Ruby – Part 2

Summary: When things get too overwhelming for Jade, she knows exactly who to count on to feel better.


The Unity Tour visit to Spain became a whirlwind of emotions to Jade. Besides visiting Madrid, the Cordonian Royal Couple attended estate dinners, galas, a fashion show in Milan and a soccer match before they went to the duchy of Rubí at the end of the week.

During a small ceremony to honor late Prince Luis, King Felipe bestowed Jade with the title of Duquesa de Rubi, following the family tradition of inheriting the duchy that once belonged to her father. She gave a few interviews alongside the Kings of Spain and Cornodia, reinforcing the alliance between the kingdoms and stayed at her estate in Rubí for the rest of the trip to know more about the duchy and its people.

As thrilling as it was to learn more about her family members, their traditions and the Spanish kingdom, by the end of the trip, she was exhausted. During her last night in Spain, instead of joining another social event, she opted for a quiet and intimate dinner with her family and her fiancé and returned to her chambers. After a bath, she looked for the most comfortable pajamas she had, crawled into bed and turned on the TV to look for something to distract herself. However, it wasn’t an easy task.

Aside from the family related issues, she still had unsolved matters in Cordonia and the date of the wedding was getting closer. She turned to the side and reached for a tissue as tears poured down her face and an aching pain spread through her forehead. Just then, the sound of a familiar soft knock on the door pulled her out of reverie. “Come in,” she answered, sniffing a little.

“Hello, my queen,” Liam smiled as he stepped inside the room with iced tea, water, and anti-inflammatory pills on a tray. “Are you feeling any better?”

“Not really. The headache is back,” Jade replied.

He placed the tray on the table nearby and picked up the glass of water and the pill.

She sat up to take the medication and drink the water. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, my love.” Liam looked at the several used tissues spread on the floor and at her eyes slightly red from crying. “Is there anything else you need?”

“I’m a little short on cuddles from my fiancé,” Jade pouted.

Liam chortled as he took a seat by the headboard and she quickly rested her head on his chest, reveling in the warmth of his embrace.

“Mmm… I feel a lot better already,” she smiled.

“I’m glad my cuddling skills please you, Your Grace.”

“Now that we’re alone, I have to ask: did you know I was going to receive a title this week?”

“I had no idea. But it does make sense. The Duchy of Rubí belonged to your father since he was eighteen and it’s only befitting that you, as his only heir and fourth person in the succession to the throne, inherit it.”

“But I won’t be here.”

“We certainly will make more visits here, but you can always delegate it to someone else. It was how your family chose to be ruled the duchy all these years after your father abdicated the throne and his titles to marry your mother.”

“It’s a bit daunting. I came here to meet my family… now I have a title, I am officially someone on the line of succession and in the meantime, I’m preparing myself to become Queen.” As the words came out, her eyes suddenly went wide. “I should be preparing myself to marry you. Oh god! We didn’t talk about any of these big decisions. We just chose food and drinks. And some of our guests don’t even enjoy the drinks we selected. Drake doesn’t drink wine, Olivia dislikes any other wine that isn’t from Lythikos and–” she was suddenly cut off by Liam cupping her cheek and kissing her. Her eyes fluttered shut as she melted into the long, passionate kiss. As they pulled away, she simpered. “I was talking too fast again, wasn’t I?”

“Yes, you were.”

“Sorry…” she chewed on a nail.

“It’s okay. But we still have time to talk about the arrangements for our wedding. I’ll ask my assistant to add an appointment to my schedule as soon as we land in Cordonia. And may I add that you have also figured out important details for our wedding. You already have a gown and a flower girl,” Liam smiled.

“I also have a mantilla.”

“A what?”

“It’s a Spanish veil the bride wears that is passed from one relative to another. My abuela, all my aunts, and my mother wore the same mantilla and now it’s my turn. I’ll take it to my wedding designer to make some changes and keep it until the next woman in my family gets married,” her cheeks dimpled.

“Oh, look at you, Lady Jade Isabel Bourbon, the unconventional and bold Duchess of Valtoria and Rubí, following a family tradition,” Liam joked.

Jade elbowed him playfully.

He laughed.

“I couldn’t say no. It’s so delicate, regal and gorgeous…”

“I believe you,” he tightened the embrace and kissed her temple.

“I can’t wait to wear it with my wedding gown, and to see my maid of honor wearing a similar designer dress and to see my flower girl! Manuela will look adorable. Who knew I had a seven-year-old cousin so funny and cute?”

He grinned.

“Ugh… Don’t answer that or I’ll be mad at you for omitting things from me again,” she scolded.

Liam pressed his lips together and pretended to zip it, making her giggle.

“I know you didn’t want to spoil anything and allow me to share those memories with my family, but you could’ve given me a hint or something.”

“I couldn’t. You’d have to know the whole story before I could tell what I know.”

“But I know a bunch of stories about my family now and I deserve to know what you know about me and my family.”

“Fair enough.” He produced his phone from his pocket and tapped the screen a few times before showing it to Jade. “Do you recognize any of these kids?”

“Well, the girl is me and–” she trailed off as she recognized the other child. “Noooo.”

He chuckled.

“I can’t believe this. You were at my christening brunch party?!?”

“As you may recall, my mother was close friends with your grandmother and she invited us to the ceremony.”

“How did you get ahold of this?”

“Queen Mother Sofia found it and sent it to me. I don’t remember much about the party, except for the chocolate fountain, playing with other kids and something about the guest of honor kissing my cheek,” a broad smile lightened up his features.

“Can you believe that? I had a thing for you since I was three! What are the chances?” She giggled.

“You also happen to be the newest Duchess of Rubí and you were the Harvest Queen of Cordonian Ruby last year.”

“And you thought the coincidences that brought us together only lied on apples, huh?”

They laughed.

“How are you feeling now?”


“Is the headache gone?”

“Yeah. But you know what would make it even better?”


“Please,” Jade batted her lashes.

He pulled away from the hug and crossed his arms.

“Pero yó te deseo tanto, mi Rey,¹” she purred, kissing his neck and brushing her foot on his leg.

Liam took a deep breath and cleared his throat. “Regardless of how tempted I feel right now, especially with the dirty talking in Spanish, I’m only staying until you fall asleep and returning to my own room because both of us need to wake up early tomorrow.”

“Ugh…” she turned to her side of the bed and gave him a sideways glance. “Did I ever mention how much I hate your inhuman super restraint?”

“Yes.” He chuckled, pulling her back into his arms and kissing her cheek. “Every night, my love.”


¹ But I wish you so much, my King.

Published by


Brazilian fanfiction writer who tells stories about a bunch of kind-hearted pixelated people.

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