she gets out of the tub. Wrapped in a towel she goes to the kitchen to pour another glass of wine, sipping as she walks towards her bedroom. She braids her chestnut locks and slips into bed. Sleep comes swiftly.


Friday, New York


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SI!” Em yells as she pushes open her bedroom door with a cake in her hands.

“Jesus, Em! You scared the shit out of me!” Si exclaims, she then realizes that she is not wearing anything and pulls the sheet around herself. “I could’ve swore when I gave that key, I told your it was for emergencies only.” Si grumbles as she rubs her eyes.

“Get up, get dressed.  I’m taking you to breakfast before you go and meet with your parents lawyers.  Just think, you wake broke and will go to sleep in a much better place.” Em always seem to see the bright side to everything, Si envies her.

“Okay, chill with the sunshine and rainbows, it’s too early. Can you get out of my room, so I can get dressed?” she motions for Em to notice that she is hugging a sheet to her body.

Em cracks up, “I was hoping you woke up with a bang, if you know what I mean.”

“Well, some of us are not as fortunate as others, that may be an everyday occurrence in your life, but me, I have been on a 2-year drought, thanks for reminding me.” Si says sticking out her tongue.


Si gets a shower and dresses, she has an 11:30 meeting, with the executor of her parents’ will, to go over the final paperwork of her inheritance. She’ll be glad to get this over and done with, it feels like it has been several lifetimes waiting for this day to come.  She feels very fortunate that her parents loved her enough to make sure her future would be bright in case something happened to them. She misses them. She looks in the mirror and sees her eyes glistening from unshed tears, if only they knew what it took to get to this day. She finishes putting on her make-up, grabs her purse and ushers Em out of her apartment.


“Where are you taking me to eat, Em?”

“We’re going to Sarabeth’s, I know how much you love that place.” Em says hooking her arm through Si.


After they’ve been seated and received their meals, Si horoscope from Monday creeps into her mind. Good fortune is finally smiling on you, you are at the start of a journey that will change the course of your life forever, trust your instinct and follow your heart. Si zones out wondering why now she is remembering. Her thoughts are interrupted by the hearing some of the servers at their stand talking about the three Adonis’s that have just been seated.


“Mari, have you seen the group that was just seated in Mike’s section?” one female server. “If you haven’t go look at table 25. Can you say panty droppers?”

The server goes to gawk at the men at table 25 and comes back. “That is a table full of ‘Yes, please!’” another female server says. “That brooding one can tie me up, handcuff me, or anything else he’d want to do to me.”

“Jess!” the first server exclaims. “Fine you have him, I’ll take the blonde one any day, all day.” she winks.

“Honey, I’ll take all three, you know that they are shifters, right? And from what I hear, one night with just one of them, you’ll not be able to walk for a week!” a third server states.


Em says to Si, “Sounds like we need to see the boys at table 25!” They both laugh, as Em pays the bill.

Si glances to see if she can spot the three. She feels someone looking at her, so she turns her head and see the most beautiful blue eyes, she’s ever seen. She can feel her face flush and there’s a heat pooling in her belly. Realizing she’s staring, she quickly walks out the door.

“See something you want for your birthday?” Em questions, raising her eyebrows and grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I’m sure he’d look good with a big, red bow on and nothing else.”

“Shut up Em, or I’m telling Daniel.” Si says trying to be angry but cannot help but think her friend in correct.

“That server was right, you know, he’s a shifter, you know what that means, right?” a sly smile crosses Em face as she speaks. “You’d have a screaming good time but leave a couple days to get use to walking again.”

Si rolls her eyes and hugs her friend. “I gotta get going, meeting with the lawyer today. I have no idea what to expect today, but it’s to be better than the last eight years.”


Si turns around and walks the four blocks to the law offices of Taylor, Ross, Alexander & Associates.




“Ma’am, your 3 o’clock is waiting in your sitting room, as requested” Regina’s secretary informs her.


Regina dismisses her with a nod, then proceeds to her sitting room. As soon as she enters, her maid sets out the tea and assorted pastries.

Madeleine sits patiently for her Aunt to tell her what is going on and why she was asked to come to the palace two days before the other suitors.

They sit in silence until the maid leaves the room.


“To what do I owe this pleasure of being summoned here?” Madeleine pleasantly asks.

“Don’t play games with me Madeleine, save that for the others.  You are here so that we can ensure that you are queen. Here are the dossiers from security of all the vetted suitors, you will use whatever is in those files to help you exploit their weaknesses and fears. Liam must choose you. I do not need to remind you that you will NOT get caught with those, so I suggest you spend the next few days committing to memory everything you can and then destroying your copies.”

A wicked grin creeps across Madeleines face, “Don’t worry Auntie, I will be Queen, once I am with child, I will have no use for the King.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, you need to have him around for at least a couple of years, it must look like an accident or an act of rebellion.” Regina warns.

“Where is the love of my life?” Madeleine mockingly questions.

“He and the mutt and overgrown child are in New York, for an impromptu bachelor party.” Regina spits out through clenched teeth. “They will return home late tomorrow night. All the other suitors will start arriving sometime after breakfast on Sunday. Have you chosen you dress for the ball?”

“Yes, I figured that Liam will be wearing his regal tux, with the Cordonian blue sash, so I will wear a dress of a paler hue. Just a subtle hint that I have already won, but not too bold.” Madeleine replies, she knew that this would dishearten some on the weaker suitors right off the start; they will be easier to weed out and manipulate.

“Good girl,” Regina grins. “But let me make myself very clear, you are here because of me. If you fail again, I will not be so forgiving. I did not scheme, bribe, and blackmail to get us here, for you to fuck it up. Though, I know that Leo was always a wild card, Liam should be easier to control, he will always put this country and the pride first. Failure is not an option you have my dear. I would hate to see my only niece meet the same fate as Liam’s bitch of a mother. You may go.”


Madeleine leaves the sitting room with files in hand. She makes her way to the wing of the palace that will be her home for the next few months. She cringes as the thought of sharing this wing with fifteen other women. As she sits at the desk in the room, she notices that not all the suitors are shifters, but nine of them are actually human. She sneers, the thought of a human sitting on the throne again was utterly repulsive.


“Threaten me all you like old woman, you forget that I know all your secrets. Once I have what I need from Liam, I will take care of you and Olivia.”Start writing…

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