“Same Time Next Week”– Part IV (Cassius x MC)

Disclaimer: All ACoR characters belong to Pixelberry (excluding Désirée/Desi and Maximus) and I do not claim any ownership of them.

Cassius rarely gets the appreciation he deserves. He was so well written and I just wanted to cover a scene about him. Enjoy <3

Summary: A trip to the marketplace with her bodyguard, Maximus, turned into the surprise reunion Desi was waiting for.

Desi arrived at the market taking in the heat as the sun hit her face. Caesar was satisfied with her performance as she showed little resistance to his advances. She had him right where she needed him, and he was beginning to trust her. After a few months, he permitted her to venture out during the day time. The market was busy this time of day, merchants were boisterous and flamboyant, displaying an array of talents and flattery to lure in customers.

She stopped at a few vendors, but none caught her eye as much as the on merchant just behind the trees. There sat an elderly woman carving a necklace from gemstones. Desi stood admiring the jewelry and trinkets spread across the table when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Hey, would you be alright if I left you alone for a little while?” She had never seen her Maximus as nervous as he was in that moment. He took a deep breath as ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes sparkled as he continued on, “I… uh, I had something I wanted to check out.” Desi peered around him, where she saw another bodyguard fidgeting, pretending to look at dress looking away as soon as her eyes met his. Her eyes returned to Maximus’ who was still staring at the guard. Desi tilted her head to the side, raising her hand slightly as waved at the guard. He blushed and returned her smile, placing a dress back on the table before he started walking over to them.

“I’ll be fine,” Desi asserted, “You should go head. He’s a cute one.”

Maximus couldn’t help but smile as he wrapped his arms around Desi lifting her off the ground in one swoop. “You’re the best,” he exclaimed spinning her around as he giggled in glee. “I’ll meet you back in an hour. I promise!” He rushed over next to the guard playfully punching his shoulder before kissing him on the cheek.

Desi hadn’t known Maximus for long, but he quickly became her best friend and confidant at the villa. He wasn’t perfect and neither was she. He faced a lot of loss over recent years, something she could relate too. She enjoyed hearing his stories and sharing hers as well. She remembered the times when she felt butterflies after meeting Syphax and Cassius for the first time. She was happy to give Maximus alone time too.

She continued to glance over the trinkets and figurines laid neatly on the table. One piece, however, took her breath away. It was a carved wooden figurine of an eagle perched on a branch. She couldn’t believe it. What were the odds of her finding another one so similar to the one she lost? Her heart began pounding as she floated into a memory of when she crafted one just like it with Cignerix. It was a rite of passage for the Arnajo (Ar-na-ho) tribe that once someone reached the age of 14, to be assigned a spirit guide. Hers was the eagle, a sacred animal which signified courage, wisdom and strength. She took it everywhere she went along with the dagger given to her by her father. With all the worrying she did about Victus and Syphax, she managed to lose the very thing that reminded her of them.

“How much for the eagle?” Desi asked, hoping that she had saved up enough to purchase it. The woman replied, “Oh. I’m sorry child, but that one’s not for sale.”

It was hard for her to hear those words. She was so close to owning one again and yet she couldn’t have it. She figured maybe it had a special meaning to the woman as well and placed it back down on the table.

Desi turned to walk away as she lady continued. “What I meant was it’s not for sale because it belongs to you.” She sat the eagle in Desi’s palm closing her hand on top.

“But I don’t understand” Desi stood in disbelief. The woman nudged her to investigate further. As Desi eyes followed the intricate carving, she noticed a small chip on the wing of the eagle. Her eyes lit up as she realized, this was the exact one that she lost. She remembered the day she was running through the woods when she tripped and fell, the eagle chipping as it slammed into the tree in front of her. She’ll never forget her father’s face when he told her to be more careful for the eagle represented her journey.  The eagle and its imperfections taught her to embrace her own.

Desi couldn’t believe this was happening. “How did you…” but before she could finish, the woman told her to look at the note underneath.

Desi flipped the eagle revealing a tiny piece of paper with the words “Turn Around” written on it. She quickly turned to face behind her and to her surprise, Cassius stood holding a single rose. Her eyes flooded with tears as this was the first time she had seen him since being sold to Caesar. His hair was cut shorter and he wore a dark blue tunic, with a green cloak. It was a change from the light colors she normally saw him wear. The deep blue bought out the color in his eyes. She had forgotten just how beautiful his eyes were. A greenish blue with a hint of brown, she easily lost herself in them.

“How? It’s really you. You’re here and…I” Desi couldn’t believe her eyes. She missed him so much. She rehearsed what she would say to him if she ever got the chance to see him again, but nothing prepared her for the flood of emotions she experienced now standing facing him. Cassius lifted his hand to wipe away her tears, landing soft kisses on her cheek where the tears once fell. “I assure you I’m real,” Cassius replied pulling her into his embrace. He lips collapsing into hers and without fail, she was overcome with a sense of calmness as all her anxiety melted away.

