Scout’s Honor

Author’s Note: Let’s just pretend that between fighting crazy Grandma Ghostephine and zombie animals Parker and Ivy had a chance at dating for real.  Please? Because I really need this. 😉

Happy (early) Sexy Smuterday!!!


Ivy kicked firmly on the door with her foot, unable to use her hands full of goods to knock.  Taking a step back, she waited patiently for her host to answer. And waited. And waited. Not hearing any indication of movement on the other side of the door she extended her leg again, getting ready to make impact on the wooden surface again when the door swung open.  

Ach!” she yelped as her foot landed on the threshold with a thud, struggling to regain her balance.  

“I’m so sorry to make you wait!”  It was then Ivy glanced up to find a bare-chested Parker standing in the doorway, his wet hair dripping on his shoulders and gripping an olive-colored t-shirt against his chest modestly.  Her eyes involuntarily roamed the smooth skin of his chest to his arms, admiring the substantial musculature of his biceps, tugging her lip between her teeth. Parker didn’t miss her appreciative stare, his cheeks flushing a shade of pink as he pulled the shirt over his head.  “Uh, I was in the shower when you knocked. Running a bit late tonight.”

Ivy jolted back to the moment, mumbling a semi-coherent response.  “Err, it’s fine … really.”

Parker met her eyes with a flirtatious smile pulling at his lips, reaching forward to grab the large pizza box and case of beer from her hands.  “Here, I got these. Come in.” He stepped back against the door, nodding towards inside.

Ivy surveyed the cozy living room of the apartment while he set their dinner down on the small dining table in the corner.  The decor was basic, a mish mash of furniture and items Parker had most likely picked up here or there, but there were touches of his warmth scattered throughout.  A knit afghan draped over the couch, a picture of him and Abe at his Eagle Scout ceremony on the shelf, his hiking boots and backpack shoved in the corner … little pieces of him that made her feel instantly at ease.  “I like your place.” She stated plainly, accepting the chilly bottle of beer that he offered her.

“Really?  I know it’s not much …” Parker muttered, raking a hand through his hair bashfully before lifting his own bottle to his lips.  “But I’ve always liked it here.”

“No really, it’s great.  Very homey.” Ivy gave him a reassuring smile.  “So, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

“Thank God, me too!  I think I skipped lunch today.”  A look of relief spread across his face.  He walked over to the table and opened the pizza box, looking back over his shoulder at her.  “Do you want to eat at the table or on the couch?”

“Definitely couch.  The game is on.” She strolled towards the sofa, taking another swig of beer on her way.

Parker looked at her a bit flabbergasted, a wide grin spreading across his face. He carried the pizza box toward the couch, setting it down on the coffee table with a roll of paper towels.  “Wow …pizza, beer and football. Either you’re really trying to impress me or- “

Ivy halted his sentence, stepping up on her tip toes to press a soft kiss to his lips.  She pulled away, cocking a brow at him playfully. “How about we watch the game and you can figure it out?”

Parker returned an amused smirk, his green eyes sparkling under the dim light.  “Deal.”

The two settled into Parker’s couch, happily munching on pizza and chatting in between key plays of the game on the TV.  Ivy was astounded by how easily they fell into a comfortable dialogue, how natural it felt when he draped his arm across the back of the couch and she nestled her shoulder into him.  She loved the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed, how intent his stare was upon her while she spoke. He made her feel safe and interesting and special, a welcome feeling amongst the chaos in Pine Springs since her arrival.

“Alright, Officer … so tell me how it is you got to be in the force.  I’m guessing that your Boy Scout mindset had you destined for it since childhood.”  Ivy turned to face him.

“Hmmph, quite the opposite, actually …” Parker gave her a wistful smile, then looked down to observe the label of his beer bottle he was peeling.  “I told you that Abe took me in when I was young. At the time I was a lot of trouble … angry at the world and lashing out in whatever way I could.  I’d get into fights at school, was failing out of most of my classes … it was not good.”

“That is the exact opposite of the little goody-two-shoes Parker I had imagined in my head.”  Ivy jests, her eyes wide with disbelief. “So what happened?”

