Self Control (NSFW)

A/N: After a long, LONG time, I finally managed to write something and its a short, naughty drabble 🙈 I apologize if it’s kinda rusty! I am also participating in this week’s Wacky Drabble Challenge (#74). The prompt is “What do you want me to say?” It will appear in bold.

Rating: 18+, NSFW; If you are reading this, then you acknowledge that you are 18 or older and consenting to read written portrayals of sexual encounters.

Content Warnings: Not exactly a smut scene, but it’s heavily implied. And leads to it. Also contains dirty talk and sex toys.

Summary: Damien accidentally finds some very … ‘intimate’ items of Maya’s. It would seem she has a lot less self control than he originally thought.

Maya was lounging in the living room, sipping her coffee and browsing the internet on her phone. She was waiting for Damien to finish showering so she could ask him for something she’d forgotten in there. Even though she’d already spent forty five minutes getting ready earlier.

When she heard the shower turn off, Maya tilted her head back lazily in that direction. “Damien?” She called to him. “When you’re done in there, can you find my makeup bag?”

“I thought you were done in here,” he called back. “What do you need makeup for now?”

She just snickered at his mild irritation. “I don’t. Sloane wanted to borrow my eyelash curler for her date!”

“Oh, okay. I’m looking now.”

Maya sighed. Maybe it would’ve been better to just walk to the bathroom herself and look for the bag. As a bonus, she would then be greeted by the sight of her incredibly hot boyfriend post-shower. The thought itself sent tingles southward and she shook her head, forcing back any inappropriate thoughts. Nope. I have more self control than that.

Seconds. later, she heard his voice from the bathroom again, followed by a screech! of one of the drawers opening. “Hey, there’s a small blue bag in here-”

Oh fuck. Her eyes widened at that and she bolted out of the couch, rushing towards the bathroom. “That’s the wrong one, don’t open that!” She was just in when the sight of her opened bag stopped her in her tracks. “Damien wait-”

There he was standing on the mat, only wearing the towel wrapped around his waist, his bare chest and abs in plain view; a smug grin spreading on his face as he took in the contents of her bag. “Why Miss Park,” Damien reached in and pulled out what appeared to be her purple vibrator. “What is this?”

“D, put that back!” She yelled, her face growing hot with embarrassment. Of all the things he had to find, why did it have to be that?! Maya lunged for it, but he held it out of her reach, chuckling at her futile attempts to match his height.

“When were you gonna tell me you had this sitting around?”

“It’s not my fault some guys I used to date didn’t know an ass from a clitoris!”

Damien laughed at that. “Hey, I never said I was judging you.” He looked back in the bag, ignoring her protests. “This is one hell of a collection, Maya.” He held up another object that was strangely curved. “I’m guessing this has more of an internal use?”

“Oh god,” Maya put her face in her hands, blushing furiously now. “Look, I only tried that one once, okay?!”

“I can tell. This one still looks new. Now this on the other hand. . .” He took back her vibrator, pressed a button and a VERY faint buzzz emanated from the device. “And it looks like the battery’s almost out.” He changed to a faster speed, resulting in an even softer beeeeeep! Damien raised an eyebrow, letting out a soft whistle. “Damn, Maya. You really wore this thing out.”

“That was long before we got together, I’ll have you know.”

“Funny you should say that.” Damien looked at her with a smirk. “I actually would like to know.”

“Damien, it’s not important. I don’t need it anymore, I only want you.”

“Oh I know.” Then his arms were around her waist, pulling her close. “I just can’t help wondering how that vibrator ended up servicing you that many times.” She scoffed at him in mock offense and shoved him back playfully, but he just held her more tightly.

“Ugh seriously?” Maya was giggling despite herself. “What do you want me to say? It’s not like you were around to cure my sexual frustrations at the time!”

There was a twinkle of pride in his eyes at that. “Interesting.” Then Damien leaned into her, nuzzling his face against her cheek. “Are you frustrated now?” He whispered into her ear, then proceeded to kiss his way down, teeth scraping gently at her throat.

Fuck self control. This is all I wanna do all morning. “Oh … Damien …“ She moaned softly, burying her fingers in his damp hair and relishing the attention. “Like that’s even a question.” Then she tugged his hair back, forcing him to look her in the eyes before their lips met in a rough, passionate kiss.

He chuckled wickedly at her answer. “So that’s a yes?”

“God, you’re irresistible.” Maya felt up his chest and abs, loving how he shivered underneath her touch. “You don’t know how many times I turned that thing up to max, then imagined you going down on me until I-”

“Hold that thought,” Damien stepped back abruptly and walked out, pulling her along the hallway, then leading her into the bedroom.

“Okay, I know you did not just interrupt me in the middle of dirty talk to-” He released her wrist and Maya let out a surprised cry as she fell back onto the bed. She propped herself up and watched, intrigued, as he rummaged through the drawers and then rushed back to the bathroom. “What are you doing?

“There we are! Good as new.” Damien was back within seconds holding a single battery, which he inserted into her vibrator. Then he joined her in bed, brandishing the newly-charged device as he hovered over her. “I think it’s time you showed me what you had in mind for us,” Damien tugged at her shorts, grinning devilishly. “What do you say?”

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