Cassius exhaled slowly, letting out a deep sigh. He took a chance hoping that she would show and she did. He stood appearing just as surprised as she was to be together again. Taking a step back, his hands lightly running down her arms, he took a moment before starting to speak.

“I just had to see for myself. Sabina told me she saw you leave the market last week. If there was even the slightest chance that I would be able to see you again, I’d be a fool not to take it.” With his free hand, he picked up the eagle off the table returning it in her hands. He nodded at the merchant slipping her some extra coin. The merchant raised her hand politely declined the coin admiring the closeness the two of them shared. It didn’t seem like any time had passed at all for they seemed so comfortable around each other. That’s just how their relationship was. It was so effortless.

The merchant couldn’t help but notice too as she added, “He really does know you, huh? I wasn’t sure if you’d come over, but Cassius never gave up hope that you would stop here and find it.” Desi smiled as she realized he still knew her better than most.  She nuzzled at his neck.

“After I heard about Antony giving you to Caesar. I blamed myself for a while. Maybe if I had attended the games with you, you would’ve had another option.” A look of sadness came over his face as he continued. “I decided to head to the scholae to offer comfort to Lena and to pack up your belongings. You lost just about everything after the fires in Gaul and I couldn’t let you lose what you accumulated here in Rome too. So I invited Sabina to come with me and we cleaned just about every inch of the place and that’s…that’s when I saw it.” His eyes resting on the carving. “There is was hiding underneath the pillows by Artemis’ bed this whole time. It was probably thrown in middle of the chaos when Aquila came with his men. Artemis must’ve tried to bury it thinking she would be able to give it back to you the next time she saw you.”

Desi began to choke up, her voice soft as she managed to say, “That was so kind of you to do. I thought I lost it forever. It was one of the few things that I felt truly connected me to Isis.”

Cassius held her close, he could feel the wetness of her tears fall on his shoulder. Cassius kissed her forehead as he replied, “I remembered and that’s why I had to find a way to return it to you. I’d never forgive myself if you started to lose hope now.”

Desi lifted on her toes, her hand behind his head, she pulled him near until her lips met his. “I always considered myself a lucky woman to be in the thoughts of a man so humble and kind.”

Cassius smile broaden, his lips remained close to hers. “And I a lucky man to have you to fight for. You changed my life for there is no woman like you who loves as fiercely as she fights for others.”

They stood kissing passionately before thanking the woman one more time. The two continued on throughout the market, stopping at a few more vendors here and there. Cassius was carrying a basket slowly filling it with fresh fruits, breads, and cheeses he purchased for Desi to take back with her. He made sure to fill it with a few of her favorite items when she wasn’t looking.

They walk hand in hand, Cassius pace slowing as he eyed a bench near the grassy area. As they approached, Cassius dusted the seat laying his cloak down before encouraging Desi to sit.

He stood taking in how beautiful she looked as she sat under the sun. He wanted to remember this moment because he wasn’t sure when the next time would be until he saw her again. Desi, unknowingly, was doing the same. She watched as Cassius cleared a spot for her, it was something only he would have done.

He joined her resting his hand on her thigh. “You look different” Desi said noticing slight changes in his mannerisms. Her hand running up his arm.

Cassius knew she was also referring to the bulk of his muscles naturally flexed as he rested his arm beside her. “I feel different. I decided it was time to reunite with Brutus. And that means, I have a lot of prepping to do to be ready for what we have planned.”

Desi sat up in curiosity encouraging him to continue.

“Thousands have died while I stayed back in Rome and countless more will lose their lives if we don’t act soon. I lost people who I called my friends. Men whose families are now abandoned as they took their lasts breaths believing their cause was just.” Desi scooted closer, circling her arm around his. His expression serious and focused. “They died having plans and goals that will never come to fruition. Dreams of a tomorrow that can only happen if Caesar and Antony’s reign was to end. And with Brutus by my side, their fight and your time with them would’ve served a purpose.”

She loved seeing the fire in his eyes when he spoke of things he was passionate about. He spoke with such conviction that it would make even the most doubtful want to follow him blindly. She gently squeezed his shoulder before running her fingers through his hair. “Whatever you have planned, I hope I’m there to see it because that look in your eye means you will not fail.”

Cassius leaned in turning his body to face her. “I don’t plan to. He will pay for what he has done.” His eyes softened, lingering on the scenery around them. “So I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about your time spent in the company of Caesar.”

Desi could sense a hint of jealousy though he tried to appear unscathed. She was cautious in her reply. “Caesar is not as much trouble as you are, Cassius.” She smiled as he chuckled to himself. “He lacks insight and his judgment is poor. I do what I must to get him to trust me. It’s not a duty that I take lightly, nor do I find solace in. I get no pleasure from being in his company like I do in yours. Every single day I must talk myself out ending him where he stands. Timing is everything and I can’t afford to act irrationally again for a few minutes of joy only to risk my life, or worse, those I care about because of my negligence and haste. Syphax paid the price for my eagerness before and I promised myself that I can’t let that happen again.”

Cassius’s fingers now intertwined in hers, he squeezed tightly letting her feel his support. “You do what you must to stay strong.”