“Abe happened, I guess.  He saw something in me …” he had a far-off look in his eyes as he remembered.  “He never gave up on me, but gave me the tough love I needed. One weekend, after I was warned that I would be expelled from school if there was another instance, he took me camping.  Which I did not want to do … like, at all!” He shook his head and laughed. “We pulled up to the park, he strapped on this huge heavy backpack and then marched me through the woods six miles before letting me rest.  We ended up at this cliff on top of the highest peak in the park, and he took me to the edge to look over the valley. He didn’t try to punish me or lecture me, he simply put his hand on my shoulder while he looked out at the horizon and said ‘Sometimes we just need a reminder of how much beauty there is in the world, Parker.’  And then he left me there to think.” Parker looked down again, releasing a quiet chuckle in his throat. “That weekend I worked so hard around the campsite, trying to impress him, wanting to feel worthy of his approval. After that we started camping almost every weekend he had off and eventually he suggested the scouts. I was later to the group than most of the boys, way behind the others in skills and number of badges … but by the end I was one of only two that made it all the way to Eagle Scout.”  He finally looked back to her, his eyes filled with a distant fondness. “After high school I felt like joining the force was just the right thing to do. For me at least. And that’s how I got here.”

“Wow …” Ivy’s voice trailed off, still processing Parker’s heartfelt confession.  “I can understand now how close you are with Abe. Why you followed in his footsteps.”  She reached over to brush a stray lock of hair from his brow, her eyes gleaming mischievously.  “And for the record, I think you made the right decision. The uniform suits you.”

Parker laughed out loud, the noise echoing throughout the small room.  “Is that so? Why, Miss Vance … are you flirting with me?”

“That depends … is it working?”  Ivy tipped her head to the side, a coy smirk curling the edge of her lips.

Parker leaned forward, the palm of his hand creeping up her thigh over her jeans before lifting it to her face.  He traced a thumb lightly across her cheek, causing a shiver to trail up the length of her spine, his eyes locked on hers and his warm breath tickling her lips only inches away.  “Don’t you know by now what you do to me?”

Ivy inhaled sharply, suddenly forgetting how to breath as she felt herself pulled to him.  “Why don’t you show me?” She nudged her nose into his, allowing her lips to graze over his and eliciting a soft moan from his mouth before he finally closed the distance.

The kiss began slowly, long and languid embraces, Ivy curling her fingers into his hair.  She slipped her tongue into his mouth making Parker groan, his grip upon her waist tightening as their breathing became more labored.  The moments flew by and then his lips were everywhere, along her jaw and down her neck, nipping along her collarbone until she was squirming with desire.  Pushing him back against the couch, Ivy swung her leg across his legs to straddle him, gripping him by the neck as she kissed him fiercely and pressed herself against his lap.  He responded in kind, thrusting the hard bulge in his pants against her, the ache for him growing and growing inside of her.

Suddenly he pulled away, breathless and flushed, his pupils wide with lust as he peered up at her.  “Ivy, are you sure about this? We can stop if you want, I would totally understand.” Despite the honest concern in his words, his dark eyes told her the truth.  He wanted this just as badly as she did.

“But Officer Shaw …” she murmured in a husky voice, pushing back from his lap to standing.  “I’d like to meet this bad boy you were telling me about.” She pulled her t-shirt up over her head, tossing it to the floor before shrugging her bra down her shoulders to free her breasts.  She smirked as Parker’s eyes widened and he swallowed hard taking in the vision before him, his pants growing almost painfully tight with his arousal. She maintained eye contact as she shimmied her jeans down her legs, kicking them off before settling back in his lap.

Parker didn’t object when her hands slipped under the hem of his shirt, tugging it up and over his head, then running her palms across the firm muscles of his shoulders.  When she dipped her head he met her eagerly, nipping her bottom lip playfully as his hands cupped her ass. “I should have known you’d be trouble.” His voice was a low murmur.

“You like that about me though.”  She whispered, her forehead pressed against his and her lips quirked in a mischievous grin.

Parker pressed a firm kiss to her lips before pulling away to take her in.  “Damn right I do.” He swiftly flipped her over onto the couch, her back pressed into the cushions as his mouth and hands began exploring every inch of her skin.  Ivy writhed when he took her nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over it as his hand tugged at the other one. He slipped his other hand under the waistband of her panties, audibly moaning when his fingers found the warm wetness waiting between her legs.  “God, Ivy …”

“Please Parker” she begged, panting with desire from his teasing handiwork.  “Please, I need to feel you.” She slid a hand down his bare torso, cupping him through his jeans and massaging him forcefully before reaching to undo his fly.  

