
By Misha

Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the characters, I am just borrowing them for a while and will return them unharmed.

Author’s Notes- A short MC/Estela piece that I wrote for Femslash week, mostly because Estela is amazing and if trapped on the island from Hell, she’d be who I’d want in my corner. This takes place during Book One, Chapter 8.

Pairing- Estela/Female MC

Rating- PG

Summary- MC tries to decide who to sleep next to during the trek up to the Observatory and decides on the person who makes her feel safest: Estela.

Words- 419

I was tired and cold and more scared than I was willing to admit out loud.

I didn’t know what awaited us at the observatory, but if it was like everything else on this island, I doubted it would be an easy trip. Before we faced that hurtle, I wanted comfort as much as warmth. I wanted to know that for at least a little while I’d be safe.

My eyes travelled over Jake, Sean and Estela, knowing that none of them would turn me away if I crawled up next to them. But which one should I choose?

Since I wanted safe, it would have made sense for my eyes to land on Sean. Jake had picked a good name for him because Sean was a superhero. Strung, dependable, the ultimate protector. A girl couldn’t help but feel safe in his arms.

Then there was Jake, who at first glance didn’t exactly scream “safe”, more like “run in the opposite direction” and yet… I knew he had the ability to get out of any situation and while he wasn’t the altruistic type, he had given me the impression that I was the exception to the rule, which was pretty flattering.

Yet, when I thought about who made me feel safest, it wasn’t either of them. Instead my eyes landed on Estela.

There was just something about that called to me. The encounter in the woods with the crab had been terrifying, yet I had never doubted that we’d be victorious because I had her by my side.

As dangerous and mysterious as she was, I knew I could trust her. She had her secrets and I worried about her, but I was never afraid of her. I just wanted to get to know her better. She was one more mystery in what was turning out to be the weirdest vacation ever, but unlike the rest, there was nothing frightening about her, just a powerful fascination. I wanted to know her secrets, wanted to learn as much about this beautiful, complex woman as I could.

Without realizing that I had made a decision, I found myself walking towards Estela and curling up next to her. As we snuggled together, I felt safe for the first time in days and I knew I had made the right choice.

I also know that I wanted to keep choosing her. I wanted to get to know her better. I didn’t want to leave this island without unlocking a few of her secrets.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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