MC : Viktoria Petit
Age: 29 at the start of TRR
Height: 5”4
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Bright Blue

Family Background: Viktoria’s was the only child of her mother – a young Polish woman who worked as an au pair in many countries before settling down in New York when she found she was expecting a baby of her own… Her parents never married although Viktoria has her fathers name; he wasn’t around much – they separated when Viktoria was almost three. She doesn’t really remember her father, last her mother had heard he’d moved back home to Montreal and was married with 2 kids. Viktoria doesn’t have any desire to reconnect with him or his new family and he’s never made the effort either. Her mother passed away after a short illness when Viktoria was 25. She was her best friend and Viktoria still talks to her every day. She has an aunt and three younger cousins who are still in Poland, but she doesn’t know them very well.
Education: She studied Marketing and Event Planning- she had great aspirations of running an agency / starting her own agency but she found it to be entirely cut-throat in New York, after a succession of failed interviews and disappointing starts that never amounted to a real job in the field, her dream kind of fell apart and she ended up waitressing to make ends meet.
Best Childhood Memory: spending a summer in Krakow with her mother and grandfather. They stayed in her grandfather’s spare room in his small apartment. They’d enjoyed lazy days at the street markets, enjoyed hearty meals in cafes and listened to live music in Kazimierz in the evenings, her mother said she was too young for vodka but her grandfather sneaked her some anyway! Her mother had taken her to the salt mines and she’d marvelled at the sculptures contained there; it was so wonderful to learn about her mothers (and her own) heritage and to spend time getting to know her Dziadziu in person rather than just by telephone. It was a wonderful trip; the one and only time she really got to spend time with her extended family.
Favorite Color: Pink. Every shade of pink. She knows it’s a bit princessy, stereotypically girly and embarrassing but doesn’t care. She can always toughen it up with leather and studs for a bit of city chic where required.
Favorite Season: Spring. She loves how everything is renewed and born again. Buds on trees, lambs skipping around fields, the beginning of lighter days and warmer weather. A portent of better things to come.
Cat or Dog: animals in general, but specifically Dogs. She’s probably as crazy about them as Penelope- she just knows her audience! But she will stop to talk to every dog she meets! Istvan will send her pictures if he meets a cool dog somewhere and she isn’t with him!
Chocolate or Vanilla: She prefers more savoury treats like pretzels or pastries (her mother used to say it was the Eastern European coming out – a true love of carbs!)
Sweet or Spicy: Spicy. She loves Thai food in particular, a Thai red curry is her ultimate treat, she loves the delicate balance of the flavourful spices, the richness and the heat.
Coffee or Tea: Coffee, a skinny flat white in the mornings whilst catching up on the news, and a ‘to-go’ mug if she needs to travel somewhere!
Best Friend: Maxwell. They have a bond that simply can’t be broken. Its purely platonic; they consider themselves family. Viktoria loves ‘Max’ with all her heart and would do literally anything for him. They act like a couple of little kids when they get together, it’s both heartwarming and annoying to those around them…
Love Interest: Prince Istvan (Liam) 😍, she’s head over heels in love with him. She believes they are soulmates and were destined to find each other that night in NYC. She wants to be an amazing wife to him, his responsibilities are so great, she wants him to be able to come home to her and just be himself, the man not the king.
She had one moment of madness where she kissed Drake after the whole Tariq fiasco messed with her head. She regrets that very much. (I’ve actually got 3 fics about this -Guilt series if anyone wants to read ‘em)
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: At first glance his frame and height (she’s only little and has always been attracted to strong, tall men!), his flawless dark skin, razor sharp cheekbones , perfect lips and piercing eyes; she thought he looked like a model. After the initial lustful gawp at him, it was his charm, his sincerity and the way he carried himself. She didn’t know he was a prince at that point, he was ridiculously hot, but something more about him captivated her completely.
How Do They Express Affection: because they know the public and media have eyes on them frequently, they have secret looks and ‘accidental’ touches, down to an artform when in the open. They know what’s appropriate for the world to see, so they’re very discrete… When they know no one can see, it’s a different story-Viktoria loves it when he holds her hand, Istvan loves to hug her, pulling her in tight and feeling her small frame enveloped in his strong arms; it’s both a protective and possessive gesture. He has a real kink for intimacy outside of the bedroom, which she initially indulged purely because she would do anything to be with him and anything to please him; she wasn’t entirely comfortable with it to begin with for fear of being caught; but now the risk/thrill has sort of grown on her!!
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: She really isn’t comfortable around babies and kids. She thinks maybe because she never had siblings or cousins who lives nearby. She isn’t even sure if she ever wants to be a mother. And she’s too scared to tell Istvan because of course he will need an heir… Maybe the idea will grow on her in time, well that’s what she keeps telling herself anyway…
Any Pets?: Her rescue Corgi Raul. She adores him. She wants to get him a playmate, Istvan’s said no, not while they’re on a tour… She’ll keep working on him though… She can be very persistent / persuasive when she wants something and he struggles to tell her no for long…
Do They Have a Temper?: She has a blistering temper but it very rarely comes out and hell hath no fury like when it does… She’s more inclined to get upset or have a little moody strop if irritated. She’s not scared to bite back at people if they deserve it, but on the whole she’s very kind and sweet-natured. No one in Cordonia, not even Istvan has seen her completely lose it up til now.
Hobbies?: cooking. She particularly enjoys experimenting making dishes from around the world. Her mother was a great cook and brought elements of the various countries she lived in to Viktoria by way of culinary experience growing up. Everything from her mother’s native homemade Pierogi, to chimichangas from her year in Mexico, to her wonderful Tuscan pasta… She has inherited her mothers love of hosting and feeding friends; she believes there’s no better way to show someone you care than by lovingly preparing a meal for them and nourishing them with good food, drinks and the best of company. She’s told Istvan that when they are married, she wants the weekend dinner-times with no kitchen staff, she wants to cook for her husband.
She also enjoys music, both live music and just having it on in the background, singing away as she gets on with whatever else she’s got to do that day.
She’s developed a real appreciation of horses since arriving in Cordonia, she’d never really spent any time around them before being in the City; she likes to visit the stables and talk to them and pat them. She hopes once things have stabilised a bit in Cordonia she’ll get to do this more often.
Do They Hold Grudges?: no-she loves some drama and usually gets annoyed, says she’ll never speak to someone again, then five minutes later has forgotten all about it… Life is too short!
Do They Exercise?: When Maxwell asked Viktoria to start jogging with him she was amazed how much she enjoyed it. She still runs with him at least once per week. What she really loves is the escape of putting in her earphones and just being immersed in her music and the rhythm of her feet on the ground. She also enjoys yoga because of the effect on both body and spirit. She’s tried to get Istvan into it but he still doesn’t seem too keen… she’ll keep trying though as she’s convinced he’d benefit from some relaxation and centring; being King ain’t easy!!
One Random Headcanon: Viktoria thinks that as future Queen she should start some sort of charitable foundation for the people of Cordonia. She plans to start work on it together with Maxwell shortly after the wedding. She doesn’t want to be some foreigner who swept in, married the king and spent all their tax dollars. She wants the people to respect her, not resent her. She feels by doing this she could not only help the Cordonian people, but help Istvan’s approval ratings as the royals don’t seem to be too popular in Cordonia right now. The better the publics’ perception of the Royal Couple, the safer she hopes she can keep her love.
Characters/ Royal Romance belong to Pixelberry not me.