No longer apprehensive, he tugged his pants and boxers over his waist and down his legs, his erection springing free as he kicked his clothing to the floor.  Ivy took him in her hand, his eyes slamming shut for a moment as he relished her pumping him slowly. She felt so good, too good … “Mmmm, you better stop that before I can’t help myself.”  He pulled her hand away, kissing the inside of her wrist before leaning down to retrieve the condom from his pants on the floor.

Ivy took it from his hand, tearing it open with her teeth before rolling it down his sizeable length.  “I see you’re prepared. The scouts taught you well.” She giggled beaming up at him, enjoying the smile he returned her.

“Well that is our motto.”  He grinned, settling between her legs as she positioned him at her entrance.  

He slid inside her slowly, their eyes locked on each other’s as they found a steady pace.  Parker watched her intently, looking for any signs of discomfort until she hooked her legs around his hips, pulling him in deeper.  Then he buried himself inside of her, over and over again, her soft whimpers when he hit that sweet spot deep inside with every thrust egging him on.  He felt her body trembling and guided one leg over his shoulder, slipping a hand down between them to tease her sensitive nub. She finally stiffened, her back arching as she came with muffled cry, her walls tensing around him and driving him towards his own release.  With a few more hard thrusts, he felt his cock twitch as he emptied himself inside of her.

Parker collapsed back into the couch, enveloping Ivy with one arm and pulling her against his chest as they both allowed their heart rates to slow.  Pressing slow lazy kisses into her dark curls, he felt the physical effort catching up to him as the grogginess crept in. He must have been nodding off, for he was startled back to consciousness when he felt the couch shift beneath him.  Ivy placed a chaste kiss to his lips before standing upright, his body instantly attuned to the cold empty space she had left behind.

“Hmmm … hey, where’re you going?”  He mumbled softly, blinking his eyes repeatedly as he sat himself up.  He watched her pulling her clothes back on. “We can move to the bed, it’s more roomy there.”

Ivy started picking up their dinner from the coffee table, a forlorn look upon her face.  “Parker, you know how strict my grandpa is … I have to get home. It’s bad enough it’s after dark already.”  She plopped down on the couch beside him as he pulled his pants and then his shirt back on.

“No, no I understand …” Parker responded in a disappointed tone.  His sad puppy-dog eyes nearly broke her heart when he finally made eye contact.  If there was one thing to be said for Parker, it was that he wore his heart on his sleeve.  Good or bad, Ivy was thankful to know there would be no games with this man.

“But for the record, I really wish I could stay.”  He nodded begrudgingly, and she leaned forward to meet his lips in a slow kiss, a promise of more to come.  Reluctantly pulling away, she grasped his hand in hers as she walked to the door. Before she was able to exit he whipped her around to face him, pulling her tight against him by the small of her back and capturing her mouth in a heated kiss.  They were breathless as they separated, Ivy’s mind a bit hazy with the renewed desire pulsing through her veins. “Promise me, this won’t be the last time.” His eyes flared with heat and his voice was low, laced with need and emotion.

Giving him a smug grin as she took one step out the door, she lifted three tight fingers in the air.  “I promise, Officer. Scout’s honor.” Satisfied with his amused smirk, she gave him one final wink before turning to leave before she lost her resolve altogether.

As Parker closed the door behind her, he couldn’t fight the elated smile spread across his face.  Ivy Vance had blown into his life unannounced like a tornado, knocking down the barriers to his heart and invigorating him like no one had done before.  And he couldn’t get enough.


4 thoughts on “Scout’s Honor”

  1. This was such a nice combination of sweet and sexy. Your description of Parker’s possessions and his back story with Abe added a new dimension to his character, which I appreciate. Him being attentive to her comfort was extremely sexy too. I somehow knew he would pull her in for a last kiss because he’s just bursting with love for her <3 I'd definitely read any more Parker fics you write!

    1. Thank you June!!! I’m smitten with Officer Shaw and his sweet sexy self. 💕🔥 I enjoyed providing a little more background in him in this as well. Thank you so much for reading and your comment!! 😘

    1. Parker is the perfect combo of sweet and hot, amiright?!? 🔥💕🔥💕🔥
      I also found myself needing more Parker in my life and haven’t found enough content yet, which is what lead me to start writing him myself. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and support lolablack!!! 😘

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