Say Yes

Author’s Note: This is in response to the request “which member of your OTP plans date night” from ladynevrakis. I’m not sure it’s an exact translation of the prompt (which was also only supposed to produce a drabble), but this is what the prompt inspired and I decided to go with it because I clearly have no control over these two anymore. 


“Seth, what are you doing here?” I ask, certain my eyes are deceiving me as I stare in shock at the widely grinning man in front of me. He’s not supposed to be here, not tonight at least. We’d been thoroughly disappointed to discover months earlier that our schedules would leave us separated by an ocean today, our anniversary.

To make matters worse, I’d just spent the day on set mildly distraught, wondering why I hadn’t been able to reach him in nearly twenty-four hours. It’s not like I was picturing worst case scenarios…yet. But when his usual “morning Iowa, break a leg today…but not literally” text didn’t arrive, today of all days, it put me on edge. Seeing him now though, gleaming at me with the slightest hint of nervousness in his eyes, the sudden communication drought makes more sense.

He is dressed in a navy blue suit, white collared shirt, and red tie, quite possibly the same one he wore the night we first kissed a few years prior. His usually wildly wavy hair is uncharacteristically well-coiffed. When he steps closer, capturing my hand in his, my stomach does a weird little flip-flop reminiscent of the day we first met.

“The Milwaukee show was cancelled,” he explains, fidgeting slightly with his tie. “I found out last night right after we got off the phone and hopped on the first plane out of Chicago as soon as I finished my show there. I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well, mission accomplished.” I laugh, giving his hand a gentle squeeze and rising up on my tip-toes to give him a proper welcome kiss. His free arm wraps around me as he leans down, deepening the kiss. I groan into his mouth when he eagerly parts my lips with his tongue so it may dance with mine.

We’re both breathless and rather embarrassed when we finally break apart many moments later to the overly enthusiastic applause and cheers from the movie crew we’d conveniently forgotten existed. I give a little bow, heat creeping up my neck, before pulling Seth to a more private area of the set.

“So, what’s the plan, Ohio?” I ask once we’re actually alone.

“You, me, and a fancy night out in Cordonia.” His entire face glows with a brilliant smile and my heart feels as though its sprouted wings. “That is, if you’re free… you are free right?” He replies, apprehension pulling at the corner of his features.

“Hmmmm, I don’t know,” I start to joke, but upon seeing the worry etching into his eyes I soften my tone. “Hey, of course I’m free, Seth. It’s our anniversary and you just flew thousands of miles to surprise me. Even if I did have plans somehow, there’s no way I wouldn’t say yes right now.” I place a soft kiss on his cheek, his coarse facial hair tickling my lips.

“Good,” he says with a heavy but relieved sigh.

Both smiling again, we begin to walk off set hand in hand. Suddenly my ears catch the faintest of whispers escaping Seth’s seemingly motionless lips, leaving me to wonder if he’s really speaking at all or if I’m just hearing things.

“God I hope you say yes later too.”

-The End

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Writer, fangirl of Seth Levine, and basic nerd

4 thoughts on “Say Yes”

    1. Thank you so very much, A! I’m so relieved and excited to hear that you were able to imagine this scene happening! I’m pretty sure I have a stupidly happy smile on my face whenever I write these two, sooo, you’re in good company there 😀

  1. ( Damn that last line killed me!
    I hope she says “Yes” later too, Seth!)

    Gosh, Mandy you write Seth’s character so well.. ( Like SOO Well. )
    And I’m just sitting here smiling at who forking A D O R A B L E this is!

    1. EEEE! Thank you Em!! Oh, to know you think I write Seth well is… just the most amazing compliment ever, thank you!! The last line made me squee as I wrote it. Eventually there will be a part two to this, when the idea cooperates 🙂

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