Seize the Moment

Seize the Moment
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine (well I did create Magnus) and I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I got a request for a fanfic featuring the friendship Diavolos and my OC, Commander Magnus. While the suggestion she sent didn’t work for me, this idea immediately popped into my brain because I love Magnus and I don’t use him in stories enough. This takes place in Chapter 13 of Book 3, during the banquet, right before Kenna and Diavolos talk.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Diavolos and Magnus talk about Kenna. 

Words- 890

“You seem more wound up than normal,” Magnus commented, coming up behind Diavolos holding two glasses of ale. “I’ve never seen you like this and we’ve faced many a fight.”

Diavolos took the ale gratefully. “Well, this isn’t exactly a normal fight, is it?”

“No,” Magnus agreed as he took the seat next to Diavolos, “everything ends tomorrow, one way or another. Either we defeat the witch and have to find a new life’s purpose or we all die.”

“You have such a way with words,” Diavolos said dryly.

Magnus shrugged, “it’s what we’ve spent the last twenty years working for. Besides, I know the army is in capable hands.” Magnus spared a glance to where Luther was sitting along. “He give you a hard time yet?”

“I’ve been avoiding him,” Diavolos admitted. He was still reeling from Kenna’s announcement that he, not his father, would be commanding the army of Abanthus.

“It was the right call,” Magnus pointed out, “she couldn’t have taken command herself and I’d much rather follow your orders than your father’s because if we somehow manage to win this battle, he’d order us right back into another one.”

Diavolos was silent, he knew Magnus was right, but it went against everything he had ever been taught to criticize his father.

“You, on the other hand, always have our best interests at heart,” Magnus pointed out. “I know I speak for all the soldiers when I say that I am proud to follow you into battle, commander.”

“That means a lot,” Diavolos said honestly. Commanding the army was the one aspect of his life that he was sure of. His family life was a mess and his personal life was non-existent, but he was a damned good soldier.

“You must have made a good impression on Queen Kenna,” Magnus pointed out, nodding to the woman in question who was making her way through the crowd, stopping to chat with various allies as she did so.

Diavolos’s eyes lingered on her, drinking in the sight of her. He had never met anyone like Kenna before, it wasn’t just the way she led her people, it was everything. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, no matter how hard he tried.

“It appears she’s certainly made a good impression on you,” Magnus continued teasingly, “I’ve never seen you look at a woman like that.”

Diavolos considered denying it, but this was Magnus, he would see right through it. “I’ve never met a woman like Kenna before,” he said quietly, his eyes still locked on her. He noticed that she was approaching his father.

“Do you want to go rescue her?” Magnus asked, obviously watching Kenna as well.

“No,” Diavolos answered, shaking his head, “she’s perfectly capable of handling my father all on her own.”

Magnus grinned. “it’s one of the things I like about her. You know, having him taken down was worth having my ass thrown in a dungeon.”

Diavolos laughed. “You know, some might consider that kind of talk treason.”

“Thankfully your father is no longer my king,” Magnus replied, seeming unconcerned about the possibility, “but let’s not waste a pleasant evening talking about him. Are you going to sit here all night staring at her or are you going to do something about it?”

“I can’t just drag her into an empty room and proposition her,” Diavolos pointed out, though the idea was tempting, very tempting. He had wanted Kenna the moment he had set eyes on her and their kiss in the airship, and the ones they’d stolen since then, had only made him want her more.

He knew there was a very good chance he might die the next day, but unlike every other time he’d been in that situation, he wasn’t at peace with that idea. All he could think about was Kenna and how he didn’t want to die without knowing it was like to make her his.

“Well you could, but that would be a little obvious even for you,” Magnus said with a grin, “I mean I know romance isn’t your strong suit, but you must have a better play than that, or do you just get by on that pretty face?”

Diavolos made a face because the truth was he’d never had to try hard to get a woman into bed before. Mainly because they’d never mattered. It had been about the physical release or a pleasant way to spend an evening, he’d never needed a particular woman before, never had his thoughts consumed by her. Not like this. Kenna wasn’t like any woman he’d ever met before, both in personality and in the way she made him feel.

“You better figure out something fast,” Magnus advised, “because she’s headed this way.”

With that Magnus got up from the table and disappeared from the crowd before Diavolos could react. He glanced in Kenna’s direction and saw that she was indeed headed towards him. He tapped his fingers against the table, wondering exactly what he was going to stay to her and if he even had a chance. After all, with all the bad blood between their families, could there really ever be anything between him and Kenna and yet… If he didn’t try, he had a feeling he would regret it for the rest of his life, however long that might be.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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