Safe Place

Tess’s feet felt heavy as she dragged them up the stairs of the inn. Who would have guessed that hunting down a killer would be such exhausting work? She had been mentally tucked into bed since parting with Flynn and couldn’t wait for it to become a reality. She stuck her key in the lock and turned. Her stomach lurched as she immediately sensed something was wrong—The door was already unlocked. She glanced once over her shoulder and swung the door open, flicking the light on. Scanning the room, she doubted anyone was there anymore. She made her way towards the bathroom to be safe, but froze in her tracks. She let out a gasp as she processed the sight on the mirror. Without taking her eyes off of it, she lifted her cell and redialed the most recent number.

“Hello?” Tess choked into the phone, “I need you here. At the inn. Okay.” She tapped end call and fully focused her attention on the display in front of her.

Her own face was staring back a dozen times over. Or rather, it would be if her eyes weren’t cut out of every photograph that was stuck to the mirror. A sharp chill ran down her spine. There was the photo that accompanies her articles, a picture of her and Kate from Kate’s 21st birthday, and most concerning, one of her and Flynn down by the docks from the evening before. She realized that she was chewing on her thumbnail and quickly dropped her hand; she had kicked that nervous habit when she was young. Tess Hawthorne does not get nervous, she scolded herself. She heard the door open behind her but kept her eyes on the mirror.

“Tess, are you alright? What happened? I—” Flynn stopped short when he took in the sight in front of him. “Jesus Christ.”

“Tell me about it.” Tess said flatly.

“This was here when you got in?” She nodded, finally glancing in Flynn’s direction. When she saw that he was looking at her with great concern in his eyes she turned back towards the mirror.

“It’s a little gift from our friend, I’m assuming. You know, I’ve gotten a couple of threats in my day because of my articles, but this one has got to be the most creative, if a little too on the abstract side.” She tried to maintain her normal, confident tone of voice, but even she could hear it falter. Flynn took her by her shoulders, gently turning her to face him. The intensity in his icy blue eyes made it nearly impossible for her to look away.

“He knows we’re onto him.” He said softly, “He’s trying to scare you off. Don’t let him, Tess.” She squared her shoulders and set her face determinedly.

“I won’t. Nobody scares me.” Flynn’s lips curled into his signature smirk.

“That’s the spirit. Now let’s take some pictures of this creepfest, call Naomi, and get the hell out of here.”

The two of them sat on the curb outside of the inn while Naomi investigated the room. Lucky for them Walsh didn’t bother to come; he found the situation too ‘beneath him’ to check out.

“He probably thinks I had it coming,” Tess snarked, “Big city journalist sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, of course the killer would turn his attention to her.” She shivered—She didn’t think it was entirely from the cold.

“Here, take my jacket.” Flynn shrugged out of his leather coat and draped it over her shoulders.

“Thank you.” After a moment, he hesitantly placed his hand on her knee. She placed her own on top of his, finding the touch unexpectedly comforting.

“Walsh is powerful guy, I’m not gonna deny that. But when it comes to paying attention to details and actually getting things done? Naomi’s more than proved herself as the best person for the job.”

“I know, and I trust her completely. I just…” She let out a frustrated sigh and shook her head slightly, “Never mind.” They sat in silence for a short while, the two of them both lost in their own thoughts, before Flynn eventually cleared his throat.

“Why don’t we go back to my place for a bit?” Tess looked over at Flynn, whose cheeks were quickly reddening as he stared intently down at the ground. “I mean, I figured you probably need a drink right about now and might not want to be in public. I’ve got some beers back home so I thought…” He trailed off.

“Your place sounds great.” She said with a gentle smile. He met her eyes with a smile of his own and then stood up and reached out a hand.

“I should tell you,” His smile grew a little wider as he pulled Tess to her feet, “My home is a bit… nontraditional.”

“Wait, what?”

“Well, this is it,” Flynn announced, opening the door, “It’s not Sterling Manor, but I’m happy here.”

Tess took in her surroundings. She didn’t really know what she was expecting from a houseboat, but this wasn’t it. It was small, but it didn’t feel cramped. There was a decent sized living space with hardwood floors and a comfortable looking pullout couch, as well as a small kitchen area. The walls were painted a light brown and were tastefully decorated with photographs and fishing memorabilia. It was…

“Homey.” Tess said genuinely, “I like it.”

“Thanks. Spending a few years in a cell made me appreciate not only the importance of freedom, but of having a space that’s really mine. This place is the best of both. Let me get us those beers.” While Flynn walked into the kitchen, Tess examined a framed photo on the side table. It was of a surly looking dark haired boy scowling at the camera as a laughing redheaded girl made bunny ears behind him.

“Kate would always do that.” Flynn explained, walking into the room with a small smile on his face and passing Tess her beer. “Used to drive me crazy as a kid.”

“She did that to me quite a few times in college, too. She’s nothing if not persistent, it’s how I know she’s going to be alright.” Flynn nodded silently and then shook his head, bringing himself back into the moment.

“What do you say we take these up to the roof? The stars are incredible out here.”

He was not exaggerating, the sight of the stars from his roof took her breath away. Between the view and the easygoing nature of their conversation, Tess soon felt significantly more at ease. One drink turned into two as they exchanged stories.

“After that I was so fed up with him not taking me seriously that I wrote my resignation right into the middle of my article about ‘Bikini Body Myths vs Reality.’”

