Seize the Moment

Seize the Moment
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is set during the camping trip in Chapter 10. I just had to give it a little bit of a naught twist. This is all the response to a request for the prompt “staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in”.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Liam/MC

Summary- Liam and Eleanor take advantage of being alone in a tent together.

Words- 850

I tried to settle into my sleeping bag and get some sleep, but I was too aware of Liam laying next me. I had spent so many nights longing for him and here he was.

I couldn’t resist reaching over and touching him lightly.

He stirred immediately. “You should get some sleep,” he told me lightly, “we have an early morning.”

“I can’t sleep,” I admitted as I crawled out of my sleeping bag, “not when you’re so close and it would be so easy to reach out and touch you…” I climbed on top of him, the sleeping bag in between us.

Liam groaned. “Eleanor…”

“We’re here together,” I reminded him, “we’re alone and no one will bother us until morning. How often does that happen?”

We hadn’t been together properly since Applewood and I thought I was going to combust with need. A part of me still wasn’t entirely comfortable with the situation and the fact that, despite Liam’s assurances to the contrary, I was the other woman, but I also didn’t want to be without Liam. And it’s not like Madeleine cared, though her comment about how I could be trained still rankled. I really needed her to get hers. I pushed all thoughts of Madeleine aside, this wasn’t about her. This was about Liam and I.

“The others…” Liam said weakly and I could tell he was caving as his hands reached up to grip my waist. I could see him staring at my lips and I knew that his willpower was fading quickly.

“We’ll just have to be quiet,” I told him, before leaning forward to kiss him.

Liam met my lips with a desperation that let me know I’d won this round. He quickly sat up, lifting me off of him long enough to crawl from beneath his covers and then he settled me back on his lap. He yanked my t-shirt over my head, his hands caressing my bare breasts.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered against my skin, slipping his hand under the waistband of my pajama pants. “You’re so wet already,” He breathed in awe as he fondled me through the damp fabric of my underwear.

“You have that effect on me,” I said with a little moan as I squirmed into his touch. I slipped my own hand into his pajama pants, grabbing ahold of his hard length. “And apparently I have the same effect on you.”

“You do,” He assured me, sighing as I began to caress him, “I’ve never wanted anything the way I want you, Eleanor.”

“Well, tonight, you can have me.” I promised him, “we have a whole night together.”

I wanted to tell him that he would always have me, but I couldn’t make that promise. Neither of us could. I could promise him that I’d always love him, but I still didn’t know if we had a future. However, right now, I didn’t want to think about that. I wanted to savor the time we did have.

Liam seemed to feel the same way because he roughly pulled my PJ bottoms down and then off before exploring me with his hand once more. He eased one finger and then another inside of me, making me gasp, my hands tightening around him as I did so, making him groan.

He sped up his movements, moving his fingers in and out of me at a dizzying rate and it wasn’t long before I’d let go of his length to grasp at his shoulders as I rocked myself against his hand. I bit my lip hard to keep from screaming, remembering at the last moment that we weren’t alone.

“That’s it, baby,” Liam encouraged, “I love watching you come.”

He brushed a kiss on my forehead as he removed his hand. He grabbed ahold of my hips, holding me steady as he lowered me down onto him.

“This feels so good,” He told me, “so right.”

“Because it is right,” I told him as I began to rock against him. “We were made for each other, Liam.”

I really believed that. Sometimes I worried that the world was conspiring against us and we wouldn’t have a happy ending, but I never for a moment doubted that we belonged together. I’d known it from that first night in New York: Liam was my soulmate.

We moved together as one, our bodies in perfect sync. It wasn’t long before I was clenching around him, overwhelmed by the sensations he awoke in me and then I felt him tense before he came with a groan. I rested my forehead against of his, both of us gasping for breath.

“I love you,” I told him.

“I love you, too.” He told me, giving me a sweet kiss.

I climbed off of him and we both got dressed. Then we settled back into our sleeping bags, my head on his chest.

“Now this trip really was perfect,” he teased me, stroking my hair.

I just nodded and closed my eyes, feeling more content and at ease than I had in months.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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