Search and Discovery

Summary: While searching for clues that will help to identify the assassins, Bastien learns something that suggests that Riley still has feelings for him.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 55 of #ChoicesCreates: Cordonia and takes place after Semi-Royal Wedding.

The task force was hard at work searching the building. As Bastien looked for clues, he pondered his suspicions. Since the Sons of Earth had filmed a video in the building last year, it seemed likely that they were involved in the assassination attempt. After all, what were the odds that someone else would use the exact same location? But the rhetoric had sounded so much like that of the Liberation Core. The assassin had talked about the citizens’ desire to free themselves from the oppression of the royal family and to have the power to control their lives. The Sons of Earth hadn’t expressed those views. They weren’t really an anti-monarchist group. Their issue was with King Constantine and some of the decisions he had made. Bastien had to admit that Constantine had made at least one spectacularly bad decision. It still hurt to think about the plot against Riley. Bastien deeply regretted his involvement, and was still amazed that Riley had forgiven him and that they had become so close. But forgiving didn’t mean forgetting. Was that why Riley chose Drake instead of me? he wondered. He tried to shake off the thoughts. Although she had become fond of him, she had never given him any reason to think that there was anything serious between them. Just because they had hooked up a few times, it didn’t mean that she wanted a relationship.

Focus, he told himself. We need to figure out who the assassins are. Could the Liberation Core and the Sons of Earth be working together? After all, there was strength in numbers. The Sons of Earth might think that Liam would continue Constantine’s policies, or that Constantine would influence his decisions. And although they didn’t share all the same convictions, they might unite in pursuit of a common goal.

Bastien turned to Mara. “We’d better find something here. I’m worried about Liam and Riley. I don’t like being away from them when they’re in so much danger.”

“You’ve gotten pretty close to her, haven’t you?” Mara asked.

Bastien was taken aback. Did Mara know what had happened between him and Riley? He’d never told anyone. “I hurt her badly, and I’ve tried to make it up to her. Why do you ask?”

“She overheard me using her code name, and she wanted a different one. She asked me if she could be called Bastien’s Babe.”

Bastien’s eyes widened. Why would Riley suggest that? She was engaged to Drake. Was she trying to tell him something? Maybe she was having doubts about the engagement. It seemed like she was still thinking about what they had had together. Maybe he still had a chance with her.

No, he shouldn’t think like that. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, only to have them crushed later. He turned his attention back to Mara. “Did she say why?”

Mara nodded. “She said that the two of you have become good friends, and that because of what you put her through, you feel responsible for protecting her.”

“That’s true. I’m sure that’s all she meant by it.” He hoped Mara believed him. The last thing he and Riley needed was another scandal.

One of the other guards came running up to them. “You need to see this.”

The man held out his phone to show them the video. A masked man stood before the camera. He talked about Liam not being able to protect his court or the crown’s most prized possession. He stretched out a gloved hand and revealed a charred apple husk. Bastien cringed as he heard the assassin’s words. “Let the destruction of the orchard at Applewood serve as a message. Your government is weak. Divided. And soon it will meet the same fate as the Cordonian Ruby.” As the assassin spoke the last sentence, he crushed what was left of the apple.

Bastien’s resolve became even stronger. The assassins had to be stopped. He couldn’t let them hurt Liam or Riley, or anyone else. There had to be some sort of clue here, and if there was, he would find it.

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