“You’re joking!” Flynn exclaimed with a laugh

“Nope. And he didn’t even notice! I had to point it out to him so it didn’t go to press! I am a professional after all.” She said with a wink and a giggle of her own. Their laughter faded away after a moment and Tess let out a sigh, the pit in her stomach returning.

“I can’t stay there tonight.” She thought out loud, swirling her half empty bottle of beer, “Not if he can get in.” Flynn reached over and took her hand.

“You could stay here. With me.” Her heart raced at the prospect, but she  shook her head.

“I couldn’t possibly impose.”

“No imposition, really. Honestly I—I’d feel better having you here. I couldn’t protect Kate, but I can keep you safe.” The look on his face was so earnest that she felt herself nodding before consciously deciding to agree.

“Okay, I’ll stay.”

“You, of course, can take the pullout tonight.” Flynn announced, dropping down from the ladder, “I’ll crash out on the roof.” Tess followed him to the main floor of the houseboat.

“Flynn, you really don’t have to do that. I’m a big girl, I can sleep on the floor.”

“Not a chance. Just because I’m an ex-con doesn’t mean I’m not a gentleman.” He shot her a playful smirk. She couldn’t help but return it with a grin of her own and a reluctant nod.

“Okay, if you insist.”

“I do. Now hold tight, I’ll get the bed ready.”

“I wish I had thought to bring pajamas with me.” She lamented, tugging on the hem of the dress she had worn more times than she would’ve liked in the past week. She hadn’t packed for this unexpectedly extended visit and despite the insistence of the strangely pushy inn keeper, she hadn’t bought any new clothes since coming to Birchport.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got a shirt you can borrow.” Flynn went into the cabin and Tess heard him rustling in his drawers. She caught herself checking out her appearance in the dark reflection of the window, mussing up her long red waves—She knew it was ridiculous to worry about what she looked like at a time like this but she couldn’t help herself.

“You’re all set.” Tess jumped at the sound of Flynn’s voice, mid hair tease; she hadn’t heard him come back outside.

“Sorry,” She shook her head, embarrassed, “I guess I’m still on edge.”

“I’d be worried if you weren’t.” He handed her the shirt, fingers lingering against hers, “But you’re alright now. We can look out for each other here.” She gave a resolute nod, clutching the shirt in her hands. He looked like he wanted to say something more but barely perceptively shook his head.

“Okay, well, I’m gonna…” She gestured towards the cabin.

“I’ll be right up there if you need anything. Goodnight, Tess.” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

“Goodnight Flynn.” He gave her an embarrassed smile and ascended the ladder to the roof.

Tess stepped inside and closed the door, examining at the t-shirt he lent her. She smiled at the photo of Johnny Cash on it; It made sense that Flynn would have a soft spot for the Man in Black. She normally found band tees to be tacky, but to her surprise she found this incredibly endearing. She stripped off her dress and pulled the shirt over her head. Length-wise it wasn’t the most modest thing she’s ever worn, but it would do. She turned out the lights and climbed into the carefully assembled pullout bed, but something felt off. Tess knew that Flynn was right outside but being alone in the dark room brought back every feeling she was trying to deny existed. You’re being ridiculous, she thought, you’re a grown woman, not some little girl afraid of the dark. But Flynn’s scent lingering in the sheets made her miss his comforting presence.

She got out of bed before she realized what she was doing, but paused with her hand on the doorknob. What was she expecting here? They had kissed once before and it was nice but Tess didn’t want to push it—He had to be in a weird place with everything that was happening. Hell, she was in a weird place, especially with what went down tonight. Still, his presence made her feel better as and much as she hated to admit it, it was what she needed. She took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping outside the cabin towards the ladder.

“Hi.” Tess announced herself as she stepped onto the roof, self-consciously tugging the bottom of the t-shirt down.

“Hey.” Flynn said sleepily, sitting up in the lounge chair, “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

“I’m okay, but I need…” She tried to avoid eye contact, she hated feeling weak. But once again, she felt her gaze drawn to him. The look of concern on his face gave her the reassurance she needed to ask, “Can—Can you stay with me tonight?”

“Of course.” He responded without hesitation, and followed her back down into the cabin.

“Sorry about er,” He cleared his throat and gestured down towards his boxer shorts, “I don’t really own any pajama bottoms.” Tess let out a small laugh.

“It’s fine. In case you haven’t noticed I don’t have any pants either.”

“I’ve tried not to notice.” He said with a roguish smirk, pulling back the sheets on the undisturbed side of the bed. She climbed in beside him, leaving a small distance in between them and laying on her side towards the wall.

She found the knot in her stomach loosening as she listened to Flynn’s steady breathing. Still, Tess couldn’t quite sleep yet.



She rolled over to face him; He was already facing her. She wanted to say tell him how grateful she wasn’t alone in all of this. That because of him, she felt like she could breathe again. But instead she just managed—

“Thank you.”

“Anytime.” There was something in his eyes that told her he heard all the words that went unsaid. Hesitantly, Tess placed a hand on his chest and lifted her lips to meet his. She could taste the mint of his toothpaste and became all too aware that she hadn’t brushed her own. He didn’t seem to mind, though, wrapping his arm around her and deepening the kiss. After a few long minutes, she nuzzled into his chest, Flynn’s arm wrapped tightly around her.

“It’s going to be okay, Tess.” He whispered, gently petting her head.

“I know it is. How could it not be when the dynamic duo are on the case?” She felt his smile as he kissed the top of her head.

Tess closed her eyes, the exhaustion of the evening taking over. Her mind focused only on the comforting rhythm of Flynn stroking her hair until she drifted off to sleep.

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