Desi nodded as that’s all she’s ever tried to do. “It is the most trying period of my life, Cassius,” she admitted, “I’m so close to getting vengeance for the hurt caused to my people, but also to those I’ve come to love in Rome as well. Antony is counting on me to spy for him and, in turn, it allows me to gather pertinent information of those in Caesar’s close circle. With whatever I find, I’d like to know that I can tell you and maybe help your cause for we share the same hatred for Caesar.”

Desi looked down at his hand in hers. “My biggest challenge is that I know it’s not practical or wise to act on my own, but the temptation is far greater the more time I spend by his side. I’ve seduced him to the point where he thinks about me even when he’s awake. He tells others about what he wishes to do to me, and he gets upset if I don’t tell him that I want him in return or resist him in any way. My friend, Maximus, is always telling me the stories he hears Caesar tell around the villa. It disgusts me, but I have him wrapped around my finger. It feels amazing, but torturous because I cannot yet act on how I feel.”

Cassius straddled the bench, pulling her inside his arms. His bear hugs always put her at ease. She lie on the bench with her head resting on his chest. His heart beat was as strong as he was.

“And what of your agreement with Antony?” Cassius adjusted himself on the bench to allow her more space to stretch out. “I may be vocal about my disapproval of how he’s managed things, but I know not to give him a reason to pay closer attention to me. He is a dangerous man if he believes he is being used or misled.”

Desi knew he spoke the truth, but she had seen Antony in a different light. “I’ve grown to like Antony over time. He trusts me and I him. I know the two of you aren’t fond of each other, but it isn’t a reflection of the respect you two share.”

Fidgeting with her necklace, she debated on telling him about her encounter with Caesar a few weeks ago. But she knew he’d want to know. “Antony actually stood up to Caesar on my behalf. He noticed that I hadn’t been myself for a while. I was a lot more distant with him than usual. And Caesar wanted to spend every moment with me which only angered me more. I didn’t know what path to take next and that wasn’t like me at all. I’ve always had direction.”

She sat up briefly, turning to face Cassius. “Caesar struck me and Antony did not hesitate to make sure that Caesar knew I was not to be messed with. I must allow Antony more time to see the truth about Caesar that you and I see. That Caesar is not the man of the people Antony thinks he is. He is an evil man and who would betray even Antony if it came down to it. Except I will not let that happen. Caesar will pay for what he has done. It’s just a matter of whose hands will be stained with his blood.”

She watched nervously, anticipating Cassius’ reply. To her surprise, he had that look in his eye again, appreciation for all that she was. “You’re a woman who never ceases to amaze me. I have no doubt that you know what you’re doing and, I guess I owe Antony for watching over you when I cannot be there. I can’t tell you that I would’ve acted much differently seeing you hurting like that. I’ve always loved hearing your perspective and I’m here for you as best as I can be.” He then chuckled to himself, “But to be honest, I’d love you all the same even if you ended up sticking it to Caesar.”

Desi laughed as she was enjoying seeing this side of Cassius. He always accepted her for all that she was, whether wrong or right. She knew she could tell him the truth and there wasn’t many people whom she could be like that with.

Time went by fast after that. She caught him up on the whereabouts of Syphax and her father while Cassius brought her up to speed about Sabina, Lena, and the rest of the girls.

Thinking he left Desi alone for hours, way longer than he originally said, Maximus came rushing over. He couldn’t help but laugh as he was surprised to see Cassius sitting by her. He was a looker, for sure, and way cuter than Desi let on. He definitely wasn’t your average senator either. You could tell he worked out regularly, his tunic barely concealing his muscular arms. Cassius also had some of the most dreamy eyes and a smile that stopped Maximus right in his tracks. Maximus found himself flustered as he found the courage to address him.

“Senator Cassius! What are you doing here?” Maximus extended his hand noticeably shaky as he went to greet him.  Cassius shook his hand in return firmly, winking at Maximus as he pulled away.

Desi coughed as she noticed Maximus swoon over him looking him up and down. “Ut umm,” Desi laughed as Cassius joined her. “We all have our secrets don’t we?” Desi said smiling at her friend who was still blushing.

Cassius stood and helped Desi to her feet. “I better get going and looks like the time has come for you to head back. I’d love to see you again though.”

Desi turned to Maximus, and in unison they asked each other, “Same time next week?“

Maximus shook his head laughing, “Well, Obviously!” They couldn’t stop smiling as they were like two little children playing off each other. They both had their reasons for wanting to return. He had his man and she had hers.

She hugged Cassius goodbye as he kissed her softly on her cheek before parting ways. Desi smacked Maximus on his arm as she realized his eyes locked on Cassius’s back side as he walked away. “You’re ridiculous!” Desi laughed. Maximus looking guilty as ever. They left the market and decided to take the long way home. They couldn’t stop smiling, both blushing as they retold stories of what happened during their trip to the market.

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I'm just a girl who loves to dream. <3 I'm not a writer by any means, but I like to have fun and thought to share some of the stories I was day dreaming about. I appreciate anyone who takes time to read them. ^_^

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